4 LV-TI Fnfxenh&grH Ltfrtcjr of tv'ewxpup&y Thi> 2006 season.. tJie ^irJs aJl share an equal opportunity to s# who inspired you rlie most, wa£ asked , ay 3 suc'ccsbfuJly ended the season m a way that nobody could ever Wlie-Li the- question of. Si !^p\ replied. "Myself. Yam own -ieli is the only person you L :LJI j on I pushed m> ^clt to do the tost tharwas possible to; me. i ‘ I hud. because I wanted to prove to myself that I could still run > 1 " play ” The most exciting print of the season was probably on our way to . . beeause our parents were holding up signs saying " Like italr "' " it made us all excited and ready to play. " Co i ' ! , . H * ' ' ' " said Ash.ley ftoeh. :.J., L . bin -. ' rv team struggled at some point in time whether u ivus as a team or -e > nil pulled together as -i tc*zttand i. . i i -i . ! iu, T' h liua i - a . - best \\ Hit: efttl ufibe season their record was 18 out of 21 gomes \flcr v. inning :hc game iigrunsi Oltumsu: , qualified Id state I They wenl on nod won against Jchnston . ' - jiiJ did our best. . . The boy - basketball ream Is doing really well We me it very earn. LUIJ we have many players in different (. " starred oft the 05 06 season with a week of two-a days inelud .. . nditioning ;utd an assortment of drills . The returning Seder u Inner; . . oe ^.’Tiitirs Josh Sherurd . Colin Didneb, .. . . . c\pIained (. 1 lanfone . .. " ' , and Zaeh Less. Having Zach and Colin playing down low for us at the varsity . , L - [ year and know ing tl’.aL they are coming back dii> year u great . " ' kthi Gianfortc, Last season the Hawks cjided witli a conference reeled of e l l . LI this the team season hopes to have a better record main , . goal isjuSt lo do belter at defense . " We have . . ' ' stilted Gi inCork’ . “ We need to : .'-. T opponents Lu lower [told goals and points than id previous seasons." The team ha > an abundance t»f talent ranging from all aspects iumors that are doing an excellent mb loo . Dana 5chmill .i great mb at point guard. Andrew Fisbrr is an excellent deJen^ive . a lad Jositdi Coleman has very UOLXI pmenlutl ." explained Gianfonc, iii . /uJ ; and Jnsfi - II hack trwiii should make ror-a bettecsffiisnrC' ' ' f Girls Basketball ML Pleasant Renton Pleiisniu Valiev jm Cedar Falls Finn \Lir Wjhltrl Jefferson Xavier ^ 70 - 30 w 56 73 - U W 53 55 I . 30 - 30 U 44 42\\ Washington Iowa City West Davenport Central 73 Senior Vinton lnw ; i ( itv West Iowa City High Hempstead \av iei Waterloo Last Kennedy Lino alAr Muscatine Ottumwa Johusimi Washington 72 45 - 52 L 42 - 57 r. - 42 V\ 25 W 24 - 40 W 42 - 43 W 46 L 47 - 39 W 63 36 W 54 - 33 W J Ka i l ly n Dullishnr. ,Iaim it- lesscntlorf. Coach Steve Dnsrr, ('»adi Steve MunipfT. Danltfle 47 - 46 W 53- 57 \ ( Liltd , Uat lid h tlliams, Whitney Canon. Jessica StalliT. Morgan Innkt. Grace Sippy. AsMty Kntli Michelle Schell!LT, Kriiilfii ScfapUtr, Jennittr lumash. fielh Cuner. and . IL- I I mi MiiidniifiL Vhota try Mind Photography, Cirla Basketball 51 68 - 3ft W 56 - 55 \V SI -20 W 47 - 2ft M 50 65 - 34 W 64 - 3K \Y - 38 L oo^itiejn^ than tncy arc 54-441. they roub^cd that -I 33. and went to ihc ri -uy played a good game :m 1 unloiuin ; ueL they . ikin ' ! eOme oui n . ,1 although we didn’i go to ihc championship, wt mill playedawptruly with the
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