Journal of IiMER among medical professionals, and causing grief to patients and everybody else too which also is reported by Dr. Olli Polo. And it is very difficult to understand what this controversy is all about when you are no part of it. It is very bad! In 2015 the American Institute of Medicine (IOM) made a report on ME where they concluded many things based on a very thorough investigation - the main conclusion being that ME is a physiological and NOT a psychological disease. And, they concluded, we should all agree that ME patients need to be recognized, respected and treated. Unfortunately, many of the patients Dr. Brinth has met have not been recognized, or respected and they re not treated. So we need help from the politician, not just for money but we all need to work together to put ME on the agenda and we need to change the culture surrounding these disorders because now it is counterproductive. People are afraid to getting into this business, the patients are afraid of the medical professionals so we have a problem and it is a problem that should affect all of us because it affects many patients! We cannot afford to just let it be! speakers about the disease area and the activities. He touched upon three areas: The Convention itself, Cooperation and coordination in relation to the implementation of the convention, Issues of actively planning and implementation of NGOs The Convention The Convention is the first human rights treaty in the 21st century and became a very popular convention among the Member States Parties. More than 160 countries have joined the Convention. It is very important to know that NGOs themselves played a very important and active role when the Convention was adopted and prepared and that they still do when it comes the standards and the obligations of the Convention being met. In relation to this he highlighted the essential role of the experts when it comes to dialogue and consultations between State Parties and NGOs because the NGOs are the steer provider of very crucial and valuable information for experts and for the cost-active dialogue during the sessions of the Committee. He mentioned that all experts can be approached by NGOs and that they are open for information from them specifically about a given country’s implementations, procedures and feedbacks Dr. László Lovászy – Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Dr. László Lovászy started by introducing himself to the audience. He is a lawyer, a doctor, has a PhD and is the first and only Member of the UN in the Committee on Persons with Disabilities and interested in Biomedical and Technological Development in terms of Disability. He was also interested in learning from the www.investinme.org He mentioned that the International Disability Alliance is also an important player when meeting the NGOs. Governments normally have to learn how to implement the obligations of the Convention via mutual progress, mutual learning and mutual understanding. It is very crucial to realise that there is no perfect country because each and every country has difficulties or challenges in terms of Page 61 of 82

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