GET THE URBAN EXPERIENCE Happy New Year! The year 2023 is behind us. We now say hello to 2024. What are your goals, hopes, and accomplishments you will achieve this year? I am excited to announce a new podcast I will be starting this year. I have had a wonderful time on Urban Impact Show and learned much about myself and grown in the work. It can be challenging to step out and do something on your own especially if doing something yourself can draw criticisms and critiques. I was listening to Pastor Mike Todd’s sermon titled. "Triumph over Trauma." The premise of his message was when you try, you are exercising your faith. As a young girl I did everything I could to please others. I did not embrace conflict and wanted everyone to get along. There are times in your life when trauma can be experienced. Trauma according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is a physical, cognitive, and emotional response caused by a traumatic event, series of events, or set of circumstances that is experienced as harmful or life-threatening. As Pastor Mike Todd was sharing his sermon he talked about when one experiences trauma it can cause fear which can be paralyzing and stop you from living out your purpose. Listening to his words caused me to think about the moments in my life when trauma was endured. There are things I know I should be doing, but fear is a real thing. As I continued to listen to his words tears started to stream down my eyes as I reviewed my life in my mind. Upon completion of his sermon, I found myself saying out loud, “Trauma took my ability to try, but today Lord I am open to trying again, so here I go not letting past hurt stop me from trying again.” What is it that is holding you back? It is my prayer in 2024 that you will try again. You never know what doors will open and what God has in store for you if you stop trying. We at Urban Experience Magazine wish you all the best in 2024. Make sure to watch out for our newest podcast: "This is not my Show" coming to you this month along with all of the latest Iowa Juneteenth 2024 events. As a good friend of mine always says, “Our best is yet to come!” 2024 is yours, make it your best ever. Blessings, Dwana Bradley

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