A Very Spunky Girl Cooper Kids: By Dana Center For over 58 hours, Jessica McClure was trapped in an eight inch wide well. clear how Jessica fell down the well in her aunt’s back yard.She was playing with two older playmates in the backyard and her mother went into the house toanswer the phone. When she came back outside, the girls Jessica was playing with were looking down the well. Drilling experts shortly arrived and had to use highway construction equipment to make a three foot wide shaft down the side of the well. Cosby Comes to Carver By Alyson Zvacek On January 24, 1988, comedian Bill Cosby visited Carver Hawkeye Arena. The concert was given as a benefit performance supportingJesse Jackson, a democrat running in the 1988 presidential election. Bill Cosby has been the most popular entertainer for the past year, appearing on his weekly number one series, The Bill Cosby Show. Needless tosay, the benefit concert proved very charitable for the Jesse Jackson foundation. Ron Short, an observer It is not who was bom without collarbones, volunteered to squeeze through the narrow pas - - sageway. Instead, they turned to a special high pressure hy drolic drill that was flown in from Houston. The workers were then able to widen the passageway. Jessica suffered no internal injuries or fractures. “ Considering the length of time she was in, she did great,” said the McClure’s family physician. Are they being deprived? When Karen Cooper was admitted into a mental ward for adults, she had given up her five children to the adop - Our Constitution By Christa Emerson The year of1987 included a major national event, the celebration of the 200th anniversary ofthe Constitution of the United States of America. People all over America celebrated in many different ways. Even Prairie helped celebrate. During the school day, President Reagan and national officials presented speeches which were broadcast by TV and radio. The teachers at Prairie had the op - tion to broadcast the speeches into the classroom, bring a TV into the classroom, take the class to another location to hear the speeches, or just to ignore the celebration. Prairie also celebrated the anniversary by sponsoring a Constitutional Trivia Game. The Constitution makes a person proud to be bom an American, and to live under laws which preserve peace. tion agency. The agency then placed them all into a foster home with the Mick family. There they received love and warmth. After only a year’s stay with the Mick family, Cooper got out of the ward and wanted her children back. There was a big controversy over whether the children should live with their mother or not. No decision had been made. They took the children out and placed them into two separate foster homes.The Micks and the Cooper kids still keep in contact today, but there is no happiness in either home. Scandal Hits D.C. This past year two well known officals in Washington D.C. ,( North and Pointdexter) were acused and tried of selling arms to Iran. The president said that he had not knowen about the dealings and therefore should not be held responsible for the prob - lems. Because of these problems People the presidents popularity has gone sharply down. are’nt sure if they should believe in the presidents innocence. % Sign of the Times 154 HAWK Mini Mag
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