Quintana — Casa Dominicana ESL “One of my goals is to learn English completely in order to continue my university studies and then get the job of my dreams.” Esmerlin is a 21 year old student from the Dominican Republic. She has completed several sessions of Saturday Casa Dominicana ESL classes at the Quintana Center. Esmerlin has shown extraordinary dedication to her studies. She regularly takes on extra work in and outside of class to continue improving her language skills. Her dedication has been rewarded and she has progressed quickly through the levels of ESL. She often works with other students in her classes who are not as comfortable with the language. Esmerlin’s goal is improve her English enough to enroll in University. She is working towards taking the English Placement test at a few of the local colleges to see how much further English instruction she will need before she can return to life as a full time college student and pursue her ultimate goals. LAWRENCE PROSPERA FY’2020–2021 ANNUAL REPORT PAGE 12
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