1st, 2nd Thursday November 5TH CASH prizes for and 3rd ___ $25 per Participant INCLUDES dinner & 2 complimentary drinks ___ $200 Full 8 person team ___ $100 Round Sponsor ___ $300 Event Sponsor (Full Team & Round) __________________________________________________________ Primary Contact __________________________________________________________ Company Name __________________________________________________________ Phone # / Email Address Player Names Bella Vista Winery 6633 E Main Street Maryville, IL ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ METHOD OF PAYMENT: ___ Check Enclosed ___ Invoice ___ Charge to Visa/Mastercard* * credit card payments will include an additional 4% convenience fee ______________________________________________ ____________ Card # Exp Date _____________ _______________________________________________ CVC Signature Cancellation will be accepted 5 days prior to TRIVIA NIGHT. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations or no-shows. Home Builders & Remodelers Metro East Association, 6100 West Main St., Maryville, IL 62062 O: 618. 343.6331 - Fax: (618)343-6335 - Email: tbutler@hbrmea.org Page 11 place
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