MR. RUSSELL PRICE MR, WILLIAM RIEltfETS Drake University B.A , tti music in music h Science Vocal Music Coe College B+ A . in cheir.Latry MR. KEN SMYKJL Bowling Greet] B„A, in music University [nstrumeetat Music MR, Ji HARVEY SMYTH State university Coo College R Math .A. In math MR, RUSSELL WERRHSTG MR* JOHN Wit .LIAMS Coe College B.A . in Business Administration University o£ Iowa M .A , in Secondary Education Business Education lewa State University B . S, in zoology Science MRS, MARY WILLIAMS MR. CHARLES WORKFOLD Concordia College B .A , in English Encash University of Northern Iowa B.A h .A, in industrial arty Eastern Michigan W industrial Arts in industrial arts 3

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