Next Steps • MISO is exploring several options for accreditation with stakeholders at the Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC). - Effective Outage Rates (EOR), which include planned, maintenance and forced outages and derates - A real-time availability option that would look at Day Ahead and Real Time offer data during hours of tight margins to accredit resources - LMR accreditation that reflects actual availability, which could include past performance or utilization of MCS • MISO is targeting the first half of 2020 to file a new accreditation methodology with FERC for most resource types. MULTI-DAY OPERATING MARGIN (MOM) ENHANCEMENTS MISO stakeholders want better information to help them identify potential operating day issues several days in advance. Until October 2019 stakeholders, generation and transmission owners/operators generally became aware of operating day issues only when MISO declared various advisories, alerts, emergencies and events via Emergency Operating Procedures (EOPs). Since these procedures focus on real-time operations, notice is generally provided just hours in advance of a potential issue. A multi-day operating margin and associated inputs provides better transparency to various stakeholders. Generation and transmission owners/operators are better able to assess their risk to adjust planned operations and outages on their own and better align Historical Hourly Day-Ahead Offer (MISO System, MW) 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 6/2014 12/2014 6/2015 12/2015 DA Offer Available 6/2016 12/2016 PRMR PRA 6/2017 12/2017 Gen. PRA Cleared 6/2018 12/2018 19 Thousands
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