I’ll continue by sharing their names. Tamir Rice (age 12), Michael Brown (age 18), Stephon Clark (age 22), Freddie Gray (age 25), Philandro Castile (age 32), Eric Garner (age 43), Walter Scott (age 50), George Floyd (age 46), and Daunte Write (age 20). My thoughts were my thoughts, but this became the talk and critique of over 800 people. I normally don’t/ look at comments, but this time I wanted to view what others were saying. Some of the comments were, “tell the boy to obey the laws and he won’t have to fear anything.” “As long as he doesn’t do something that would have the police pull him over.” “Where’s the father?” I even had a lady get on my church Facebook page and make a comment. I offered to meet her for lunch to discuss further and I haven’t heard from her. Reading over the comments reminds me there is work to be done and while I have breath in my body, I will continue to speak up for people who look like me and I’m always available to have a conversation, to share my thoughts, and listen to you as well. I encourage you to listen to the conversation. I also look forward to having more conversations and more opportunities to grow, educate, and come together.

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