DUPLICATE BRIDGE By Don Fuller A duplicate bridge game is held every Monday in the Restaurant from 12:45 pm until approximately 3:30 pm. Players of all levels are welcome. Instruction is given preceding the game, beginning at 11:45 am. Advance sign up is encouraged using the duplicate bridge notebook on the Clubhouse Information Wall. A partner is required. For help finding a partner or for more information contact Dfuller627@yahoo.com. September 19: North/South: 1st George Rogers & Ralph Ritter, 2nd Ann Murphey & Mary Lois Teyssier, 3rd Don Fuller & Jim Ford; East/West: 1st Jeanine Connors & Chris Verges, 2nd Nelda Sedlacek & Judy Marine, 3rd Janis & Frank Vasquenza September 26: 1st Don Fuller & Jim Ford, 2nd Graham Littlehales & Marian Oshinsky, 3rd Ralph Ritter & George Rogers, 4th (tie) Janis Vazquenza & Liz Leigh with Pat Foster & Sonny Robinson October 3: 1st Don Fuller & Jim Ford, 2nd Dana Cunningham & Judy Robinson, 3rd (Tie) Ralph Ritter & George Rogers with Pat Foster & Sonny Robinson October 10: North/South 1st Don Fuller & Jim Ford, 2nd Dana Cunningham & Judy Robertson, 3rd Pat Foster & Sonny Robinson; East/West 1st Ann Murphey & Mary Lois Teyssier, 2nd Ralph Ritter & George Rogers 3rd Linda & Carl Boast October 17: North/South 1st Dana Cunningham & Judy Robertson, 2nd Don Fuller & Jim Ford, 3rd Dee & Howard Mayne; East/West 1st Pat Foster & Sonny Robinson, 2nd Ann Murphey & Mary Lois Teyssier, 3rd Chris Verges and Jeannine Connors. TUESDAY PARTY & SOCIAL BRIDGE By George Rogers Winners of the last 5 weeks are: September 13: Kathy Ryan, Dee Mayne, Chip Inman, and Elaine Inman September 20: Elaine Inman, Mafie Walker, George Rogers, and Berta Rogers September 27: Chris Verges, Gayle Rogers, Howard Mayne, and Liz Leigh October 4: Dee Mayne, Kathy Ryan, Howard Mayne, and Carl Boast October 11: Janis Vasqueza, Carl Boast, Kathy Ryan, and George Rogers This is a talkative group. We discuss bidding and play following many hands. All bridge players are welcome. Please contact George Rogers at georgerogers4321@gmail.com or at 419-708-3320 or if unavailable contact Liz Leigh at 813-288-0809. MAH JONGG By Myrna Soberman Looking for Mah Jongg players with one to two years or more experience to join this group on W e d n e s d a y afternoons at the HFC from 2 to 4 pm. For further information, please contact myrnaandsteve@gmail.com.
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