LAIICDD NEWS By Mary Bosman, LAIICDD Community Director LA II CDD B O ARD O F SU P ERVISORS CONTA CT INF O Jim Mecsics, Chairman - Public Safety, Security, Amenities and District Support, Public Works, Infrastructure, Wetland Resident Project Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12 pm 863.875.4554, mecsicsj@msn.com Bob Zelazny, Vice Chairman - Golf Course, Pro Shop, Eagle’s Nest, Facilities and Field Operation, Transportation System (roads, bridges, paths, etc.) Office Hours: Mondays 1 to 3 pm 863.325.8098, bzelazny@lakeashton2cdd.com Mary C. Clark, Assistant Secretary - Budget, Planning 252-503-7087, maryclark725@gmail.com Angela Littlewood, Assistant Secretary - Special Projects, Landscaping Area including Pet Play Parks Office Hours: Thursdays 9 to 10:30 am 352.250.9707,alittlewoodlakeashton2cdd@gmail.com There are tons of reasons to be thankful for living at Lake Ashton, and there’s also many reasons for staff feeling thankful for working here. Nothing is perfect, but Lake Ashton checks off many of the boxes. Two golf courses, two restaurants, two clubhouses, and a pro shop all offer scores of amenities and opportunities to live the good life. All are set within the beauty that Central Florida offers. Staff sees residents who care enough to volunteer at various events as well as outside entities. Also, leaders of activities give of their time to ensure activities are well presented. The Boards are made up of leaders who handle the monetary, structural, and ethical aspects of life at Lake Ashton. When a resident shares a thank you or other positive comment to staff, Board members or other residents, that’s what makes Lake Ashton stand out above other communities. Weber Environmental was awarded the new landscaping contract for LA II CDD. The lift stations and other areas of landscaping projects were also discussed. Warren Construction received approval for their bid for the new roof on the HFC. The bridge by the driving range and Hogan Lane received damage during the recent hurricane and is closed at the time of this writing. There were downed trees, fences, stop signs, roof tiles lifted, as well as two areas of cart path lifted from overturned oak trees also needing attention following Ian. Photos were taken and submitted for insurance purposes. The Joint Boards of Directors met on October 17th and directed both Community Directors to schedule only through January of 2023 at the designated time in December, as the next meeting will be held on January 20th. when the Joint Amenities Policy will hopefully be approved for implementation. Copies of the proposed Joint Amenities Policies are available at both Lake Ashton I CDD and Lake Ashton II CDD websites. On Monday, November 7th, the HOA will be transferred to the LA II CDD residents, thus closing another chapter in the creation of Lake Ashton as one owned and run by its residents. The next LA II CDD Board meeting was rescheduled for Tuesday, November 29th, when the new Board members will be installed. 10

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