appointment with the health department at www.ImmunizePolk.com. Please note, free COVID-19 vaccines are available for adults who do not have health insurance, or for whose health insurance does not cover the vaccine. Visit www.Vaccines.gov to find a free COVID-19 vaccine near you. “And please remember to follow good hygiene practices this holiday season,” said Eddy. “They’re simple and easy to do, and they help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses in our community. Hygiene Practices  Get the updated respiratory shots you’re eligible for  Wash your hands frequently  Cover your coughs with a tissue or arm sleeve  Wash frequently used surfaces often  Stay home when you’re sick and keep your kids home when they’re sick -###Polk County Health Department strives to create the conditions for all people to live healthy lives by engaging residents, reducing health disparities and attending to the needs of our most vulnerable families. Follow us on X, Meta and Instagram. For more information about Polk County Health Department, please visit https://www.polkcountyiowa.gov/health-department/. gr aphix g LosRos INF O@LOSROS. C OM • LOSROS. C OM Servic es Pho t o E diting Appar el Design M emorial Pho t os L og o & Br anding Mag azine Design C ust om Design  Test yourself for COVID-19 if you have symptoms (Order free tests here)  Follow CDC recommended COVID-19 isolation guidelines  If you can’t stay home when you’re sick, wear a mask in public places

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