same location (occasionally the Card Room) other Sundays. The next few weeks will be at the Clubhouse Card Room The big news at our December meeting was our adoption of 15 senior orphans — area residents with very little income and no family. We bought gifts for them based on their very simple wish lists, and the gifts were delivered. They also got gift cards to Walmart, which will help them buy medication or other necessities. Over the past few years, the club has bought gifts for 80 seniors. In addition to our meetings, we go out together for dinners — every Sunday after cards, but also often another evening in each month. January’s outing will be at historic Jacaranda hotel in Avon Park. PEBBLES & PINES By Jill Groves LA BELLES By Brenda VanSickle The February LA Belles luncheon will be held on Wednesday, February 26 at the Back Porch Restaurant at The Barn Antiques (115 Co Rd 557 in Lake Alfred) at 11:30 am. All Lake Ashton ladies are welcome. Please sign up online by noon on Monday, February 24. SANDY ’ S NYS GROUP By Joyce Notarnicola Greetings to all neighbors from New York! Our January gathering will be at Cherry Pocket January 15 at 5:30 pm. Please RSVP by January 8. We will be outside weather permitting. They have music on the deck from 4 - 8 pm if you’d like to come early or stay late to enjoy that. Newbies: Please send your contact information (name, address in LA, phone number, email and where you’re from/live in NY) to Deirdre Knapp (auntdeda@hotmail.com). We look forward to seeing lots of “old” and new faces on January 15 at 5:30 pm at Cherry Pocket. Please RSVP to Joyce Notarnicola by January 8 (if you haven't already done so)! Our tropical-themed holiday party was held at HFC on December 7. About 72 neighbors gathered for friendship, fun & great food. A big thank you goes out to George Santino for his wonderful singing, our funny MC Dennis Santino, Santa for making the trip from the North Pole, the social committee & everyone who attended & contributed to the event. Happy Holidays! ITALIAN AMERICAN CLUB By Susie Escoda Happy New Year everyone. Now that the Holidays are over plan on joining us for our first potluck of the new year. It’s on January 16th at 6pm at the HFC. Please bring a dish to share (desserts are taken care of) a beverage of your choice and $1 to cover our costs. Come & meet some new friends and enjoy a night of good food. If you have any questions feel free to call Susie Escoda at 863-206-6566. No RSVP needed. See you there . 37 ATTN. HOGAN LOOPERS ! By Julie Cappel Let’s get together again in February to meet and socialize with our neighbors. If your address is 5436 Hogan Lane or higher, you are invited to the special Hogan Loopers Potluck on Saturday, February 22 at the HFC at 5 pm. You will receive a formal invitation on your mailbox post in early February. Please RSVP by Friday, February 14. There will be a small fee of $2/person that you can either send early or pay at the door. Drop a note to Julie Cappel at 5580 Hogan Lane, or text/call 586-242-2100. We hope to see you there! MICHIGAN POTLUCK IS BACK! By Kathy Keding Hello to all our friends from the Great state. Our Michigan potluck is scheduled for Saturday, March 15, at the HFC from 5-8 PM. Save the date for lots of fun and meeting Michigan neighbors. Everyone will bring a dish to pass. Look for more info in next month’s LA Times.

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