Sudarshan Kriya (Su=proper, Darshan=vision, Kriya=cleansing action) is a breathing technique developed by Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, the Founder of the Art of Living Foundation based on the principle that every emotion has a corresponding breath; hence if the cause and effect be reversed a person is better able to cope with emotional changes. The Art of Living Foundation, established in 1981, is the largest volunteerbased not-for-profit organisation that has spread to more than 157 countries and has followings in more than 350 million people of all backgrounds, faith, colour or creed across the world. In the US and Canada, the main centres are in Boone, North Carolina and Montreal, respectively. With the COVID-19 pandemic causing such havoc and devastation across the world, it is time that everyone gave SKY a try! (The author is a volunteer teacher with the Art of Living and has no conflict of interest; she has written this article on the request of her classmate Dr Asish Mukherjee). 6 October 2021. UPAHAAR 2021 উপহার ১৪২৮ 7

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