SASSY LASSIES By Mary Ranheim Hooray! The Sassy Lassie Ladies are back after one year in isolation! Through this past one year apart, everyone is now ready to celebrate continuing friendships! Getting “feet wet,” six of the Lassies were able to meet for lunch at the Clubhouse in February. Honored guest was Ann Gramme, Honorary Member Judy Gramme’s daughter. It was wonderful to meet her and hear loving words and memories about her mom who passed away recently. Starting in March, the Lassies will be meeting for lunch at Ashton Tap and Grill every second Wednesday of the month until further notice! Queen Mum Debby Landgrebe will keep us all informed and will ask for reservations to be made every month. LA SWIM CLUB By Sandy White Congratulations to Carol Myatt, Cathy Liska, Sharon Swanson, Kathy Reed, and Sandy Papineau (pictured below) who not only represented the community at the Lee County Senior Games on March 6 but also had a good experience, improved their times, and brought home 15 medals. The LA Swim Club continues to grow and provides fun, fellowship, fitness, and competition for Lake Ashton residents. The focus of the club is encouraging and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of the competition part is learning new things, improving fitness, and having the opportunity to compete at the local, state, and national levels. The current competitive members enjoy working out with friends and helping new members learn to improve swimming technique. LASC o f f e r s s ome t h i ng f o r everyone. Some members lap swim on their own. Some come to one or more of the scheduled clinics & practices (Mondays at 6 pm, Wednesdays at 1:45 pm, and Saturdays at 10 am) in which some do the planned workout and some modify it to fit their swim level or interest; and most think the favorite part of the clinic is the warm-down in the hot tub. To find out more or get involved contact volunteer coach Sandy White at sandyw1994@aol.com.

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