STAY HEALTHY Wash your hands often with soap and water COVID-19 cases and deaths are rising across the United States. We all must remain vigilant. The changes we have had to make to routines and daily life are extremely hard, but these changes are even more important now and in the future. We must stop the spread of this new and dangerous virus. The more steps you and your family can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the safer you will be.Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. How to Protect Yourself When Going Out Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth to help protect yourself and others. Stay 6 feet apart from others who don’t live with you. Avoid crowds. Avoid poorly ventilated indoor spaces. A SMILE costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those ho give.It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. Author Unknown 19 20 Christmas Baskets In October we were contacted by Amber Caruth from John L. Scott Realty saying that they would like to provide 25 Christmas baskets to the Hayden Senior Center. We were incredibly pleased by their offer and began to discuss how we could expand that number to include all members and regular attendees at the Center. After a little discussion it was clear it was a project we really wanted to be part of. The resource development committee got together and formulated a plan to get the word out to the whole community. The City of Hayden employees, Kootenai County Commissioners, Kootenai Electric, Northern Lakes Fire District, Accent Flooring, Scout troop .The Firefighters Union, Costco, Chris Murphy, Colette Gersten & Humana the Kling family and many anonymous donors all began to purchase items to fill our little baskets to the brim. WORD SEARCH Photo’s courtesy of Claudia Wadsworth G T S A I N T P A T R I C K D E T Z E R M T B N C W S M C U G C A R K P W K V Z M W Z L J Z T O E U X N V E G A B B A C D N A F E E B N R O C L L O A N I N X V R M D P V P O L S T V P C X X A T P D G L O W O M A Q W O V L E P R E C H A U N I U O R N D C H T R Q D F K C I R E M I L L B H C F K E A K X I T C K I J Z T S X R N V Y S I Z M N O E D S M B N H H S I R I L A T U K D L S Z C M U N D Z R E V O L C F A E L R U O F U G Q P M N D B L N O F N S S K Q V W Y J Y E C U M J W F Y B E O M L Z I J F B C P U W U N K Y O F V U F T P E G L J I L C K V A O Z E Z Y G I J W D B H U E R F T X Q B H I M D G R V S D V B F R L P Y H Y C O T X K U Z T K R N P M M Z L U X K L F S T P Z T B K O D M G O T I D I A T G O Z V O A M N Y P O N C T T I L O I Q L X P H E D G R S A U E E N P Y Q A P S N R R L X T O E S D T X Z B P E N O V P M T V C J B E I P S X O K U G E I O R T R E U U T O Y H Z Y L R H E D G N Y Y E B N B N A B K P F P G I Z N A F C C Z E I X I S C H D E L U X M R B O E P N N C R J C L O V E R D C M V B Z X G A M L F K O D T K C U A A J G B U M M E S R A I N B O W G D B U O W L J M L Q S W L O S Z P R E T N E C R O I N E S N E D Y A H Q E SAINT PATRICKS DAY SHAMROCK MISCHIEF FOUR LEAF CLOVER Photo courtesy of the CDA Press. BILL BULEY DONNYBROOK SEVENTEENTH LIMERICK POTATO 21 FORTUNE COINS LUCK DUBLIN 22 GOLD CELTIC HAYDEN SENIOR CENTER GREEN BEER IRISH CLOVER POT OF GOLD RAINBOW MARCH JIG BLARNEY IRELAND BAGPIPE LEPRECHAUN CORN BEEF AND CABBAGE Spending time with senior citizens can be fun, fascinating, and very educational. Many seniors have interesting stories from which you can learn many life lessons and gain insightful historical information about decades past. Draw a line to connect the correct President and Vice President 1. John Adams So this issues “IN THE SPOTLIGHT” is Dawn Doran-Towle “Pink” I was a military brat (i.e. phones were to used for business only), no pajama parties. We did not see television until we returned to the States in 1954. Corporal Punishment was applied when we were children; it was do as I say or else. I think the pendulum has sung too far in the other direction. How old do you think I am? As a matter of fact my grandmother had a home (still in the family) that was connected to electricity in 1900, and still has a pull chain toilet in the back. Growing up I competed in softball, I competed in many sports you could call me a female jock. My whole family is very sports orientated and my grandson plays in the NFL for the Miami Dolphins. I think WWll necessitated women in filling in jobs that were formerly held by men, for example my mother was one of the 1st group of women to be hired as Toll Taxers on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge. It had to be the right shift and they had to wear uniforms, billed hat, white shirt and tie. With black trousers and jacket. In my own situation I was the 1st female to be assigned Field Inspector for the City-County of Denver and the only female inspector assigned to the building od DIA. I went to Armstrong Business College in Berkley, then went to Oakland Junior College before moving to Wyoming with my husband who was on a basketball scholarship. I majored in Spanish and P.E.. I think modern technology has its pros and cons, as I walked through Walmart the other day, I saw a family of four entering with all of then with heads down and each with a cell phone in hand. I think we have forgotten to smell the roses. I have eight children, two who are deceased. I’ve lived is Colorado, Utah, California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Idaho. I have fifteen grandchildren to keep up with. I had many jobs over the years from working at Sears candy counter in the Base Exchange in Navy boot camp. Overseas I worked for tips only at the base commissary and vendor for several products. I have also spent the last 17 years before retirement as an Inspector for the City and County of Denver as liaison between Vice and Narcotics of the Police Department. They influenced joint inspections court appearances. This was my favorite. St. Patrick’s Day is my favorite holiday. I still have family in Ireland and when I would visit them they would spoil me to death. As a military brat, I have been is schools up and down the California Coast, in Hawaii when it was still a territory and not a state, My favorite school was the American school in Manila. That was all private college prep/school. We had to cross at Manila Bay on AVR’s daily that served as the Liberty Boat for the sailors on the base. My hobbies are genealogy and military research specific to the Pacific. I moved to Idaho where one of my sons family lives. The first thing I did when I moved here was to register to vote and obtain a library card. I also checked out the Hayden Senior Center, I am very independent. I began participating at the Center with some of the activities provided by the Center. I attend the lunches, exercise groups and the Mexican Train folks. It has been my pleasure to meet so many folks here, both the administrative and the volunteers, I consider them to be my extended family. I truly don’t know what I’d do without them. I don’t know what I would do without Lisa. She makes the Hayden Senior Center click. 23 2. John Adams 3. Thomas Jefferson 4. George Clinton 5. James Madison 6. John Quincy Adams 7. James Monroe 8. Andrew Jackson 9. Andrew Jackson 10. Martin Van Buren 11. William Henry Harrison 12. John Tyler 13. James K Polk 14. Zachary Taylor 15. Millard Fillmore 16. Franklin Pierce 17. James Buchanan 18. Abraham Lincoln 19. Andrew Johnson 20. Ulysses S Grant 21. Rutherford Birchard Hayes 22. James Garfield 23. Chester A Arthur 24. Grover Cleveland 25. Benjamin Harris 26. Grover Cleveland A. Richard M Johnson B. Thomas A Hendricks C. Millard Fillmore D. John C Calhoun E. Office vacant F. Martin Van Buren G. William R King H. Schuyler Colfax I. Office Vacant J. George Washington K. Hannibal Hamlin L. John C Calhoun M. George Clinton N. Office Vacant O. Daniel D Tompkins P. William A Wheeler Q. John Tyler R. Thomas Jefferson S. George M Dallas T. Levi P Morton U. Aaron Burr V. Thomas Jefferson W. John C Breckinridge X. Office Vacant Y. Chester A Arthur Z. Adlai E Stevenson 24

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