MR. FRANK YOUNG st bi -tiudict AT in [ lUltticaJ science University of Northsrn Iff.vj B, il. A , fiociii ] science Serial Studio NEW FACULTY MEMBERS MRS. I 'ATRICIA YOUNG Lastern Illinois University Fl , ^ ' ' M,S , , in Education totti Illinois LThiL v**TMity i : i i : Jnc atiorL Counselor MRS. ANN MI2KSF To^a State University MRS. KTHSTliN MONICK l .uther College B.A. iji fiume economics B.A, Home Economics in Gorman and poiitic .il science German iJ A R A - FROFFKSSIONALS MRS. SUSAN SIMON BfooMyn Lolled D.. A . in JilAtory and English Unl v< r^l ty of Wisconsi r, Vt \ in history . . English VR, NEKL TWADIH r EoA &*S. in physical education Industrial Arts -aSiat$ University MRS, ANDERSON Study H ill and Library MuUi and Library MRS. CARMEN MBS, EXLINE Library Miss JOHNSTON English Resource Center MRS, KUOA Library Ml!S. LONG Library MRS, SEEiBOUSEK OuUinnc^ MRS, SWANSON Social Studies
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