Spotlight NANCY HALDERMAN Nancy Halderman, Budget Manager and Associate Director of Community Partnerships, is the Chair for the April AACN BONUS meeting. The Business Officers of Nursing Schools (BONUS) Annual Meeting will be held on April 22-24, 2020. The annual meeting will focus on exploring trends, strategies, and innovations in academic nursing administration. Congratulations to Drs. Angela Bailey, Penny Callaway, and Teresa Ousley on the completion of their doctoral degrees! Interprofessional Certificate in HUMAN TRAFFICKING STUDIES Indiana Wesleyan University now offers a Certificate in Human Trafficking Studies with an interprofessional focus. The Certificate in Human Trafficking Studies provides foundational knowledge of human trafficking principles, policies, and approaches from a Biblical worldview. The knowledge gained will enhance the learner’s ability to engage in the antihuman trafficking arena in their respective disciplines and broaden individual knowledge base. This groundwork is applicable to all disciplines. This is a 12 credit/four course certificate program with both online and onsite options. In order to be admitted to this program, students must have completed 60 credits of coursework. 4 SCHOOL OF NURSING SPRING 2020 NEW PROGRAMS NOW AVAILABLE: Post-Baccalaureate to DNP programs: Family Nurse Practitioner or Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Keep reading our magazine and checking our social media pages for updates about our programs.
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