Quest of Ambrosia Aniruddha Bose T hursday, 4th July. American Independence Day! Nandini couldn’t ever forget that hapless day. “Boston” she recalled Arnab’s smiling face “To deliver a ship. Maybe we could take a trip to the Niagara Falls” “How long?” “Not long. A flight to Niagara and back” Nandini was thrilled at the idea of likely break from dreary chores. Except for her painting interest, she hardly had a flue. This was not the first she was out at sea with Arnab. It was fine for a few days. But a longer journey was boring. Aneesh, only seven, was ecstatic. After finishing his errands, Arnab said “Off to Niagara” Niagara fitted their interests – Nandini’s painting and Arnab’s photography. Aneesh jumped in glee “Exciting” Ought to be. So was Nandini and Arnab. She woke early on Thursday morn to finish the last bit of packing with the extras Arnab had dumped the last moment “Don’t forget my camera. Shove it in the side bag” Arnab reminded her. “Leave it to me” she grinned stepping into the shower to release her mind from the domestic chores. A three-hour flight from Boston to Buffalo, losing a couple in jet lag, they reached Buffalo at 2:30 PM. “Get one with GPS” Nandini reminded Arnab as he advanced towards the Hertz Car Rental. “All have one here” Arnab reassured. Aneesh settled at the rear seat was peckish “I’m starving. Can I have some nut-nuggets please?” “Yes…but no soda” Arnab settled on the wheels to check the controls. A twenty-minute drive took them to the hotel beside the highway overlooking a grandee lake. As Nandini gaped at the breath-taking landscape, where the firmament kissed the acreage, she was swept by a strange feeling of frailty. Aneesh was over-excited of the imminent helicopter ride over the falls next day. It was the first for all of them. After weighing in, they boarded the copter. Aneesh nervous, clung to mom while gazing out. Arnab seated beside the pilot beamed as he fitted the zoom “We’re closer to heaven” They were enthralled as the copter circled the falls. Arnab sighed at the lifetime dream, blossom into reality. Spellbound Nandini too was lost in the grandeur of the mist and rainbow frisking over the falls. Nature at its pristine best. “What’s the colour of water? Grey? Blue? Or white?” “Blue” Aneesh promptly replied. Arnab was continuously clicking every frame before catching on the next. He was fond of photography from youth. In those days when there weren’t any digital ones, he had saved every rupee to buy a Nikon SLR. UPAHAAR 2021 উপহার ১৪২৮ 30

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