MR, GARY I EEPI R M/ srtburg CoLlsge RrA. in physical lucatioh Northeast to Oklahoma M. '\ Fbyslcal Education MHh WILSON LFIDIGH University <?i Dubuque . in physical education, B.A. Ln physical education Lr. secondary Uoirerslty of Iowa VLA. administration ioctal Studies VE, PICK LOCK MR, ALAN ilAAE Upper Iowa ft.A . in business edycalion Business Education University of Knrthc-rsi Iowa ft A. Ln math University of pirtsburn H . in counselor education .A Counselor MP3. AUDIT]! MEl t . OIl York College BA. in history and Latin University o: Minnesota M.A , m library science Librarian MRS, MAflV JO MOTT N jrth T.A. In Ed* Speech and English English ^TT Illinois University
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