LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Paul Ritz The Lake Ashton Democratic Club is holding their monthly meeting November 2 in-person only at the HFC. Social time with snacks will be from 6 to 6:30 pm. Please bring your own beverage. The inperson General meeting will start at 6:30. The Speaker will be Shelley Miller, who will discuss ongoing and future development and land use planning in the area surrounding Lake Ashton. Email lakeashtondemocraticclub@gmail.com for more information. LA REPUBLICAN CLUB By Kristy McKibben, Interim President There is no Lake Ashton Republican Club (LARC) meeting in November. Members of LARC and their guest(s) are invited to a Member Appreciation Potluck on Saturday, November 4, at the HFC from 11 am to 2 pm. The Club will serve Blackburn’s BBQ Pulled Pork and Turkey. Please bring your drinks and a dish to share. A - N: side dish or appetizer, O - Z: dessert. Eblasts will be sent by the HFC for your tickets. Members are free, guests are $5. Please exercise your right to vote in the Winter Haven Municipal Election on Tuesday, November 7. The LA Clubhouse IS NOT a polling location. LA Winter Haven residents vote at Calvary Baptist Church, 2101 Overlook Drive SE. Let’s VOTE! DUPLICATE BRIDGE By Liz Leigh A duplicate bridge game is held every Monday in the Clubhouse Card Room from 12:45 until approximately 3:30 pm. Players of all levels are welcome. Advance sign up is encouraged - contact Don Fuller at dfuller627@yahoo.com. September 18: North-South 1st Sonny Robinson-Pat Foster; 2nd Don Fuller – James Ford; 3rd Graham Littlehales – Marian Oshinsky; East – West 1st Bruce Dutton-Ron Kaliz; 2nd Judy Robertson-Ralph Ritter; 3rd Marge Kniat-Judy Marine 40 September 25: 1st Judy Roberston – Ralph Ritter; 2nd Judy Marine-Marge Kniat; 3rd Keith Stevens-Liz Smith October 2: North-South 1st Don Fuller-James Ford; 2nd Ralph Ritter-Judy Robertson; Nelda Sedlacek – Dana Griffiths; East-West 1st Marian Oshinsky – Trish Kellar; 2nd Pat Foster- Sonny Robinson; 3rd Ron Kaliz – Bruce Dutton October 9: North-South 1st Marion Nelson- Roger Nelson; 2nd Marian Oshinsky –Trish Kellar; 3rd Nelda Sedlacek – Dana Griffiths; East – West 1st Ralph Ritter- Judy Robertson; 2nd Liz Smith – Keith Stevens; 3rd Sonny Robinson- Pat Foster LA PICKLEBALL CLUB By Lisa Savala The LAPA Annual Meeting & Potluck will be held at the HFC November 30 from 5 to 8 pm. If you plan to attend, email lakeashtonpickleball@gmail.com. Last names starting with A - K bring a main dish, L - O bring a salad or vegetable, and P - Z bring a dessert. LAPA will provide plates, utensils, napkins, and non-alcoholic beverages, please plan on attending this social and informative pickleball meeting. An email will be sent out soon reminding members to renew their membership dues of $12 for 2024. The fiscal year is now from January 1 to December 31. Membership forms can be picked up and payments can now be made at either the HFC or Clubhouse Activities Office. Want to play pickleball more competitively? Think about trying out for one of the three (3) LAPA Travel Teams! Check your email for more information or ask one of the LAPA officers! Interested in learning this fun, low-impact and totally addicting game? It’s a great way to get some fresh air and exercise while meeting new people. Newbie Clinics are held the first and second Monday of each month from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. You must be available to attend both sessions. Paddles and balls are provided. Clinic size is limited to the first 10 people to sign up. To sign up please email Dennis Santino at coachdennis@myyahoo.com

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