Mr. John Osland B.A., Central Col — — .; . Science & Biology, Vocal Music. Ass' t Wrestling Mr. Michael Phelan Mrs. Shirley B.A., Loras Col.; Rademaker Coe Col — Education Mr B.A . .; Business . . Donald Ringgenberg — B .A., Wartburg Col.; Math, Ass ' t Basketball. Mr. William Rieniets — B.A., Coe Col.; Chemistry, Physics, Math. Miss Ruth Rupp B.A., St. Col. of — — Iowa; Homemaking. Iowa, Ass't Foot ball. Mr. Gene Seehusen Mr. Robert T. B.A., St . Col. of - Severa--B.A., Univ. of Iowa; English. Mr. J. Harvey Smyth — . B.A Mr. L College; Mathe matics ., Coe - . Neil Townsend--B.A. , . Iowa Wesleyan; English Mrs. Sandra Vas — B.A., Univ. of Iowa; Art. Mr. Carrol Vasbinder--B.S — ., Parsons College; Reading, Basketball. * Mr. Carl A. Williams — .I Reading. .; B.A ., St. Col. of Iowa; M.A., U Mrs. Marilyn Yockey — B.A., St. Col. of Iowa; Girls' Physical Ed. 6 Mrs. Judith Wamer B.A., Univ. of Iowa, English . Mr. Russell Weming — Col.; M.A B.A. Coe . Univ . of Iowa; Business Education. Mr. Charles R. Worsfold--B.A St. Col. of Iowa; ., Ind. Arts.
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