Right: Front Row: Anne Cleppe, nd Osborne, Melani|Gade, Terri Stockton, and Cyn Tnia utjriNis. oeci now. ucvvay wmnwr* Caroline - Ditch, Becky Kohl, Cindy Meiborg, Kathy Pehkonen, Lauri ; Eden, Cheryl Robbins, Djaba Arquisola, Below Kyle Vondracek, and Bob Miller Third Row: Ricki Haye >, Laura Hamilton, Dan deNeui, John “Bubba” handles, Svante Ketter, Kevin Higdon, Katny vyans and Lisa NeToTitky. Betow: Doug Roy lays out a newspaper page. Right: Ricki Hayes makes a publicity poster for the upcoming yearbook sale. Bottom: Members of the Publications Lab class look over some negatives with teacher Jean McMenimen pariment Publications ! ah is a nam oHHit irv the English deaprtment this year. Since on the students’ academic records. Th s way the students receive credit and % grade, and it counts as an English class.1 In the classroom, students work TxJtFi tfie newspaper arid IfV Last year, newspaper ant yearbook-— ^ headlines. Wednesday night from 3:30-5:1rH dependu stayed ^Qn^ .Uae...daadi»TfeS^ in the class now brainstorm for a ther interesting articles to put in newpaper, tied together. They also brainstorm :wm^_^ for the yearbook so the book c with ’attention draw ' — " rb *:> rooc were separateTThe journalism class the newspaper, and students on attef^^ eehooI .Stiirlr--Tj M ;l — ?. I

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