Left: Custodial staff is made up of: Patty Berger, Donel Nedrow, Pauline Lamphier, Steve Kurth, and Marcella Hartson. They are “shining” examples of a great crew. Below Left: Bill Holmes left Prairie in February, but did a great job in the SSRC and later the ERC for four years. Thanks, Bill. Below Center: Debbie Gaddis Gerke also left Prairie before the end of the year, but here was running off daily attendance sheets. Below Right: Vicki Hawkins always wears a smile as she waits on students in the school store or punches lunch tickets in the cafeteria. Far Below: Joceil Southward and Beth Von Sprecken help students find information as well as doing clerical work in the library, while Eileen Grinder busily updates student records as just one of her duties in the counselors' office.
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