Mr. Darrell Bogner B.S., W. III. St.; — Ind. Arts. Mr. Andy Bubon B.A., Central Col lege; World His tory. - — - Mr. Charles Campbell--B.A., M.A. — Univ. of Iowa; Am. Gov't., Am. Problems. Mrs. Gloria Canney B.A., Univ. of Iowa; German. — Mrs. Ann Corbin, R.N. — Lutheran Deaconess School of Nursing; Nursing . Mr. Richard Faas Univ. of — Iowa; Science . -B.S., Iowa St. U.; M.S. Mr. Kennard Fearing--B.S., Momingside Col .; M.A., U. of S.D.; Math. Mrs. Anne Fischer B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; M.A. Colo — - rado St. Col.; English. Mr. Roger K. Freeman --B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; Science, P.E., D.E., Drivers Ed. Track, Football. Mr. Amo Grabe . Arts, — B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; Ind Mrs. Pat Hockett B.A., M.A., Univ of Iowa; Spanish. — . Mr. Donald Jennings— B.A., Loras Col ., M.A. --U.I.; Latin, Head Baseball. Mrs. Linda Johnston B.A., Univ. of — Iowa; French, Social Studies. Mr. Frank W. Kluesner --B.A., M.A.--St. Univ of Iowa; Band. . Mr. Gary Leeper-B.A., Wartburg Col.; Ass't . Track. Mr. Wilson L. Leidigh Football. — B.S., U. of Dubuque; M.A., U.I.; Gov't., P.E ., Mr. Ken Marsh B.S., St. Univ. of — Iowa; Audio Vis ual. - Mrs. Mary Rae McDonald Mt. Mercy Col Mr. Bob Mellgren --B.A., .; Business Education . B.A., Iowa St. Univ.; M.A ., N.E.M.T., Wres tling. - — Mrs. Ardith Melloh --B.S., Univ . of Minn.; B.A., York Col.; Librarian.
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