- ” HAVING Left to Right: Natasha Santos, 08: Creg Snukup, 07: Zue Mundu SitieEovrski , 07] Kristi Wainrigjat, Phillips Jenm Trench. Imtli 00: Courtnev Henslev, tt7; Kmily. ar L k mt jr fc 1 McConnclJ, 00; Sara Ttiompto, Tara Hudihcit and Mel Iit Jiarrr, all three 07; post ior goofy pictures on the hist day for seniors. Photo by Joleert Duke. Ii\ Brooke O'Brief: Academic Editor New* lab rsfor students interbred in producing the schools newspaper, The Hawk Talk fij order to enroll into this class, a student must , successfully complete Journalism I and Jl. In this class your duties ate to interview, ing articles tor the newspaper. Aha., pages, eLhie>. through [Ti i? researching, and writ - selling advertisements, lay ing out tile and photography. Students are expected to adhere the highest level of journalistic -. .t work will be completed during class, , near. LStudcnts must he able u> work in a responsible , , you must also able to finish work outside of class Lind come in after school free periods. and some weekends when rhe deadline is mature, and vs ill to cooperate in a work em ironment where students help each other. The Hawk Talk produces six newspaper issues throughout the vcc Although tills might not seem like a lot ol articles it is very difficult to get informal -on . sell ads. and produce the layouts in a given time period . In order ti> join this class, you must be very dedicated to your wori i (O. and the CJLLSS itscit but it is also a fun Course 10 take us well. Students enjof working together and are very pleased with the outcome of the ncwspapei when they arc finished. “ lot of cool people" and " News tab is super Fun , we meet and interview a i LOVf. MRS. I>\ KE ways Tara Btichheif. Sport " - Editor fur The Hawk Talk Left ten Kii'hi; ' Jennifer I rL-Fich:. US; - Puiwnlia^ PhuUt bv Ira Yukl Jfc Hrawk Talk iMn:. ‘C. Qiirtnev HerLsIpv. ' and Sikrs ninim]itnT ;ilf {17. ?sE guiKtiev during Ms. Yukrs gi'iitfi awui puny. .

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