L.A. TIMES Lake Ashton Community Newsletter December 2023 It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 4141 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 863.324.6032 863.324.5457 Lake Ashton is a 55 & Older Deed Restricted Community www.lakeashtoncdd.com

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NEWSLETTER STAFF Christine Wells Editor cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com 863.324.5457 Valerie LeBlanc Advertising Sales, Layout & Design valerie@lakeashtoncdd.com SUBMISSION GUIDELINES January Issue Deadline: December 13 • Articles can be submitted on behalf of Lake Ashton clubs/ groups/organizations to promote lifestyle enhancing, opportunities, and must be approved by the group leader prior to publication • Email articles to: valerie@lakeashtoncdd.com • 150 word limit. Articles will be edited for length, clarity, and to ensure compliance with districts’ media policies • Include your club contact and phone number • The writing style is third person — avoid using I, me, my, we, our, or personal pronouns Photo Specifications: • All photos must be high-res digital images in “jpeg” format and submitted via email or CD/flash drive • Space will generally allow only one photo per article • The designer and printer will make the final determination as to the print quality of photographs for publication THE LAKE ASHTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DOES NOT ENDORSE OR SUPPORT ANY PARTICULAR POLITICAL CANDIDATE, PARTY, MEASURE OR ISSUE, OR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE. COVER PHOTO BY CAROLYN BISHOP DECEMBER 2023 Lake Ashton employees are at your service. We want your experiences in the Clubhouse, Golf Course and HFC to be as pleasant and memorable as possible! Do not hesitate to contact any of the below with comments, questions or concerns. Lake Ashton Clubhouse 4141 Ashton Club Drive Lake Wales, FL 33859 Phone: 863.324.5457 Fax: 863.324.5829 LACDD Community Director: Christine Wells cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Activities Assistant: Caroline Lane 863.324.6032 clane@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Office Manager: Sheila Moreland 863.324.5457 smoreland@lakeashtoncdd.com Clubhouse Operations Manager: Matt Fisher 863.956.6207 mfisher@lakeashtoncdd.com LW Homeowners Association (HOA) Golf Club - Ron Lavoie, General Manager Ian Peterson, Head Golf Professional Eagle’s Nest - Sandra Goodwin, Manager RV & Storage Center Charm City Nik Minadakis, Owner In case of emergency, dial 911! Police Non-Emergency Numbers: Lake Wales: 863.678.4223 Winter Haven: 863.291.5858 Polk County Sheriff: 863.298.6200 3 Lake Ashton Health & Fitness Center (HFC) 6052 Pebble Beach Boulevard Winter Haven, FL 33884 Phone: 863.595.1562 Fax: 863.595.1567 LAIICDD Community Director: James Margeson Phone: 863.595.1562 jmargeson@lakeashton2cdd.com HFC Activities Office Manager: Krystle Funk 863.595.1562 kfunk@lakeashton2cdd.com Gate Houses & Security Officers: Thompson Nursery Rd. (LW): 863.324.7290 County Road 653 (WH): 863.318.0237 863.325.0065 directors@lakeashtonhoa.org lakeashtonhoa.com 863.326.1032 863.326.1032 rlavoie@lakeashtongc.com ipeterson@lakeashtongc.com 863.326.1085 sgoodwin@lakeashtongc.com 863.326.1304 dholmes@lakeashtonstorage.com 863-662-3300 charmcityfl@gmail.com

MONDAY COFFEE Don't miss Monday Coffee with your friends and neighbors at 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Coffee & donuts are available for $2. DECEMBER 4 • Birthdays and Anniversaries • LA Woodworkers Project of the Month • Featured Speaker: Lake Ashton Community Action Committee - Updates on Developments Surrounding Lake Ashton • Featured Vendors: Christine Graves Insurance, ComForCare DECEMBER 11 • Ashtones Performing Christmas Music • Wear your most festive holiday outfit for a chance to win a prize! • Bite Me Monday — Donations of pet food and/or supplies for the Humane Society of Polk County • Featured Speaker: Small World Bus Tours Presents Trips for 2024 • Featured Vendors: Matt Simpson with Edward Jones, Home Instead DECEMBER 18 — NO MONDAY COFFEE — LACDD BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING DECEMBER 25 — NO MONDAY COFFEE — MERRY CHRISTMAS! PICTURED: RESIDENTS & STAFF IN COSTUME AT MONDAY COFFEE OCTOBER 30! PHOTOS BY DAVID MULLER IN THIS ISSUE NEWS 5 LA LOOKS 12 SAFETY 16 MOVIES 18 EVENTS 20 MIND & BODY 29 CLUBS 34 GOLF 41 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETINGS LAKE ASHTON II (WH) CDD December 15, 9 am Health & Fitness Center LAKE ASHTON (LW) CDD December 18, 9 am (please note new start time) Clubhouse Ballroom CIT Y COMMISSION MEETINGS LW: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays at 6 pm, Commission Chambers, Municipal Administration Bldg., 201 W. Central Ave., Lake Wales WH: 2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30 pm, John Fuller Auditorium in City Hall, 451 3rd St. NW, Winter Haven POLK COUNT Y BOCC MEETINGS 1st & 3rd Tues. , 9 am, Board Room, 330 W. Church St., Bartow

HOURS OF OPERATION CLUBHOUSE: 6 am – 10 pm daily CLUBHOUSE OFFICES & ACTIVITIES DESK: 9 am – 5 pm Monday through Friday Photo ID Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Noon to 3 pm or by appointment (IDs won’t be issued December 5, 6 & 26) HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER: 5:30 am – 10 pm daily HFC OFFICES & ACTIVITIES DESK: 8 am – 4 pm Monday through Friday NEXT MONTHLY MARKET: December 13 from 10 am to 2 pm Clubhouse West Parking Lot BAXTER’ S QUAL ITY MEATS Clubhouse West Parking Lot Wednesdays from 10 am to 2 pm BOOKMOBILE December 13 and 27, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm (closed for lunch 12:30 to 1:15), Clubhouse West Parking Lot HOLIDAY CLOS INGS The Clubhouse and HFC Offices will be closed on Monday, December 25 and Tuesday, December 26 in observance of Christmas. The Clubhouse Offices will be closed Monday, January 1 and Tuesday, January 2 in observance of the New Year. The HFC Offices will be closed Monday, January 1. 2024 ENTERTAINMENT SERIES TICKETS New season tickets are on sale at the Clubhouse Activities Office through December 8. Season tickets are sold only to Lake Ashton residents. There is a limit of one ticket per resident. In order to expedite season ticket sales, please have a Lake Ashton photo identification on hand or a driver's license with a Lake Ashton address to purchase tickets with Visa, MasterCard or check payable to LACDD. Tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. HOSTING FAMI LY FOR THE HOLIDAYS? Residents: please be tolerant of extra activity at the pools and other amenities. Remember, when you see a visiting grandchild, they are guests of your neighbors so please extend every courtesy possible. Those hosting family should remind them to be considerate of residents in this 55 and older community. It is helpful if residents accompany their guests, but not required. Anyone using amenities at the Clubhouse or HFC should have a Lake Ashton Resident ID Card, Driver’s License with Lake Ashton Address, or Facilities Guest Pass. Register guests at either Activities Desk during business hours. Residents must bring at least one adult guest to sign the form. Renters must have a copy of their rental agreement. HOLIDAY TRASH COLLECTION CHANGES Trash, recycling and yard waste pickup for Winter Haven residents will occur Tuesday, December 26. Trash, recycling and yard waste pickup for Lake Wales residents will occur Saturday, December 30. LAKE ASHTON BUS TRIPS Stop by the Clubhouse Activities Office to see what’s available — bring a check for Small World Tours. Flyers are also located in the Media Center. Small World Tours will be at Monday Coffee on December 11 to present new trips for 2024.

what foods may be needed, as well as when and where to deliver. Thank you in advance for your generosity and support. Not pictured: David Fix, Fall Fest 5K Organizer. A TOY IS A GIFT OF LOVE! By Fred Halde BE A SANTA TO A SENIOR By Kathy Jusaites The Be a Santa to a Senior giving tree is in the HFC lobby. Please take a tag or two to brighten up a seniors holiday. All gifts are given to a local senior at home or in a local facility. All gifts need to be returned in a gift bag or unwrapped. The tree is sponsored by Home Instead of Winter Haven and all gifts need to be returned under the t r ee by Wedne s da y, De c embe r 6 f o r distribution. Any questions, please contact Kathy at 919-609-2308. LA HANDS 4 HOPE By Tammy Queen By the time you read this article in the LA Times, I’m guessing I will have made 2, 3 or maybe even 4 trips to the Toys for Tots warehouse with donations from the box located in the HFC. I usually check the box on a regular basis, but am not surprised to get a call from a helpful elf named Krystle, alerting me to the fact that the box is overflowing again. Many thanks to the HFC staff and to you for your generous response to giving a toy and putting a smile on a child’s face. ’Tis the season to spread the gift of joy. Many thanks Lake Ashton. CARING TREE By Larry & Joanne Hillock Santa's helpers have been very busy placing new, LA Hands 4 Hope folks would like to thank everyone who participated and/or sponsored the Fall Fest 5K. The monies received will assist families within Polk County. Each of your contributions will ensure less fortunate children and their families will be able to enjoy a Christmas dinner, as well as gifts dispersed among the children and their families on December 7. If anyone would like to provide a prepared food dish for the dinner or additional donation, please contact Tammy Queen at 812-483-6520 or ttqueen2@outlook.com, or MaryLou Jameson at unwrapped gifts under the Caring Tree in the Clubhouse Ballroom. You have until December 14 to bring in your gift for a deserving recipient in our area. If you would like to help wrap gifts, call the Care Center to make arrangements. It isn't always easy to think of a family in need when we live in such a beautiful community, but a high percentage of the children who go to the area schools qualify for free lunches. Lake Ashton has always been very generous donors over the more than 16 years by supporting the Care Center. Thank you for your continued participation. Happy Holidays! TEAM SAM RESULTS Team Sam raised $2,500 (and still collecting!) at the W a l k t o E n d Al zhe imer ’s on November 17. Way to go!

JOINT AMENITY FACILITIES POLICY HIGHLIGHT IV. PROPER CREDENTIALS Lake Ashton Resident Photo ID cards (or similar access devices) may be issued to all members of each Resident’s household and/or Non-Resident Members. Guest Passes shall be issued to all Guests upon registering with Amenity Manager. Each Patron and/or Guest will be required to present Proper Credentials upon request by Staff. If not presented, the individual will be asked to leave the amenities immediately. Individuals may be charged a fee in accordance with LA CDD and LAII CDD Chapter III: Rules for Amenities Rates, (respectively) to purchase an Amenity Access Device. All lost or stolen Amenity Access Devices should be reported immediately to the Amenity Manager’s office. A fee will be assessed for any replacement Amenity Access Devices. Unauthorized use of Proper Credentials may result in suspension of an Individual’s privileges based on the suspension policy herein. The full amenity facilities policy can be found online at lakeashtoncdd.com or lakeashton2cdd.com. Questio ns? Contact LA (LW) CDD Community Director Christine Wells (cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com) or LA II (WH) CDD Community Director James Margeson, (jmargeson@lakeashton2cdd.com). LAKEASHTONLIVING.COM By Iris Realmuto LakeAshtonLiving.com now has even more Clubhouse and HFC information at your fingertips. Right from your computer, tablet, or phone, you can view the list of ticket sales & sign-ups allowing you to purchase tickets, sign up for events, or register for a Ticketleap account. You can watch the scrolling posters displayed on the Information Boards in the Clubhouse and HFC lobbies. Just like the old Channel 96! If you deleted one of the Email Blasts, don't worry. They're posted on LakeAshtonLiving.com too! Showcase Series By Brenda Jackson Each month in your LA Times we will showcase an individual that works here in LA providing a service to our residents and helping make our lives more enjoyable. Do you know this lovely young lady? Have you enjoyed the libations she is so eager and happy to serve? This is Mara Stevens. She is a professional bartender who not only works here in LA at Charm City but in many fine establishments around the Winter Haven area. She loves her dog Harper (who is a Sheltie mix) and says she is a spoiled brat. She is a native Floridian living in the Lakeland area. Q: What do you like most about working here in LA? A: “I love all the residents I have met so far here in LA and many are becoming like family”. She feels very vested in the community and wants to do all she can to make the restaurant and bar successful in meeting and exceeding the residents needs and desires. Q: What is the biggest challenge right now? A: “I think getting the residents to come and try us out." Q: What would you like the residents to know about you? A: “I love a challenge. I love being creative. I love it when residents come and ask me to make drinks I never heard of or ask me to be creative and come up with something, then see them smile at that first sip.” Mara shared there are many changes coming and asks that we are patient while they navigate through what the residents would like to have and the timing to make it happen. She shared that both a pool and bar drink menu are coming, and special events, possibly such as tastings, bringing back Sunday Fundays, etc. Stay tuned for announcements of these special events put on by Charm City and team. So, if you haven’t been to Charm City yet or even if you have, come see Mara and challenge her or just enjoy a cocktail, good company and some good food!

LACDD NEWS By Christine Wells, LA (LW) CDD Community Director Supervisors and Staff would like to wish those celebrating a Happy Hannukah, Merry Christmas, and a wonderful holiday season. This is time for reflection on the year behind us and anticipation on what is to come in 2024. Change brings opportunities and we have had many changes this year so 2024 will be the year of opportunities. From Clubhouse renovations to new digital processes, and everything in between, we are grateful for the patience residents have shown as staff navigates these new changes. While it is the traditional season for celebrating, some in the community are in emotional pain and struggling to get through the month. Grieving friends and neighbors can use some extra care during the holidays. Those who have recently lost loved ones can be helped by others being supportive and inclusive.Suggestions from hospice professionals: invite a neighbor along to a community celebration, ask if they are interested in volunteering, offer to help with decorating or baking, send a special holiday card, or be willing to listen. Lake Ashton is known for being a caring community and there is no better time of year to care for thy neighbor. Supervisors met on November 20. A wrap up report of actions taken at this meeting was sent on November 26. Bocce Court refurbishment has begun. Please stay tuned to email blasts for updates on this project. Finishing touches are being put on the Lake Ashton shoreline restoration project behind the Clubhouse. By publication the concrete pathway repairs should be complete and the area should be open for use. Thank you to the over 600 residents that have completed the information form for issuance of RFID tags for resident vehicles and Amenity Access credentials. At this time we are gathering information only in order to populate the database that will be used to issue these credentials. More information regarding implementation of these additional security features will be sent out via email blast so now is a good time for residents to ensure they are receiving emails from Lake Ashton CDD and Lake Ashton II CDD. Visit lakeashtoncdd.com or lakeashton2cdd.com to sign up to receive emails or resubscribe. Click the link on the right side of the home page. LACDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISO RS CONTA CT INF O Lloyd Howison, Chairman 704-302-6555, lhowison@lakeashtoncdd.com Brenda Van Sickle, Vice Chair 863-324-6191 brenda.vansickle@lakeashtoncdd.com Michael Costello, Assistant Secretary 863-875-9228 or 732-718-7431, mcostello@lakeashtoncdd.com Debby Landgrebe, Assistant Secretary 863-268-8193 dlandgrebe@lakeashtoncdd.com Steve Realmuto, Assistant Secretary 863-949-0304, steve.lacdd@gmail.com Office Hours After Monday Coffee in the Clubhouse Ballroom

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LAIICDD NEWS LA II CDD BOARD OF SUP ERVISORS CONTA CT INF O Jim Mecsics, Chairman Public Safety & District Operations/Programs Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30 am to 12 pm 863.875.4554, mecsicsj@msn.com Bob Zelazny, Vice Chairman Golf Course, Pro Shop, Eagle’s Nest, Facilities and Field Operation, Transportation System (roads, bridges, paths, etc.) Office Hours: Mondays 1 to 3 pm 863.325.8098, bzelazny@lakeashton2cdd.com Mary C. Clark, Assistant Secretary Public Works & Infrastructure, Including Roadways 252-503-7087, maryclark725@gmail.com Angela Littlewood, Assistant Secretary Special Projects, Landscaping Area including Pet Play Parks Office Hours: Thursdays 9 to 10:30 am 352.250.9707, alittlewoodlakeashton2cdd@gmail.com Roy Aull, Assistant Secretary Facilities/Amenity Management Office Hours: Friday 9 to 10:30 am 973-670-2709, raull@lakeashton2cdd.com By James Margeson, LAIICDD Community Director Happy Holidays from the Lake Ashton II CDD Board and the HFC Staff! December is a busy month with residents celebrating Hanukkah, Advent, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and, for Seinfeld fans, Festivus. This year, we revealed our professionally installed Holiday Lights at the HFC. The lights were turned on the Friday after Thanksgiving and will remain throughout the season. The funds for these lights came from profits from dances held at the HFC, and not from the general CDD fund. Speaking of lights and decorations, the HFC will be adorned with a Hanukkah display furnished by the Lake Ashton Jewish Community, along with a Christmas tree with a traditional train running beneath it. We would like to thank the Lake Ashton Veterans Association for hosting an outstanding USO Dance in November to celebrate veterans. Over 200 residents attended and danced to the music of the Good Stuff Band. The HFC Holiday Dance, featuring the Tony Knight Band, will be held at the HFC on December 15. Tickets are available at the door and table reservations at the Activities Desk, so join us for another great night of dancing and fun! Also get ready for the Annual Lake Ashton Golf Cart Parade on December 15. We always have many residents participating with great carts, and various local public safety units as well. There is a rumor the “Big Guy" from up North will be there to check on which of our residents have made the naughty or nice list. To end 2023 and usher in 2024, plan to attend our HFC New Years Eve Gala Event, featuring a 12-piece band! Snacks will be provided, as well as a champagne toast at midnight. So come on out and spend New Years Eve with your friends and neighbors. Lastly, as we will be having many visiting guests and family during the holidays, please remind everyone of our speed limit and the need to adhere to stop signs within our community. Additionally, the Florida Statute on operating golf carts has changed. Now no one under the age of 18 may operate a cart without a valid driver's license or learner's permit. Please celebrate responsibly, and do not drive any conveyance under the influence of intoxicating substances. Again, on behalf of all of us at the HFC and CDD Board, we wish all of you a joyous holiday season and a very prosperous and healthy New Year!

EAL RO PAVER SEALING FREE ESTIMATES 863.272.0746 Before Restoring & Sealing Pavers sealproorlando@gmail.com Aſter Restoring & Sealing Pavers Benefits of Restoring and Sealing Pavers with Polymeric Sand • Inhibits weeds and grass in joints. • Reduces moss growth. • Deters ants and other insects. • Prevents loss of sand in joints. • Helps repel oil, grease, grime and stains. • Easier routine cleaning, enhances color, texture and brightness. • Resists the effects of harsh weather conditions. • Keeps the under base materials dry to prevent pavers from sinking and dipping. Patios & Walkways Benefits of Proper Drainage Installing Channel Drains • Removes water from flooded low areas where water accumulates causing weeds, mildew and mold growth. • Keeps entire paver area looking consistent without stains or permanent embedded darkening in pavers. • Prevents water entering pool or other unwanted areas. Avoids slip areas from forming. • Directs water in correct direction allowing drains to stay washed and functional. • Paver Installation • Pressure Washing • Travertine Sealing • Paver Repair • Polymeric Sanding Installing Channel Drain Steps for Sealing 1-2-3 1 Commercial pressure wash removing dirt, mold, mildew, weeds and contaminates. 2 Re-sand with polymeric sand locking deep inside joints. 3 Heavy multi-application of sealer to renew the original look of newly installed pavers (color added in sealer optional). FREE ESTIMATES 863.272.0746 sealpr oorlando@gmail.c om CONTACT KALEB TODAY AT 863.272.0746 TO GET A FREE ESTIMATE! Repair Low Areas & Root Liſt Stress Areas • Extend Driveways/Walkways • Install New Walkways, Patios & Planter Walls

SPECIAL RESTAURANT ADVERTISING SECTION L.A. LOOKS ALL STAR GRILL Central Native Plants of Florida By Lynn Davis Hamelia paten is the scientific name for the Florida Native Firebush. It is a semi-woody perennial often used as a border or privacy hedge. The bush can grow to fifteen feet with a span of eight. This bush produces orange-red flowers and small purple fruits loved by birds. The red flowers on this bush attract hummingbirds and butterflies almost year round! The flowers often bloom from late spring to frost bringing a long lasting interest to anyone’s landscape. Pruning is recommended in either late winter or early spring to prevent harming future flower blooming. A hard pruning can be done to a height about five feet. A severe frost may damage the bush temporarily. This bush is resilient. Just cut off the damage. It will rebound. Known for being a fast grower, it can grow two feet in just a year. Why plant firebush in your yard? Like other native plants, the firebush is heat and drought tolerant, attracts pollinators, and grows well in any type of soil. It thrives best in full sun, but is fine for partial shade. Enjoy and reap the benefits of planting native plants! Beware of nursery’s advertising a dwarf version. These are not native. 2019 SR 60 E., Lake Wales, FL 33898 (833) 679-9689, allstargrillfl.com Hours: Sunday - Thursday 11 am - 10 pm Friday & Saturday 11 am - 12 pm Happy Hour 2 - 7 pm Two time champions for best wings! Dine in or take out. Full bar with TVs, NFL Ticket, pool tables, darts, games. CHERRY POCKET STEAK N SEAFOOD SHAK 3100 Canal Rd., Lake Wales FL 33898 (863) 439-2031, cherrypocket.com Hours: Sun-Thurs 11 am-9 pm, Fri & Sat 11 am-10 pm. We offer Indoor & Outdoor Seating, Pick-Up, & Delivery THE CROOKED BASS GRILL & TAVERN 1010 N. Scenic Hwy., Babson Park, FL 33827 (863) 589-5887, crookedbass.com Hours: Mon - Thurs 11:30 am-8 pm; Fri & Sat 11:30 am-9 pm; Sun 12-7 pm We serve delicious Seafood, Steaks (including Prime Rib), Burgers, Pizza, Salads, Chicken, Pork Chops, Pasta, Wings, AYCE Specials & a Full Liquor Bar. OVATION BISTRO & BAR Locations in Winter Haven, Lakeland & Davenport ovationbistro.com Offer 1: Free appetizer or dessert with the purchase of 2 entrees/drinks Offer 2: $10 off the purchase of $60 or more Offer 3: Lake Ashton Residents get a free glass of house wine, beer or cocktail with any purchase. Bring this coupon to redeem. HERBICIDES' ROLE IN WATERBODY MANAGEMENT Herbicides must be used to curb the massive growth of exotic plants, which is wreaking havoc on an already vulnerable ecosystem. Invasive and nuisance vegetation depletes aquatic environments of dissolved oxygen, discharges toxic amounts of phosphorus, blocks sunlight, and suffocates native plant and animal life if not controlled. Chemicals used for lake and pond management must be registered with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for aquatic usage after years of research and continuous monitoring. The vendor for aquatic management contracted by the Lake Ashton CDD treats local bodies of water in compliance with the appropriate mixing ratios. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Matt Fisher at mfisher@lakeashtoncdd.com.

Simplifying Your Life 863.875.5600 www.performancegolfcarts.com GOLF CART SALES & SERVICE Gp GOLF CARTS, PARTS AND ACCESSORIES UNBEATABLE BATTERY PRICES Includes Free Pick Up and Delivery, Professional Installation, Always FREE Pick Up and Delivery 3YEARBumpertoBumper Warranty on New Golf Carts Shop all of our new, used, and refurbished golf carts online 24/7 New 2023 Models Non commissioned sales team here to help you Huge selection of colors and styles Multiple brands and features to choose from From the beginning we set out to be the simplest golf cart company you have ever dealt with. Our straight forward, honest, and up front approach over the years has been our recipe for success. Always offering unmatched guarantees, unmatched value, and an unmatched commitment to our customers. Please allow us the opportunity to show you the difference, please stop by and meet our team or give us a call today! 1051 US Highway 92 W Auburndale, FL 33823 (Across from the Auburndale Flea Market ) 13

Wildlife Corner Photo & Article By Barbara Ann Comer • ARC Members - reviewing ARC requests submitted into our ARC Tracker software. Computer skills helpful! Contact your ARC Chair, Greg Bluemke or the BOD ARC Liaison, Harold Jackson. The Northern Mockingbird is the state bird for a very good reason - it's ubiquitous! Almost every home in Lake Ashton seems to have its own pair. Males and females look the same, gray with white wing patches and white outer tail feathers and a personality that shouts "look at me" or "this is my yard and no interlopers are permitted." They will even attack cats and humans that venture too close to their nests. Aside from singing all day and sometimes in the middle of the night, this species is an amazing mimic and can fool even the most astute student of bird songs. Their imitations are useful for knowing what other birds live in the area. When chasing prey across the lawn they often stop every few feet and flash their white wing patches. They eat mainly insects and berries and are particularly fond of Beauty Berries. HOA CORNER - VOLUNTEERS NEEDED By Brenda Jackson Your HOA is made up of volunteers looking to make a difference and keep Lake Ashton the premiere 55+ community it is today and into the future. There are openings in several categories: • Nominations Committee Chair and Members to encourage members to run for HOA Board and tally the member votes. It won’t take a lot of your time but will be vital to the success of the elections. These positions need to be filled by December 7. Don’t delay, reach out today! If you are interested, please contact your HOA Admin, Brenda Jackson. • HOA Board of Directors - 2 positions are expiring in February 2024. Please consider joining the Board and make your voice heard while helping your neighbors. Please contact your Board President, Marti Schmidt or your HOA Admin, Brenda Jackson. • Compliance Reps - the Team looks through the community to see what properties need assistance in bringing their property into compliance with our CC&Rs. If you are interested, please contact your Compliance Chair, Debbie Holmes. Don’t be shy. It is a great way to meet your neighbors, learn about our community, and help keep Lake Ashton the paradise we have all come to love! No experience needed and training is provided! Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you! LA (LW) HOA BOARD • Marti Schmidt, President & Treasurer treasurer@lakeashtonhoa.org president@lakeashtonhoa.org • David Muller, Vice President vp@lakeashtonhoa.org • John Leale, Vice President vicepresident2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Tim Doyle, Secretary secretary@lakeashtonhoa.org • Harold Jackson secretary2@lakeashtonhoa.org • Bob Prowant manager@lakeashtonhoa.org • Greg Bluemke arc@lakeashtonhoa.org LA II (WH) HOA BOARD • Dave Bishop, President presidentla2hoa@outlook.com • James Akridge, Vice President/HOA Liaison vparcla2hoa@outlook.com • Claude Browne, Secretary secretaryla2@outlook.com • Bill Martin, Vice President & Assistant Treasurer vptreasurerla2hoa@outlook • Connie Strassberg, Treasurer treasurerla2hoa@outlook.co

A+ REALTY LLC Thinking o Selling Your Homef Why pay 6%? Use US and pay 2.9%! Get MORE, pay LESS! Compare before you list! Trust your neighbor with your home. All A+ Realty Realtors are Lake Ashton Residents! A+ Realty LLC is a full service real estate company that belongs to East Polk County Association of Realtors, Stellar MLS, Florida Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors. Your home will receive MAXIMUM MLS and internet exposure! Michael R. Krigelski Cell: 863-651-7272 Home: 863-326-5674 www.krigelski.com YOUR neighborhood TEAM! Vickie Howell Cell: 407-931-6545 Anita Piasecki Cell: 734-915-6311 Ron Schwartz Cell: 239-405-1282 Town & Country Real Estate, DBA A+ Realty LLC | 277 Magnolia Avenue SW | Winter Haven, FL 33880 | Frank Vaughn, Broker 15 ?

SAFETY NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH By Brenda Jackson, NW PR Liaison AMAZON CUSTOMERS SUBJECT TO SCAMS! With online shopping on the rise and the holidays right around the corner, online retailer Amazon is warning of scams affecting their customers. The two scams Amazon wants us to know about are: 1. Prime Membership - an unexpected call/text/email that indicate an issue with your membership and ask you to click a link in the email or text to update your payment information. If it’s a call, they ask for you to provide your payment information immediately over the phone. 2. Account suspension/deletion- using email/text/calls you are informed your account will be suspended or deleted and prompted to click a link (email/text) or verbally “verify your account’. This tactic lures customers to provide account information, payment information, and account login credentials. What’s scary is how legitimate the email/ text/call looks and sounds. Amazon wants you to know that they will never contact you asking for this information. Their emails will never ask you to click a link but will instead direct you to login to your account and review messages in the message center. Amazon asks if you receive communication that you suspect is not legit, please report it at amazon.com/reportascam. Questions/ concerns, contact Deputy Chief, Joan DiBattista @ 239.851.7899. Neighborhood Watch (NW) Chief Fay Wood would like to personally thank our Deputy Chief, Public Relations Liaison all our dedicated Deputies, and Community Partners for the ongoing teamwork to making the total community NW so successful. Also, NW would like to wish the entire Lake Ashton community & families a happy, healthy and safe holiday season as we move forward to the New Year.

MOVI ES DECEMBER 5 - 7 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM THE FAMILY PLAN 2023 | PG-13 | 1H 58MIN Dan Morgan (Mark Wahlberg) loves his quiet suburban life as a devoted husband, father, and successful car salesman. But that's only half the story. Decades earlier, he was an elite government assassin tasked with eliminating the world's deadliest threats. When enemies from his past track him down, Dan packs his unsuspecting wife (Michelle Monaghan), angsty teen daughter, pro-gamer teen son and adorable 10-month-old baby into their minivan and takes off on an impromptu cross-country road trip to Las Vegas. Determined to protect his family, while treating them to the vacation of a lifetime, Dan must put his long-dormant skills into action, without revealing his true identity. DECEMBER 12 - 14 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING 3 2023 | PG-13 | 1H 31MIN From writer and director Nia Vardalos, the worldwide phenomenon My Big Fat Greek Wedding is coming back to theaters with a brand-new adventure. Join the Portokalos family as they travel to a family reunion in Greece for a heartwarming and hilarious trip full of love, twists and turns. Opa! DECEMBER 19 - 21 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM GENIE 2023 | PG | 1H 32MIN Alone in his New York City apartment, a despondent Bernard (Paapa Essiedu) dusts off a jewelry box he finds in their home and 18 CLOSED CAPTIONED SHOWINGS: ALL TUESDAY SHOWINGS 11 AM SHOWINGS ON WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAY CINEMA CAPACITY: 55 unintentionally releases the one entity (Melissa McCarthy), Flora, a magical genie, who just might be able to help him get his family back. In the process, Flora and Bernard will discover that love, and an unexpected friendship, can unleash a special holiday magic all its own. DECEMBER 27 - 28 (NO SHOWINGS DECEMBER 26) 11 AM, 3 PM, 7 PM BLUE BEETLE 2023 | PG-13 | 2HR 7MIN Recent college grad Jaime Reyes returns home full of aspirations for his future, only to find that home is not quite as he left it. As he searches to find his purpose in the world, fate intervenes when Jaime unexpectedly finds himself in possession of an ancient relic of alien biotechnology: the Scarab. When the Scarab suddenly chooses Jaime to be its symbiotic host, he is bestowed with an incredible suit of armor capable of extraordinary and unpredictable powers, forever changing his destiny as he becomes the Super Hero BLUE BEETLE.

MAY 7 FEATURE FILM FRIDAYS — 11 AM SHOWTIME IS CLOSED CAPTIONED DECEMBER 1 AT 11 AM (NO 3 & 7 PM SHOWINGS) SERENDIPITY 2001 | PG-13 | 1H 30MIN A couple (Kate Beckinsale, John Cusack) meet on Christmas Eve and sparks fly - but she believes in destiny, and if this pair is meant to be together, fate will make it so. Ten years later, the girl decides to give destiny a hand. DECEMBER 8 AT 11 AM (NO 3 & 7 PM SHOWINGS) THE PREACHER'S WIFE 1996 | PG | 2H 4MIN A cleric begins to doubt himself and is visited by an angel (Denzel Washington). The heavenly emissary is supposed to help the good reverend over his midlife crisis, but he is distracted by the cleric's lovely young wife (Whitney Houston). DECEMBER 15 AT 11 AM & 3 PM (NO 7 PM SHOWING) FOUR CHRISTMASES 2008 | PG-13 | 1HR 28 MIN When their plans for an exotic vacation fall apart, unmarried couple Brad (Vince Vaughn) and Kate (Reese Witherspoon) must spend Christmas Day trudging around to a quartet of family get-togethers. While Brad counts the hours till he can escape the onslaught of crazy relatives, Kate begins to wonder about her own choices and ponders whether her family members are so crazy after all. DECEMBER 22 CANDY CANE LANE 2023 | PG Eddie Murphy stars in this holiday comedy adventure about a man on a mission to win his neighborhood's annual Christmas home decoration contest. After Chris (Eddie Murphy) inadvertently makes a deal with a mischievous elf named Pepper (Jillian Bell) to better his chances of winning, she casts a magic spell that brings the 12 Days of Christmas to life, and wreaks havoc on the whole town. At the risk of ruining the holidays for his family, Chris, his wife Carol (Tracee Ellis Ross), and their three children must race against the clock to break Pepper's spel l , battle deviously magical characters, and save Christmas for everyone. DECEMBER 29 WHEN HARRY MET SALLY 1989 | R | 1HR 25MIN Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan) meet on a trip to New York after graduating. As their lives and careers grow separately, their paths cross over and over again, causing them to consider a romance with each other.

EVENTS OUTDOOR MENORAH LIGHTING Hanukkah begins the evening of Thursday, December 7, and ends the evening of Friday, December 15. Everyone is welcome to celebrate Hanukkah, which is Hebrew for “dedication,” and also known as the Festival of Lights, by coming to an outdoor Menorah Lighting, on December 12 at 5:30 pm in the Clubhouse West Parking Lot, presented by the Chabad Jewish Center. HOLIDAY GOLF CART PARADE By Carolyn Bishop The Holiday Golf Cart Parade will be here before you know it, on December 15. Line up at the HFC will begin at 5:30 pm with the parade kicking off at 6. A reception in the Clubhouse will follow . All ar e welcome! Individuals, groups and clubs are encouraged to participate. No sign up is necessary but if you have any special requests please contact Carolyn Bishop at 919-606-8844. Volunteers are needed to bake cookies for the reception following the parade in the Clubhouse. Watch for a sign up link on TicketLeap. Thank you to the Parade Sponsor: Water’s Edge of Lake Wales LA ASHTONETTES By Gina Krall The LA Ashtonettes have lead the Holiday Parade for many years marching and twirling from the HFC to the Clubhouse. Any former majorettes are welcome to join for this year's parade. Text 443.783.6191 or email ginakrall@yahoo.com. TRIVIA By David Fix Join your neighbors for a fun time and a chance to win some cash! It’s only $1 to play, teams not required. Maximum of 8 per table. Bring your own snacks and drinks. Doors open at 6 pm and trivia begins at 7. Next date: December 10. ASHTONES PERFORMANCES! By Dan Krueger The Ashtones Quartet will sing at Monday Coffee on December 11 at 9 am in the Clubhouse Ballroom. They will also be singing Christmas carols and other stuff table-side Sunday, December 17, during Brunch at Charm City from 11am to 2 pm. Don’t miss these performances by your very talented neighbors. Contact Danny at 414-651-8888, cofcrsccl@gmail.com about availability for holiday parties. SCAN THIS QR CODE WITH YO U R S M A R T P H O N E TO S I G N U P F O R EVENTS LISTED IN THIS ISSUE.

PET PARADE By Carolyn Bishop The First Annual Howl-o-ween Pets on Parade Costume Contest took place on Halloween day with almost 30 dogs in attendance! The three celebrity judges; Marco Magiolo, Denise Tessier and Lisa Baker picked their favorites which was a difficult task with all the canine citizens looking so adorable! Judge’s Choice Awards went to: •Mitzi, Don and Shelly as the Singing Ukulele trio •Lulu and Lynn as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf •Tammy and Susanne as a Lightening Bug •Honorable mention to Duke and Susan’s Granddaughter as Beauty and the Beast All participants received a certificate and goodie bag. A generous donation by our participants and our sponsor was given to Lisa Baker with the Humane Society. Thank you to Tessier Law Firm for sponsoring the event. Watch for the Second Annual Pet Parade next year! FALL FESTIVAL WRAP-UP Yet another great Fall Festival is in the books! It was wonderful seeing residents bowl with pumpkins, have their caricatures drawn, and get their faces painted. We had a tie on a winner for the Guess How Many Spiders Game, Shelba Powell and Sue Morris’ guest, Jackson, both came up with the same number, yet, strangely enough, not one person guessed the right weight for the pumpkin. Thank you again to all of our sponsors Matt Simpson of Edward Jones, Water’s Edge, Cruise Planners, Weaver-Loveless Law, Small World Tours, Never Left Alone, and Performance Carts. Keep an eye out for the date for next year’s Fall Festival! CLUBHOUSE OPEN HOUSE Thanks to everyone who attended the Clubhouse Open House! Staff and supervisors were proud to showcase all the improvements made to the Clubhouse this year.

LARC CHRISTMAS PARTY All are invited to the Annual “Make it Merry” Christmas Event December 9 from 5:30 - 9:30 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom, an evening of holiday celebration and good food with friends! You will enjoy a full dinner by Charm City, dance to the music of DJ Wayne, and take home something special — there will be door prizes for everyone. The menu includes your choice of salmon or sirloin steak (which you will designate when you select your ticket), salad, baked potato and dessert. Charm City will provide the cash bar. Purchase tickets at the Clubhouse Activities Office with a check payable to LARC. Members pay $30 per person and guests are $35. Purchase tickets by end of day December 1. CHRISTMAS CAROL-OKE By Cheryl Winchester Don’t miss out on an evening full of holiday spirit and entertainment December 16 from 7 to 10 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. LAPAC would like everyone to join us for free — this is our way of giving back to the Lake Ashton community for always supporting our endeavors. The free tickets are only available until we fill up. Tickets are online and at the Clubhouse Activities Office. CHILI COOKOFF By David Harrison The LA Purple Stars will have a Chili Cook-off Fundraiser for the American Cancer Society January 12, 2024 from 4 to 6 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. There will be twenty different chilis, cornbread, water and a baked goods table. Residents can sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office to cook chili or donate baked goods, which should be individually wrapped for the dessert table. Tasting tickets must be purchased in advance at the Clubhouse Activities Office with a check payable to LA Purple Stars; 12 tickets for $10, limited to 200 strips of 12. Each ticket allows you to taste one chili. Corn bread, water, and baked goods are cash sales; $1/ item. There will be judges for the "best" chili and prizes will be awarded for first and second place. Questions? Call David Harrison 863-326-6418. LA CRUISE-IN JAN. 14, 2024 3 — 6 pm Shine up that chrome, get those tires scrubbed, and rev those engines on January 14 from 3 pm to 6 pm in the Clubhouse West Parking Lot to enjoy food trucks, classic and modern cars, and live music from Southbound. We will be judging cars and presenting the winners of each category with a prize: Best Classic (pre-1989), Best Modern (post-1989), and Crowd Favorite. Registration ends December 18. If you’d like to enter your car into the show, register online, or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. Spectators do not need to sign up to attend this free event! Sponsored by Performance Carts and Water’s Edge. LAKE ASHTON CLUB FAIR Anyone interested in learning more about Lake Ashton Clubs, Groups or Organizations should attend this Expo on January 24 in the Clubhouse Ballroom from 10 am to 1 pm. Light refreshments provided. Register via the online link that will be sent out via email blast after December 6 for a table. This is a great time to grow membership and attract new members whether you facilitate an exercise group, public safety group, sports activity, or arts and crafts group. Exhibitor space is limited so don’t wait to sign up! LAVA AUXILIARY TAG SALE By Donna Debnar The biannual Lake Ashton version of a garage sale will take place Saturday, January 20, 2024 in the Clubhouse ballroom from 9 am to 2 pm. Clean out your closets and drawers and rent a table space and bring your wares for sale. It’s a good time to make room for all those new holiday gifts. You can also donate items for sale. All proceeds benefit the veterans. To reserve your space contact Donna Debnar at 863-845-5275 or email at djdebnar@gmail.com. Only Lake Ashton residents may purchase a table space but the sale will be open to the public.


VINTAGE ROADSHOW Lake Ashton’s second Vintage Roadshow will be held on January 24 at 6 pm! A group of very knowledgeable vendors will be in attendance to help share their knowledge of your beloved or unique antique/vintage/retro items. Categories and time increments are as follows: Jewelry, Watches, & Clocks (no more than 3 pieces per person) – 15 minutes per person Ceramics, Pottery, Glassware, & Holiday – 10 minutes/person Toys & Sports – 10 minutes/person Books & Paper Items – 10 minutes/person Signs & Advertisement Pieces – 10 minutes/person Coins & Military (no weapons, please) – 15 minutes/ person Pictures & Paintings – 10 minutes/person Tools & Cast Iron – 10 minutes/person Electronics – 10 minutes/person Furniture – Limited to the first 9 to sign up, the vendor will come to your house to look at your item. You will need to sign up for a time slot online, or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. SAVE THE DATE By Marsha Martin The Creative Quilters are gearing up for their 2024 Quilt Show and would love to have our Lake Ashton friends come and see what we have been doing. With more than 10 new people joining our group in the last year there will be even more quilts than ever before! With more group projects such as Tear and Share and a Mystery Quilt, we will have tons of new quilts and ideas to look at. We are also raffling off 2 different quilts this year with the proceeds going to buy fabric to make quilts for our resident veterans. Mark your calendars for February 21, 2024 from 11 am to 3 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. Hope to see you there. UPCOMING EVENTS AT THE CLUBHOUSE February 10, 2024 - Greek Festival February 14, 2024 - Valentine's Event February 23, 2024 - Pirate Party

Brad Kirwan’s Lake Ashton Customers Discuss His Real Estate Work Real Estate Expertise Brad did a phenomenal job putting our listing together that provided a perfect visualization of our home. His tips and suggestions were on target and the photos were perfect. Brad answered all our questions with solid guidance. His ability to author a complete narrative of our home enabled us to have a buyer in one week. Working with us on our offer and counter-offer was spot on. When we knew we were selling, there was no one else we wanted to represent us than Brad. He is a true professional and provides outstanding customer service to his clients. Brad, you are the best. Gary & Sue Johnson 13 September 2023 Verified by RateMyAgent Curious about your home’s current market value? Call for a free Comparative Market Analysis. BRAD KIRWAN 863.280.0390


VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE HOLIDAY DECOR! All residents will have the chance to vote for the most festive, most extravagant, and the best overall outdoor holiday decor featured in Lake Ashton from December 1 through December 14. An email blast will be sent out with a list of participating addresses along with an online voting form. The winner will be presented with a trophy and be featured in the LA Times. If you have any questions, please contact Christine Wells (cwells@lakeashtoncdd.com) or James Margeson (jmargeson@lakeashton2cdd.com) with any questions. Thank you to the Lake Ashton Activities Advisory Group for this wonderful idea! The Lake Ashton Activities Advisory Group is made up of resident volunteers from Lake Wales and Winter Haven that work together with staff to come up with ideas for community events and activities. 27

BODY MIND SOUL Simply Healthy Everything is Connected Make it a goal in 2024 to focus on improving your mental health and fitness. Check out these offerings for your Mind, Body, and Soul at the Clubhouse and the HFC. CLUBHOUSE BALLROOM HFC ✴Chair Yoga: Tuesdays at 9 am. $5/class (payable at class, min. 10). No equipment required. Led by Kim Skinner, an accredited yoga instructor since 2019 (AND a Licensed Mental Health Counselor!). Kim incorporates yoga, meditation and breath work into the practice. ✴Water Aerobics: Tuesdays — Saturdays at 8:30 am ✴Free Virtual Meditation Session: Mondays at 3 pm via Zoom ✴Virtual Coaching Sessions with Transformation Coach Joel Eyres January 8 and 22 at 4:30 pm in the Cinema. ✴Beginning Chair & Balance: Mondays at 10 am ✴Classical Stretch: Mondays & Thursdays at 11 am ✴Aqua Reloaded: Mondays at 12 pm, Wednesdays & Fridays at 10 am ✴Cardio Swing & Yoga Cool: Tuesday & Thursdays at 9 AM ✴Triple B (Bat Wings, Bellies, & Bulges): Wednesdays at 9 am ✴Basic Fitness & Cardio: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10 am ✴Aqua Motion: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 4 pm ✴Back To Basics: Fridays at 9 am Sign up at either Activities Office or scan the QR code to sign up online. 28

MIND&BODY SCAN THIS QR CODE WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE T O SIGN UP FOR EVENTS LIS TED IN THIS ISSUE. THINK & DRINK: DO I HAVE A RETRO VINTAGE ANTIQUE? Have you ever wondered if that one item on the shelf classifies as an antique? Join Gordon Broadhead, owner of G’s Vintage Market in Lake Wales, on December 29 at 6:30 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom for a thought-provoking discussion about the different classifications of yesteryear’s items. Gordon will also have a Q&A segment during the discussion. Sign up by scanning the QR code above, online, or at the Clubhouse Activities Office. Know Thy Health By Lynda Hadley Here we are at the end of another year! This is a great time to reflect on the positives and negatives of this year and to make plans for a better future. A good self-evaluation helps to identify patterns (both positive & negative) that help or hinder our health goals. How many of us are moving through life unaware of our physical declines? Do we notice our body changing with each year? This natural decline in our physical abilities is so gradual that most of us won’t take note of it until we are forced to; like at our yearly physical exam. Can you touch your toes? TAKE CHARGE OF LIFE’S TRANSITIONS <#$3$* @4311"12 6"7"12 A('#$# 5 )"44# 6&12 A*(0 B3(* C*="/3"= @4311"12 D##*$ @(&$*/$"&1 @(&+3$* 63E* D#F$&1 >*#"=*1$ !"#"$ &'( )*+#"$* ,&( -./&0"12 !"($'34 5 6"7* 8*0"13(#9 :*;# 5 <='/3$"&134 >*#&'(/*#? Denise R. Tessier, Esq. 863.220.7927 Office | 863.225.2244 Direct Info@TessierLawFirm.com !!!"#$%%&$'()!*&'+",-+ 1375 Havendale Blvd. NW | Winter Haven, FL 33881 Truth is, we form habits and biases that are responsible for who we are today. For example, If I start eating ice cream after dinner; I would start to crave ice cream after dinner. Likewise, if I start going to bed earlier in the evening; I would start to feel sleepy earlier as well. It all boils down to being a victim of, or a master of our habits. So, if you want to change a negative behavior like a food craving, you will need to stop giving in to the craving. If you have ever seen someone take a pacifier from a baby, you understand how challenging it can be. Our bodies are amazingly adaptive and will get stronger if we challenge it with weight training and cardio. Likewise, it will become weaker and less flexible if we spend too much time sitting or lying down. Let’s start this new year with purpose! Chose to do more and work towards being more flexible, more energetic, and more disciplined. We owe it to our future selves to work toward being more physically fit than we are today.

BEGINNER BRIDGE CLASS Thursday mornings at 8:30 am at the HFC leigh.elizabeth@gmail.com or 813-288-0809. TAP JAMMERS Instructor: Julie Bombard (jbombard73@gmail.com) Fridays at 10 am on the Clubhouse stage. All levels of tappers are welcome but this class is not designed for beginning tappers. CHERYL’S DANCE CLASS Instructor: Cheryl Winchester (cwinchester1012@gmail.com, 305-725-4946) Thursdays from 10 to 11:30 am at the HFC basketball courts. LINE DANCING WITH JOHN MOORE Tuesday evenings (Beginners 7-8 pm and Beginners Plus 8-9 pm) and Thursday mornings (Beginners 9-10 am and Beginners Plus 10-11 am) in the Clubhouse Ballroom LINE DANCING CLASS Instructor: Lorrrie Shearin Thursdays at the HFC 1 pm Beginner Class - Everyone is welcome! No experience needed. Dances will be easy and fun, dances used at River Ranch will be taught. 2 pm Improver Class - Teaching dances that have tags, restarts, turns, and maybe faster. Some experience may help, but everyone can try and learn new dances that may seem more advanced. Sometimes they are easier than they look. MAH JONGG Mah Jongg players with one to two years or more experience sought to join the group that meets Wednesdays at the HFC from 2 to 4 pm. Contact: Myrna Soberman at myrna.steve23@gmail.com. SHUFFLEBOARD GROUP Join this group every Tuesday at 6 pm at the Shuffleboard Courts. Contact Marcie or Darrell Saxton at 863-324-1212. Home Instead® Care Professionals can provide the care needed to ensure your loved one returns home safely . Call (863) 294-9141 or visit HomeInstead.com/333 FL Lic# 299994096 PERSONAL CARE | TRANSPORTATION | MEALS & NUTRITION | MEMORY CARE Each Home Instead® office is an independently owned and operated franchise of Home Instead, Inc., an Honor Company. © 2022 Home Instead, Inc.

CERAMIC CHICKS Wednesdays, 8:30 am to 1 pm, HFC Craft Room Bring your ceramics or purchase in the room. A kiln is available to fire your ceramics. FUSED GLASS HOLIDAY ORNAMENTS & PROJ ECTS Instructor: Jill Groves Create 2 ornaments from several provided designs on Wednesday, December 6 from 6 to 9 pm at the HFC Craft Room, and December 15 from 10 am to 1 pm at the Clubhouse Craft Room. On Wednesday, December 20 from 6 to 9 pm at the HFC Craft Room, students can select from two types of projects: a glass tree with a birch log stand or a glass design with a votive holder & a battery candle. Sign up at the Clubhouse or HFC Activities Desks, or online. Cost is $35 payable at the class with cash, credit, or check. Preregistration is required. All materials included. No previous experience is necessary. BOB ROSS OIL PAINTING Instructor: Kay Lenherr December 9 at 1 pm in the Clubhouse Craft Room Christmas Angel $35 (payable at class) — sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office by noon on December 8 CRAFTING WITH CARMEN Join Carmen in the Clubhouse Ballroom on January 9 at 11:30 for a papier-mâché class! Learn how to make decorative papier-mâché flamingoes by using different types of paper. All supplies and instructions will be included for $10. Space is limited so sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office by January 4 to reserve your spot for this class. Next Class: DIY Heart Pillow on February 6. BRUSHES AND BEVERAGES Create your own beautiful handpainted wine glasses on January 10 at 2:30 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. For $35, each painter will receive step-by-step instructions and will be supplied with two wine glasses, paints, and brushes. Stop by the Activities Desk with a check made out to Sheila Vertoli to reserve your spot by January 3. You won’t want to miss this; a maximum of 30 people can sign up but a minimum of 10 people is needed! Next Class: February 7 WATERCOLOR WORKSHOPS Artist Freddie Combs will present three day-long watercolor workshops in the new year. Subject matter will be still life, florals and structures. Sessions are January 12, February 9, and March 9 from 9 am to 3 pm in the HFC with a break for a sack lunch. Students will create two watercolor paintings per session. Price per session is $50. Call 863-307-1244 to reserve a place. SEASONAL FLORAL FRAMES Join resident crafter and floral enthusiast Pam Klawinski on February 6 at 11:30 am to arrange seasonal colored florals on an 8x10 picture frame that will be interchangeable for every season and holiday! This month’s class will be for the winter Holidays. If you participated in the last class and received a frame, be sure to bring that frame back to the class. Instructions and materials will be provided for $16. Sign up online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office.

5 Tax Filing Tips That Help Keep The IRS Auditor Away Right now is a great time to evaluate your current tax situation and enact a few changes to help keep the IRS tax auditor away. The first thing to evaluate is whether the correct amount of taxes are being withheld, your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are on track, deductions are accurate, and if you are correctly listing charitable deductions on your return. Although examining and updating your W-4 is a great place to start, here are a few more ways to save on personal taxes that you may want to consider: • Save more into a pre-tax-sheltered retirement savings account. • Fully fund or increase your contribution into a flexible spending account (FSA) or health savings account (HSA) • Determine if you’re eligible for the earned income tax credit (EITC) • Evaluate if you qualify for the alternative minimum tax (AMT). • Increase your deductions. • Donate money to a charitable cause. Meeting with your financial professional and tax professional can help ensure you are managing your tax situation. A tax review is essential while saving for retirement and after you retire since retirement is often when taxes on distributions from pre-tax retirement savings accounts hit. This situation makes pre-retirement tax planning important. As you review your tax situation this spring, are five tax filing tips to watch for: Tip #1- Unemployment benefits are taxed. Unemployment benefits are taxable income by the IRS and in almost every state. If you received benefits, you may receive a 1099 form showing your benefits income by year-end. In most states, taxes are not taken from your benefits, so you’ll need to pay taxes on your unemployment benefits. In some states, unemployment benefits are not taxed, so if you’re unsure if your state taxes benefits, reach out to your tax professional for clarification. Tip #2-The home office deduction may not apply to you. If you work from home, you may assume you qualify for the home deduction. Unfortunately, work-related expenses are not eligible for deduction if you’re an employee on an employer’s payroll. Contact me today! Jim Cooper Certified Financial Fiduciary P: (863) 589-6850 E: jimcooper@newinsightfinancial.com Lake Ashton Resident 33 Tip #3- Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) require special attention. Under The SECURE Act, your first RMD starts when you turn age 72, which is a later age than in previous years. The RMD rule generally applies to the age of the original owner of a traditional IRA, SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA, a 401(k) or 403(b). Roth IRAs do not have RMDs. Tip #4- RMD tables have changed. Since the RMD tables hadn’t been updated since the early 2000s and people now have longer life expectancies, the tables were updated in 2022. Here are a few things to note about the updated RMD tables which impact how much RMD monies you need to take: • RMDs are now at a lesser percentage. • RMD amounts are smaller in order to extend the balance over a longer time period. • A Smaller RMD means fewer taxes to pay. • More money remaining in retirement savings accounts means more opportunities for tax-deferred accumulation through reinvesting. • The new updated RMD tables help investors to manage their taxable income better. Tip# 5- Charitable deductions may save you money. For the 2022 and 2023 tax years, charitable contribution deduction rules are now that taxpayers can only deduct charitable contributions if they itemize their tax deductions on Schedule A. In addition, taxpayers can only claim charitable contribution deductions for cash contributions to public charities and operating foundations up to 60% of their adjusted gross income (AGI). If you have questions when filing your taxes, consult a tax professional to help ensure you’re not taking deductions you don’t qualify to take. SWG2241771-0622e The sources used to prepare this material are believed to be true, accurate and reliable, but are not guaranteed. This information is provided as general information and is not intended to be specific financial or tax guidance. When you access a link you are leaving our website and assume total responsibility for your use of the website you are linking to. We make no representation as to the completeness or accuracy of information provided at this website. Nor is the company liable for any direct or indirect technical or system issues or any consequences arising out of your access to or your use of third-party technologies, websites, information and programs made available through this website. Questions? Scan this QR code to book a 15-minute appointment.

CLUBS By Becky Wilson LA PICKLEBALL CLUB 11 at 10:30 am in the Cinema. Each month we strive to broaden our knowledge through educational videos and guest speakers. Members also share their photos and knowledge. All Lake Ashton residents regardless of photography skill levels are invited to attend. GARDEN CLUB By Lynn Davis The LA Garden Club met on November 8 and Judy The Lake Ashton pickleball courts had quite a different look to them on October 28! LAPA held a Halloween Mixer with all participants playing in costume. The courts were filled with all kinds of scary, funny, but most of all, fun-loving players. It was a fun morning for the players and just as much fun for the spectators! Carmen Woodlief and Lisa Savala were the winners for the women and Rick McKibben and Graham Littlehale were the men’s winners. Good news…you can now join and pay your dues at the Clubhouse or the HFC! If paying or signing up at the Clubhouse, use the signup window as usual. At the HFC, there is now a black box on the wall directly to the left of the wooden framed forms holder. For those wishing to become members of LAPA, membership forms can be found in the holder. The form is easy to fill out and shows you how much to pay. Attach a check payable to “LAPA” and drop it in the box. Existing members renewing their membership may drop their checks for $12 in the box. Please be sure to write member(s) names on the check. How easy is that? Happy holidays and good cheer to all of Lake Ashton! CAMERA CLUB By Larry Hillock If you’re interested in photography and would like to share your enthusiasm and knowledge with others, please join us at one of our Camera Club meetings. Our December meeting will be held Monday December Perry was the presenter. Judy showed those in attendances how to use rosemary and other herbs to create herb vinegars. All participants were able to create and take home a bottle. There were flowers and labels to add to the décor of the bottle. The Garden Club membership continues to grow. The club has a diversity of members with many interests. Members are always willing to help. There are many experts, novices and beginners all with the same goal; to garden. Our next meeting will be December 13th at 10am in the Pavilion. There will be a garden themed gift swap, holiday pastries and apple cider. The club meets every second Wednesday of each month. LA WOODWORKERS CLUB ANNUAL MEETING By Jim Sullivan The Lake Ashton Woodworkers will have their annual membership meeting on January 15 at 10:30 am in the front of the Ballroom, immediately after Monday Coffee. New Memberships and renewals are being offered at this meeting. Membership to the Lake Ashton Woodworkers is available to all Lakes Ashton residents. For all new residents, the woodworkers shop here at Lake Ashton is first class, with the finest equipment. With your new membership you will receive a complete training session to ensure your safety and ability to use the equipment. At times during the year, classes are offered to help you create woodworking projects. The Lake Ashton Woodworkers club is completely selfsupported. The annual dues are $150 per year. That is a lot more than past years, however we had a substantial increase in the monthly rent. We are looking forward to another great year of making sawdust and enjoying the woodworking club here at Lake Ashton.

LA TRAVELERS By Laurie Cayton Claus. There will be a collection of new unwrapped toys in support of the Rudolph Roundup, benefiting foster children in our area. Email lakeashtondemocraticclub@gmail.com for more information. GENEALOGY CLUB By Jane Imparl The Lake Ashton Travelers headed down to Punta Gorda November 2 - 6 to enjoy a Rally which included the Florida International Air Show taking place right next to the Creekside RV Resort where they were staying. The Rally included evening socials, a potluck, two catered dinners, breakfast gatherings and a great game of Bingo where the prizes included gift cards to Charm City and handmade crafts. The highlight of the Air Show was watching the Thunderbirds fly in several formations and perform breathtaking maneuvers. The LA Travelers celebrated their 20th Anniversary as a FMCA Chapter with a party on November 14. The South-East Regional Vice President, Bill Dees, presented the certificate to Chapter President Dan Leininger (pictured). The group is the longest running club in Lake Ashton with over 400 current and former members. The annual Christmas Party will be held on December 3 in the Clubhouse. If you want to join the group, contact Maureen Sim who heads up the membership drive at 863-604-0309. LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB By Paul Ritz In lieu of a December monthly meeting, the LADC encourages attendance at the Holiday Party for all Polk County Democrats on Tuesday, December 12 from 6:00-9:00 pm at the Yard on Mass, located at 802 North Massachusetts Avenue in Lakeland. RSVP to PolkDems_HolidayParty@yahoo.com. There will be music by DJ Bush, food trucks, outdoor and indoor seating, and a visit from Santa 35 Members of the Genealogy Club traveled to the Family Search Center in Lakeland on November 4 and 11 to delve more deeply into their family trees. We were t r e a t e d t o t h e h e l p a n d expertise of Steve and Betty, and boy, did we find a lot of info! Come join us at our next meeting on Wednesday, December 13 at 2 PM in the HFC Craft Room. We will be happy to help you delve into your family tree. Questions, call Jane at 815-545-6655. FRIENDLY BOCCE GROUP By Carl Boast All Lake Ashton residents are invited to come out on Mondays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm to play some fun games of Bocce Ball. No experience is required. Anyone who is playing would be more than happy to teach you and go over the Lake Ashton Bocce Ball rules and regulations. The group also has the Bocce courts reserved for the 1st and 3rd Fridays for the 2024 season from 4pm to 6pm for our tailgate parties. Bring your drinks and an appetizer to share. This is a great opportunity to socialize and play some games. The Bocce group is planning a potluck dinner on January 17, 2024 from 5 to 8 pm at the HFC Community Room. Bring a drink of your choice and a dish to serve eight for a fun night of food and friends. Plates, napkins, and utensils will be supplied. If you plan to attend the potluck a signup sheet will be available in the HFC. Contact Stephanie Iszak (609-980-9505, siszak@comcast.net) or Tammy Shields (863-632-2024, tammy.shields1221@gmail.com) with questions. Looking forward to having many new Friendly Bocce players.

LA CANADIAN CLUB By Heather & Ken Miyauchi, Janet & Ed Wills Calling all Canadians! After a three-year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we restarted our LA Canadian Club dinners in 2023. The dinners were well attended and everyone enjoyed renewing old friendships and meeting new friends. Please join us for great food, lively conversation, entertaining games, and even a few laughs on Thursday, January 11, 2024. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. with dinner served at 6 p.m. The dinner will include honey glazed ham, grilled chicken breast, garlic cheddar mashed potatoes, sautéed green beans, garden salad, French rolls, dessert, and iced tea. The price is unchanged at $17 per person. Where else can you get a threecourse dinner for $14 plus tip and tax? Sign up and submit your payment at the HFC Activities Desk. Make your $17 checks payable to “Ed Wills”, treasurer. Sign up by December 31. Looking forward to seeing everyone on January 11! SINGLES CLUB By Maureen Ziegler LA Singles is a social group that plans activities for single residents. The group meets monthly on the first Sunday of the month at 2 pm in the Clubhouse Ballroom. In November, 39 people attended the meeting. Susan Castillo reported that she and Karen Nelson attended a facilitator meeting and reserved the Ballroom for meetings and cards on Sunday from 2-4 pm and the Pavilion on the third Thursday of every month from 4–6 pm for the Single Mingle in 2024. The date for the Christmas party at Deb Kreider’s house has been changed to December 14 at 4:30 pm. Wrapped gifts for the Senior Orphans were turned in by November 26. Athene booked reservations at the Jacaranda Hotel in Avon Park on January 4 for lunch. Athene will collect $21.50 from each person attending the luncheon at the December meeting.The Jacaranda Hotel will still be decorated for Christmas. If you would like to take part in activities with other singles, attend the meeting on December 3.


LA SWIM CLUB By Sandy White Pictured are LA Swim Club members Cathy Liska and Sandy Papineau with Coach Sandy White at the Golden Age Games in Sanford. The women are part of the 4-year-old Lake Ashton Swim Club; and, as you can see by the hardware around their necks, they won 9 medals. The Golden Age Games are the oldest senior games in the country, and Lake Ashton has been represented there for the past 3 years. Cathy and Sandy P., along with a few other members, have also qualified for the Florida State Senior Games Championships, which will be held Dec. 2-3 in Temple Terrace. This will be the fourth year that we have had swimmers qualify for and swim at States. Some of the club members are gearing up for the Polk County and Lee County Senior Games which will be held the first weekend of March. Other club members, who are interested in fitness swimming, are doing well on their goals to swim 100 miles in the HFC pool (not all at once)! There are a couple members with injuries (not from swimming) and we wish them a speedy recovery. Whether you are interested in fitness, competition, or camaraderie, new members are always welcome! The only requirement is an ability to swim 2 lengths of the pool. LASC reserves the pool Mondays 6-7 pm, Wednesdays 1-2 pm, and Saturdays 10-11 am. Workouts are tailored to individual needs, and Coach Sandy is available to help improve stroke technique and offer other swimming tips. MEALS ON WHEELS FUND RAISER RESULTS By Marcia Santino The Pinehurst Loop Social Committee (“PLSC”) held a LA Community Gift Basket Raffle benefitting Meals on Wheels of Polk County. This raffle was designed to raise awareness of this amazing organization in a fun and interactive way. A total of 32 incredible gifts, pictured, were donated by Pinehurst Loop residents, local businesses and The LA Purple Stars. People across the community participated in the raffle over a two-week selling period and drawings were held on November 7th. Over $2,500 was raised for Meal on Wheels and the proceeds were presented to their Executive Director, Susan Eldridge, pictured with some of the PLSC members, on November 8. If you or someone you know would like information on meal delivery services available from Meals on Wheels, call 863-299-1616. To volunteer, email MOWpolk.org. For the complete list of raffle winners, please email slenarz2005@yahoo.com DUPLICATE BRIDGE By Liz Leigh A duplicate bridge game is held every Monday in the Clubhouse Card Room from 12:45 until approximately 3:30 pm. Players of all levels are welcome. Advance sign up is encouraged — contact Don Fuller at dfuller627@yahoo.com. October 16: North-South 1st Nelda Sedlacek & Pauline Pare, 2nd Graham Littlehales & Howard Mayne; 3rd Jeannine Connors & Dee Mayne EastWest 1st Dick Dole & Lois Dole; 2nd Trish Kellar & Marian Oshinsky; 3rd Sonny Robinson & Pat Foster October 23: 1st Ralph Ritter & Liz Smith; 2nd Graham Littlehales & Jeannine Connors; 3rd James Ford & Don Fuller October 30: North-South 1st Marian Oshinsky & Trish Kellar; 2nd James Ford & Don Fuller; 3rd Marion Nelson & Roger Nelson; East-West 1st Judy Robertson & Ralph Ritter; 2nd Graham Littlehales & Howard Mayne; 3rd Judy Marine & Marge Kniat November 6: 1st James Ford & Don Fuller; 2nd Ralph Ritter & Judy Robertson; 3rd Liz Smith & Keith Stevens

ART’S GOLF CARS, INC. The Fun Starts Here! Go to artsgolfcars.com click on the ‘BUILD YOUR OWN’ button to BUILD your own ONWARD! y ★★★ WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PARTS & ACCESSORIES ★★★ Owner Art Hobson CALL ART ANYTIME FOR APPOINTMENT ● 863-439-5431 SALES AND SERVICE ● 863-439-5431 WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 2-Passenger Onward Lithium Club Car FAMILY OWNED SINCE 1987 29630 U.S. Hwy. 27 ● Dundee, FL 33838 ● artsgolfcars@aol.com 39 AUTHORIZED DEALER

LA ROCKERS By Annie Lutz LA Rockers is a wonderful group of residents that spreads acts of kindness to our LA Community. You never know what a small painted rock can do to someone’s day, outlook, or even their life. It’s about sharing a little message of encouragement to someone who needs it. It’s about bringing smiles to our neighbors. It’s about welcoming new neighbors. We are busy creating rocks for two service projects for the coming holidays. We are almost finished painting rocks for the LA Singles group holiday project. We are also busy painting rocks for Water’s Edge residents. The group normally meets in the HFC Community Center from 2 to 4 pm on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, but there will be no meetings in December. The 1st Wednesday is for current members to learn new skills and techniques. The 3rd Wednesday is a “Free Paint” session where newcomers are welcome to join the group. Come give us a try in January! Newcomers will be lent the supplies they need for their first session. Contact MJ Richards (mjmrichards517@gmail.com) at least five days before their first meeting so that supplies can be provided. Wishing everyone Happy Holidays and a Healthy New Year! ITALIAN/AMERICAN CLUB By Susie Escoda The last potluck of the year will be Thursday, December 14 at 6 pm at the HFC. Bring your favorite dish to share, a beverage and $2 to cover expenses. Desserts are taken care of. New members are always welcome, so if you have some Italian heritage please join and make new friends. No RSVP needed. Questions? Call Susie Escoda at 863-206-6566. LAVA AUXILIARY By Chris Graves The next meeting of the LAVA Auxiliary will be Wednesday, December 20 at 5 pm at Charm City for a quick meeting and then dinner and some cheer Thank you LAVA Auxiliary and Lake Ashton neighbors for making the Craft Fair a success! More than 1,020 people came to the Craft Fair! Many stopped by as they were leaving (bags in hand) to let us know how much they enjoyed attending, and the vendors were extremely pleased as well. Many have already reserved their spot for next year. Thanks to the bakers who provided their homemade baked goods, the Kitchen Crew and Charm City for their generous donation. The “Bake Shop” and hot dog sales were a tremendous success. We also want to thank LAVA for their support with parking and helping the vendors set up their booth. Thanks to all the LAVA Auxiliary volunteers. Get ready for the Tag Sale (garage sale) in January hosted by the LAVA Auxiliary. See page 24 for more details. May you be blessed with making happy memories this holiday season. Let’s keep in prayer our military who will not be with family this season. God Bless America! MN, ND, & SD STATE PARTY By Mark Rath All former residents from Minnesota, North and South Dakota are invited to gather for a Potluck dinner and state trivia on February 18, 2024 from 5 to 8pm at the HFC. More details in the next LA Times and at the HFC. 2024 POLK SENIOR GAMES Call or email now to receive an entry booklet in early January for the 2024 Polk Senior Games. 863-533-0055, polkseniorgames50@gmail.com. A representative will be at Monday Coffee on January 8. The Games, scheduled for February 24 - March 9, offer two weeks of 33 Olympic-style sports and games for men and women 50 and over. Pre-registration is required and the deadline is February 9. Fees are $12 for the first event and $5 for each additional event up to a maximum of $37. Additional fees apply for team sports and some events. Everyone receives a specially designed T-shirt. Gold, silver, and bronze medals are awarded in each event and age division.

GOLF LA NINERS By Marti Schmidt Senior Orphans collection was once again a HUGE success. Your generosity, as always, is overwhelming. This should be a great holiday season for these folks in need, thanks to all of you. If you haven’t signed up for the holiday game and party on December 5 – what are you waiting for? There are many fun surprises both on and off the course for this annual event. Please feel free to wear your festive attire, ugly xmas sweaters, and jingle bells. Holiday lights are encouraged. Fun is the name of the game for the holiday party! Remember, we tee off at 9:30 and gather in the parking lot adjacent to Mulligan Way at 9:10am. If you can’t play golf that day, please sign up and join us for lunch. Looking forward to seeing you there! As we end yet another year, please take a few minutes of reflection: remember the members who have left, send healing thoughts to members and/or their families who might be struggling, and share your hearts filled with an attitude of gratitude for all that we experience here at Lake Ashton. Happiest of holidays to you and yours… Still have questions? Ready to join? Contact Denise at denisepops23@aol.com for more info! LALGA By Dawn Neigh We made it through another hurricane season … now, let the fun begin. The dry season is upon us with nice colder crisp weather. So, LET’S GOLF! We have so many opportunities. The best part is golf is in our backyard. November 7 and 8 was our LALGA/LAMGA two-day tournament. What a fun day and the course was full with a total of 90 golfers. Opening Day was November 14. The game was on all par 5s you could tee your ball up in the fairway! Yes, we like to make it interesting. The luncheon afterward was very well thought out and wonderful. Plus, with most of our members participating it made for a fun day of meeting new people and just plain fun. Oh, we did have a serious required annual meeting. Can’t be all fun and games. Our holiday luncheon is December 12. It is always festive. Just a reminder that December 5-18 is our annual toy drive. The upcoming event in January is LALGA Solheim Cup! Mark your calendar for this 2-day competition. Who will win? Red vs Blue? No one knows but I am sure our captains will get their teams fired up. As always, hit them long and hit them straight! Red Hoagland Challenge leaders as of October 31 Liz Leigh Cheryl Coveleskie Beverly Hines Margie Dersham $95.35 $79.75 $78.20 $76.90 Pictured at right: LALGA/LAMGA Tournament Chairmen Jan Baun and Tim Wayt Clubhouse Staff would like to thank the LALGA for all donated during the November food drive for Lake Wales Care Center and the Mission of Winter Haven. 44

LAMGA By David Kubissa As the year winds down, there is a flurry of activity in the men’s league, leading to the launch of the 2024 season in January. The most important event is the December 6 LAMGA annual meeting and luncheon that follow that day’s game of the week – two best nets. Registration for the 2024 season runs from December 1 — 31. Printable application forms have been emailed to members and posted in a printable format on the LAMGA page at LakeAshtonLiving.com. They also will be available at the Pro Shop. Players must complete the form and return it to the golf shop with a $25 registration fee, payable only by check – no cash – to LAMGA. Only enrolled players who have paid their fee will be eligible for league play in 2024.Players who cannot register by the deadline may do so after December 31 but first must complete the application and pay the fee before they can play a LAMGA game. The final standings are in for the prestigious Red Hoagland Hyundai Challenge that honors the four players who have accumulated the most winnings from the weekly LAMGA games. The Final Foursome for the year and their order of finish are: 1. John Milsom; 2. Doug Hines; 3. Paul Panone; 4. Rolly Geyer. They will receive gift certificates to the Lake Ashton golf shop, courtesy of Red Hoagland Hyundai. Sponsor spotlight: Christine Graves Insurance, Inc.; Element Funding; Zinsmeister Insurance; Bargain Carts; Brewer Sales and Service; Performance Carts; Lake Ashton Golf Management; and Lake Ashton Ladies Golf Association. For the full lineup, visit the LAMGA section of LakeAshtonLiving.com. Pictured above: Jan Baun rolls a putt on No. 18 West in the LAMGA / LALGA mixer that took place Nov. 7 and 8 as teammates Don Connors, Jane Fuller and Doug Hines look on. The event drew a field of 90 golfers. FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES! FLOORING - BLINDS - SHUTTERS - SHOWER REMODELS 29710 US Hwy 27, Dundee 863-439-7500 www.jimsfloordepot.com

Cheers to the New Year! Don’t Miss The Party of the Year in the Clubhouse Ballroom December 31 from 8 pm to midnight! Cast your negative thoughts and energies into the fire (literally, not just metaphorically) & set your intentions for 2024. Rock all night with B. Haven, enjoy food stations plus a dessert bar, a cash bar with champagne toast at midnight, & make memories in the 360 degree & regular photo booths (sponsored by Kevin Weltlin with State Farm) Tickets: $45 Online or at the Clubhouse Activities Office

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