Seniors Anticipate Success Graduation ceremonies were held in our country since 1965, when the the gym on Sunday, May 17. One hunThe class motto was, “What appears to be the end, may really be the beginnseniors were beginning kindergarten. happenings and accomplishments. dent, Jim Shebetka, Senior Class Presithen introduced the guest ing.” This motto was selected by the speaker, Dr. Lynn Glass, ISU professor senior class officers. The class flower and former Prairie graduate, Class of was the red rose, and as they received 1959. Glass spoke of success as it their diplomas, each graduate carried a relates to enthusiasm. long stemmed flower. The class colors Our school principal, Ken Steine, were, (in rank order): Eric Dunn, Mike were red and white, and class sponsors presented the top ten scholars. They were Tom Myers and Russ Werning. The band played three numbers and Marak, Kathy Yarbrough, Amy Bubon Steve Smith, and Lisa Netolicky. William Boland, then “Pomp and Circumstance” as the Jerry Fry, Becky Mitchell, Dennis Bruns, seniors entered led by Junior Class Kim McConaughy, President, Sam Selzer and Vice President Chris Winn. President of the invocation, Reverend Gordon Freeburg gave the Board of Education, handed out the and then came the diplomas, and Reverend Freeburg closspeakers. Senior class member Amy ed the ceremonies with a benediction. Bubon spoke of the historical events in dred and ninty-one seniors received Patti Frank, Senior, reviewed school their diplomas. I Far Above: Scott Simon gives a smile of satisfaction. diploma. Above: Lisa Netolicky, thinking back. Right: Mike Sheetz gives Scott Zach some last minute advice before the ceremony begins. Above Middle: Robert Dennis takes his Graduation 125
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