V V V V V I V V V V V V V V B\ Afrtftrtriil Philipp Student Ufa Ldiior >!tfW on! us just >tonge tor the paint - ing E thought ii wj stated Hatley Whitten. Tlic sindents did u homestay in through the 18. During :hi > Student* traveled to Spur March 9 iOdav trip undents were able to see the Spun^h culture and have [ he chance to live with a family. Students were able to vim man; driierenl citys. They hud (bechance to 'iee the hig city life of Madrid. Spain s ’ capital and small town life of Costa del Sol towns. lute in Madrid student* were able to see the lannuus Prado museum. , l really liked seeing the Prado mu- >eu11 . Before the trip I wiw able lo learn j small amount of the history and how ii 1 * Kiinily Slimmek. Matt Tninky , both 116: Amundu Philipp. 07; Kyle Titus. Jetinu Hindman, 08 - .ind k.iiilyn Dubishiir. IM>: hn>k ravishing inr ,i both Wo butt* Rocdur, CD'-tie. t' fwiif courtesy v/hut? Rofdtr• photograph mitvidc ofthr . jiruKU’ ii. Thcv were able to stay itJn middle class families tm itiree days and . die homcsiay. -My favorite part of the tnp wj Li gave me a chance to * Our host family also had w little cirl. she wai socute" > oi\ ' iinuiniciiLioil. staled Lea ha Campbell, During the days of the homestav Students were able to go v i >it small towiv- such as Avila LLIKI Sepnv Ea ' for the afternoons. After die homestay* students were iibif to visit Guudi ^ fiiEHouv Sugrada Fa - Sal three nights. , be forced to speak the language or dse there Was no \vci * really interesting - tn sec ; !: fro famous picvtv ol artwork. in ilia and Pueblo Egpanol m Barcelona. Sagrada Familta is % » big iCs HOT scheduled TO he finished for another ZO year* . that has different down sized bulldigs from cities around Spun] i or ( dents were able ui spctij ^ Pueblo Lspamo I is a small "town' be last two dLiy * of the inp stuorue relaxing ume in a Costa del St4 town. It wis a snlalt Town where you could wulL to the I ieuvh in less than five minmes Srudeni * were able to swim in the cold Mediter - ranean Sen. "I loved going to die beach . We hud a free day me of the days we wen* there ttid I wus .iL? :e to - awhi Ie. Also s«i rg 1he Mediterralean Sea at might was beautiful and relaxing. II I could go back again I would." K,:,ndv Shramek. stared - .. si MT on the bejvb r. : 2 Britnu v Richardson* IT; Sura !Witskt\ 0S: Tyler Mirers, 117: kail M - lyn Duhishan lliS:Cnrle I Loose, I>fi: and l ‘ti rota \ iiisuiK hS: pose fur a tjimk photi>xir.jj> li while waiting in Jim- to get into a in-.iLitihd induce. PhtfUt by oj bale Reader 10 Sparnsn Tr o

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