EVENTS EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE By Debby Landgrebe Rejoice and celebrate the blessing of Resurrection Sunday on Easter, April 4. Bring your golf carts, blankets, family, friends and neighbors. Most of all bring your heart prepared to sing praises to the Risen Lord and be filled with abundant joy! Service will begin promptly at 7 am at the Clubhouse garden/lawn overlooking Lake Ashton. Gather to hear a local pastor and sing wonderful Easter hymns. For those planning to attend their own church service, the Sunrise Service will conclude by 8 am. Socially distant eating will be available. An offering will be taken. Everyone is welcome, regardless of belief. This year in particular we certainly have many reasons to be thankful. Hope to see you Easter Sunday. Any questions, contact Debby Landgrebe. RON SEGGI’S TRIBUTE TO DICK CLARK'S CARAVAN OF STARS Radio, tv personality, entertainer, and two-time Emmy Award nominee Ron Seggi and his turbocharged orchestra perform the great songs from the top singers from the ‘50s to today in Tribute to his longtime friend, Dick Clark and his legendary “CARAVAN OF STARS." This show was rescheduled from 2020. If you purchased tickets last year they will still be valid for the 8 pm show, and additional tickets can be purchased at the Clubhouse Activities Desk. The show will be on April 10 at 8 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Tickets are $25. Purchase tickets with a check payable to LACDD, Visa, or MasterCard. SPRING BREAK K ARAOKE By Karen Nelson Join your friends and neighbors in celebrating Spring at Karaoke on, April 17 from 7 to 9:30 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Enjoy lots of singing, some prize drawings, dancing, and a cash bar. Tickets $10 per person on sale at the Activities Desk with checks payable to LAPAC. MAD TEA PAR TY Bring your best décor for a Mad Tea Party at the Clubhouse April 21 at 12 pm. Tickets are $15 each. Go mad decorating with whatever tickles your fancy, but don’t forget your teacups! Ashton Tap & Grill will provide a tea time lunch of petite sandwiches (chicken salad, cucumber cream cheese, ham salad), almond bacon crostini, hummus with veggies, and petite desserts, along with hot tea, iced tea, and water. Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places so decorate like you need to impress the Queen of Hearts. Don’t be late for this very important date! Tickets are on sale at the Clubhouse Activities Desk. 26

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