their plans without having to wait for a request from MISO. This also provides generators better information in order to procure natural gas and make associated pipeline reservations multiple days in advance rather than the day prior to operations. MISO began posting multi-day peak hour operating margin in October 2019. This information, which is updated daily, is based on the information used by MISO Operations. MISO intends to solicit stakeholder feedback to guide work efforts on subsequent iterations, adjustments and improvements. Next Steps While specific details will be vetted with stakeholders, future enhancements could include uncertainty in load and renewable forecasts and hourly disaggregation of data. Other improvements to reduce uncertainties could include, but are not limited to: • Estimates of forced outages/capacity returning from outage • Regional Directional Transfer (RDT) flow • Interchange forecasting, stranded capacity • Behind-the-meter generation and emergency resource information Future enhancements will have to consider availability of data, effort to generate new data and data confidentiality. 20
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