Done MULTI-DAY OPERATING MARGIN (MOM) FORECAST INITIAL REPORT Stakeholders have expressed interest in understanding near-term system needs, especially in areas such as whether the system is expected to experience tight operating conditions on a forward-looking basis. To that end, MISO has created the created the MOM Forecast. The table below illustrates committed and uncommitted resources (broken down by lead time), along with a renewable forecast and NSI. These variables equal the total resources available. The report also provides the projected load and operating reserve margin. The total resources available minus the obligation provide the resource operating margin. The lower the number, the tighter the forecasted operating margin is expected to be. ACCREDITATION OF RESOURCES ON LONG-TERM OUTAGE The MISO Tariff does not specify adverse consequences for resources that clear in a given PRA and are either on long-term outage or have one scheduled after the beginning of the Planning Year (PY). In such a scenario, a resource would receive capacity credit during an extended time of planned unavailability. In October 2019, MISO formally presented the Resource Adequacy Subcommittee with a structure to address these situations. The framework stipulates that resources expected to be unavailable for at least 90 of the first 120 days of the Planning Year do not qualify for PRA participation. Pending FERC approval this would be effective beginning with the 2020-2021 Planning Year PRA. This filing is not necessarily intended to be a longterm solution, but rather a pathway to a more comprehensive accounting. Factors to consider during this extended review period are resource accreditation and other qualification elements, examination of further statistical analysis and potential seasonal considerations that include a more granular focus and/or increased flexibility. The target PRA for these additional elements is the 2021-2022 PRA. View our Multi-day Operating Margin (MOM) Forecast Reports here 21
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