Class of 2007 Chris Prior By Amanda Philipp Ffcypte mm Chris Prior loves to play football, s.i lice tie was in 7th grade. Prior staled. , L Photo .ter Aitmn-da Philipp Brentoil Barry Favorite Color: Red favorite Movie: The Pit highier * Favorite Class; Gym Favorite Teacher: John l. Favorite Num ukasko Favorite Sport: Soccer - ber: 13 Favorite Food ; [Double Uaeon Cheeseburger Favorite Quote: " Betiiitv i v i,1 light JL, itch awov." MitchcLl Vaughan- Untitft.1t R>VUi Vk'l i VIfittileL' ick Nktii'bk Wst XldK'lat VfiieEiy Ti.tvis Vfckv-lv RJTW ^IBTIN 2 1. "Cnjf! ! »; % ' ITT,.: rnenk a.rn. start. ' [ ' sleep, lie has played football 1 enjoy football because going out on the field on Friday Eng his is like no other feeling. It's beautiful” Prior enjoys the 8;35 a.m. ^turL rather than the previous >4:20 he extra S 3 minutes gives me more minutes ot beauty 1' Prior claimed. Prior hopes that mini courses come buck. ‘Mini courses gave us students the opportunity to try different things. said Prior. ” Prior is currentiy worki.rtg at the Johnson Avenue Hy-Vee. and can be caught sucking groceries, collecting cans, bottles and cues , Prior said, like no other. Oil yeah, and collecting “ 1 really en joy the thrill of chasiitg cart -:, it s Vi' hen a cart goes rolling 1 am after it ' because you should never fear, Chris is here ” Photo- hy Ftiwitfdia FkUipp VVriyHfT Bry ant Ward nrr vkx- Meter ke«trr WefcualtytT TSffarcv i Lttnjh n Wwitphal Aamn VVr^hpi. Photo by Amatiida Fhiltpp Zsch Scdrel Favorite Color: Light Green Favorite Movie: " Blow" Favorite Teacher: John Saikaly Favorite Sport; Pombull Favorite Hobby: Disc Golf Favorite Season: Fail Favorite Ftutd: Chinese Food Favorite Quote: 'X/ . ve everday like ii Uij.r vottr Arm" 106 Junii irs . fll |:±ojh White NkL'Ie 1 >1.1 tlcy Vkl ii I l.4pr r lillun VVirivVKlL4cfr WatSLHK 1Tarn ^h WUgg CtITbJhjp!WJ W|fcJidJl'i:Earihr! WH^Lan® U&NIK Wiaikfll

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