HAYDEN SENIOR CENTER 9428 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835 VOLUNTEER INSTRUCTORS / LEADERS Hayden Senior Center Recreat ion, Informat ion, Services for Older Adul t s Quarterly Newsletter January - March 2021 208 762-7052 / Fax 208 762-7022 lisa@haydenseniorcenter.org www.haydengems.org HSC OFFICE STAFF Lisa Martin, Executive Director KITCHEN STAFF, Kate Robertson, Nutrition Manager Samuel Jepsen, Dishwasher/Janitorial Contact the Senior Center office at 208762-7052 to report any of the following: • Address, phone number, or name change • Want to become a member, a • volunteer or contributor/donor • Did not receive your newsletter PLEASE NOTE OUR ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEES HAVE INCREASED TO $35 PER YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 2021 GCCPG / HSC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joy Rogers, Co-Chair ..................... 208-415-5395 Jason Ball, Co-Chair ....................... 208-819-9220 Vacant Position ...................................... Secretary Cynthia Reyburn,…………………….Vice Chairman Katherine Hanna……………………...Board Member Keri Reynolds…………………………Treasurer Shelley Hollowayjank………………...Board Member Stephanie Saterfiel…………………Board Member OUR MISSION STATEMENT The Hayden Senior Center is dedicated to reaching seniors in Hayden, and the surrounding area. We provide resources to aid in achieving a healthy, active, and independent lifestyle. Interested in serving on the Board or want time on the floor at the next meeting? Please contact Joy Rogers, or Jason Ball. GCCPG/JUMPIN’ BEANS MOBILE FOOD BANK Jason Ball, Chair……………………208-819-9220 MARCH 14TH 2 February 2nd . NEEDS YOUR HELP! You know who you are. You’re the one with carpentry, plumbing, painting, gardening, and/or small jobs experience. You may be retired but you still possess those God-given skills and abilities that ElderHelp can use to help others. Don’t waste your talents. We have many older adults who are no longer able to care for their homes as they once did and need someone just like you to give them a little helping hand with repairs. Call us today: 661-8870 We also accept tax-deductible cash donations. Bridge—208-762-6818……………………...Lynne Taylor Yoga - 208-772-6240 ...................................... Jill Mikael Fit n’ Fall Proof™(Tues & Fri) ........ Jeanne MacConnell Fit n’ Fall Proof™(Monday) ................... Ann Holmberg Fit n’ Fall Proof™ (Thursday) .............. Katherine Hanna Line Dance Class (1st & 3rd Thursday)..Jason & Annica Bingo Callers (Thursday)………Sharon Luke, Nan Miley, & Shari Durbin BINGO CARD SALES END PROMPTLY AT 1:25 RESOURCES Important Numbers Lake City Meals on Wheels City Link Bus Service ElderHelp Idaho Care Line *211 Idaho Senior Legal Hotline M - F, 8 - 2 pm (PST) *866-3455-0106 Legal Aid 208-667-9559 Medicare Questions 208-666-6847 Hospice of North Idaho (non-profit 208-772-7994 SHIBA *800-247-4422 * Toll Free Numbers SHIBA Medicare—One of the many challenges facing seniors. What, you ask, are Parts A, B, C, and D? What is the difference between a supplement (Medigap) and an advantage plan (Health Plan)? You don’t take prescriptions—do you have to purchase a drug plan? Is your employer’s health insurance adequate after you turn 65? Your current plan just sent you a letter saying they’re going out of business. Now what? These are just some of the questions typically asked about Medicare. To have them answered, the Idaho Department of Insurance has a program for called SHIBA (Senior Health Insurance Benefit Advisors). This free-of-charge program offers you objective information and assistance. Advisors answer your questions, assist you in enrolling in advantage or drug insurance plans, and provide information about supplements. Staffed by partially paid advisors, but mostly well-trained volunteers, SHIBA is here for you. To make an appointment with a local advisor, phone 1800-247-4422. Our very own Hayden Senior Center SHIBA volunteer advisor looks forward to meeting you and assisting you with answers to your questions. A Collection Box is located in the Hayden Senior Center: 9428 N. Government Way, Hayden. American Legion Kootenai Post 14 invites you to join the post or simply join us for coffee, donuts and friendship. We meet at 1800 on the 1st Tuesday each month at the Mt. Lakes Bible Church. Coffee & donuts Mondays & Wednesdays (same location) at 0800—1200. Hayden Chamber of Commerce PO BOX 1210, Hayden, ID 83835 208-762-1185 info@haydenchamber.org www.haydenchamber.org Mission: “To serve and promote the greater Hayden Business community.” Breakfast meetings: 4th Thursday of the month, 7:00 am Kroc Center -1765 Golf Course Rd, CDA For more information or to become a volunteer, please call us at 208 762-1185 We wish to thank all of our Sponsors and Donors to the Center. Without your kind generosity many of our programs would not be possible. 2020 Donations/Sponsors Greene Idaho Foundation Joan Brady Verna Anderson Cancer & Community Charities Anonymous Alex King, Steve Halliday Bank of Coeur d'Alene 208-667-4628 Adult Protection *800-786-5536 / 208-667-3179 Area Agency on Aging (AAA) *877-941-7433 208-661-8870 A Lion’s Club member will pick up your old, discarded eye glasses and hearing aids for recycling to those in need who cannot afford to purchase these items. We are also seeking WEB savvy persons to spend some volunteer time designing and building our WEB site. The resulting website must be attractive and user-friendly. If interested in this challenge, please contact one of the following persons: Lisa Martin 208-762-7052 , Joy Rogers 208-495-5395 , and Jason Ball 208-819-9220 We are committed to working with the community to provide programs, recreational activities and services encouraging active, healthy and independent lifestyles. 208-667-3179 The Hayden Senior Center Board Lion’s Club Glasses for Sight and Hearing Aids Programs ...can always use more individuals to serve on several standing or ad hoc committees. These volunteer positions require one-year commitments. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES DUE TO COVID RESTRICTIONS PLEASE CALL AHEAD MONDAY All Week…………………………….Super 1 Bakery Goods 9:00 am - 10:00 am…………………. .. Fit n’ Fall-Proof™ 10:00 am - 2 pm……………………………...Canasta 1:00 –2:00pm…………………………………..Fit n’ Fall-Proof 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm……………………………...Chair Yoga 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ……………………………..Yoga 5:15 pm - 6:30 pm …………………….Levels 1 & 2 Yoga TUESDAY 9:30 am - 10:30 am…………………. ...Fit n’ Fall-Proof™ 12:00 –1:00pm………………………………..Senior Dining 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm……………………Bridge & Mahjong WEDNESDAY 9:30 am - 10:00 am…………………………..Tai Chi 10:00 am—11:00 am (3rd Wed) HSC Board Meeting 12:00 Noon - 3:30 pm..........................................Pinochle 12:00 Noon - 3:30 pm........................................Dominoes 12:00pm-3:30pm…………………………………Cribbage THURSDAY 9:00 am - 9:45 am……………………….Fit n’ Fall-Proof™ 10:00—11:00 (1ST & 3RD Thursday)…………….Line Dance Class 12:00 –1:00 pm........................................Dining 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm………………………...Bingo (Bingo card sales end promptly at 1:25) FRIDAY 9:30 am - 10:30 am................................Fit n’ Fall-Proof™ 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm…………………………..Krafty Krafters 4:00—5:15 …………………………………….Yoga 3:00 pm—4:00 pm…………………………..Brain Gym Van pick-up for non-drivers may be available for lunches and bingo but reservations (in advance) are required. Call for a ride 208-762-7052 Note: We do ask a minimal facility-use fee when participating in any of the above activities from members and non-members alike. 3 4 MESSAGE FROM YOUR ELECTED OFFICIAL How to Beat the Winter Blahs By Jill Mikael Council President Roger Saterfiel .... I have served on city council for over 13 years. I am currently Council President. I have been an ardent supporter of the Hayden Senior Center for many years. I have known and worked with many of the senior centers board. We have looked at many buildings over the years trying to find a permanent home for the center. We have looked at the old Eagles building and the Armory by the airport to name a few. Past boards as well as the current board have never stopped looking. It’s a big job, trying to find an affordable site that meets the many needs of a Senior Center such as parking and a kitchen, as well as a place large enough to hold events and things like fitness classes. Your current board and myself/the city will not stop until that goal is met. The senior center has a very dedicated army of employees and volunteers. These folks are some of the hardest workers and innovators I have ever seen. Nothing is too much for them to overcome. Their latest effort by staff and some board members was to obtain donations for seniors at Christmas. Their efforts resulted in 197 baskets to handout. Absolutely amazing. The city and our community are very, very fortunate to have all of these wonderful people. Please take time to appreciate them. Open to the Public Must be 18 yrs. + Hayden Senior Center THURSDAY Door opens 1:00 pm (Bingo card sales end promptly at 1:25) Regular Bingo 1:30 pm - 4:00 pm Cash Prizes Refreshments Available on a donation basis 762-7052 5 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835 208 209-1080 / www.cityofhaydenid.us A new year begins often with anticipation and a joyous glow from the holiday season. And then these feelings can fade as the month wears on. The days are cold and grey with sunlight hours short. Being stuck inside can wear on all of us and the holiday pounds are still hanging around. Yes, then the winter blahs can descend upon us. When surveyed the American public relate the following activities help them deal with seasonal disorder: sitting in front of a full-spectrum light box for 20 minutes, exercising, being in nature and eating healthy. Light therapy can help regulate your body's circadian rhythms and its natural release of the hormones that help you feel energized and the ones that help you sleep. Getting at least 20 minutes of vigorous activity four times a week has been shown to reduce depressive mood, says Dr. Gollan (sport psychologist). “ And there are a variety of ways to get exercise,” she points out. Get a gym membership if that’s what it takes to keep you warm and working out. This can be a 2-mile -an-hour walk on the treadmill, or you can even walk through the halls and up and down the stairs of your house or building. Do something, anything. A healthy diet should emphasize vegetables, fruit, protein sources, and healthy fats, but you don’t SENIOR MEALS PROGRAM Lunch is served Tuesdays and Thursdays at NOON. Beverages are served with each meal. To help us plan and prepare sufficient food (with zero waste ) for the number of meals that will be needed. Please make your reservations as follows. Call by Friday 3:00 pm for next Tuesday’s lunch Call by Monday 3:00 pm for Thursday’s lunch. 208 762-7052 • 60+ suggested donation is $5.00 • Under 60 = $7.00 • Children under 12 yrs = $4.00 Monthly Menus can be obtained at the senior center. All meals are prepared on-site and in conformance with AAA program guidelines and the Panhandle Health District standards which includes annual health inspections. have to completely give up eating carbohydrates. In fact, there is a dietary “trick” that raises levels of moodboosting serotonin — consuming carbohydrates on their own, separate from protein. Did you know that the antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables are associated with optimism? Giving to others has many documented benefits on our emotional health. There’s nothing more fulfilling than the feeling that we’re contributing to a great cause. Volunteering at a local charity or community organization is an excellent way to give back to society and give ourselves a positivity boost at the same time. During this this of the pandemic this might look differently. Get creative in finding ways to do this in a safe setting for you. This could involve phoning shut -ins, or writing letters to soldiers overseas, or making phone calls for an organization. Another great way to volunteer your time is to become a mentor to someone else. One technique that has been helpful to me is to treat myself in some way each day. This looks different every day. One day I walked at the nearby state park (Farragut) instead of in my neighborhood. Just seeing and smelling and hearing new things delighted me. And I was in nature. Another day I bought nail polish and gave myself a very long manicure and pedicure. I was busy and the result was that I felt good and was in the present. Research shows that anytime we are engaged in the present we are happy. Harvard researchers reported their study in the Harvard Gazette 2010 about the wandering mind. They found that people spend about 47% of their time in negativity. Participants in their study were least happy when they were doing one of three things, first typing on a computer, second work. The third was surprising: resting. “Only in the present could people find happiness.” How many ways can you be more in the present? Make it a joyful challenge and journey. I find using deep conscious breathing to not only assist in strengthening my respiratory system, but also anchoring me in the present. I have a friend who showed me a box she has filled with slips she wrote activities on. When she feels the winter blahs she pulls out a slip which might say something like Pull out an old photo album and reminisce on the memories and perhaps find some photos to pass on to others. I would add deep conscious breathing to the slips and change them regularly. I encourage you to contact me ways that you have found to combat the winter blahs. Just call or stop by the center and leave a message at the desk on your thoughts and positive experiences. I will generate a chart and post it at the center and then share these thoughts in the next newsletter. I hope the end of January finds you blasting through the winter blahs (and the quarantine blues) and staying positive. 6

Did you know that your pet’s bad breath can be a warning Our Lending Library is open at all times. Great selection of new and used books. Read them here or take them home. Daily sign of dental disease in pets and can lead to heart, liver, and kidney problems. Protect your dog with regular checkups, a good dental care routine and food that helps protect your pet’s overall health! GoodDog Pet Supplies Plus Phone: 208 664-4364 3115 N. Government Way ~ Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 7 8 CLASSES – HEALTH & FITNESS Fit & Fall Proof Classes Idaho Dept. of Health & Welfare Panhandle Health District Classes are held: Monday from 9:00 to 9:45 (Ann) THANK YOU 2020 INDIVIDUAL DONORS YOUR GENEROSITY REALLY DOES CHANGE EVERYTHING! Sapphire - $500 Corinne MacDonald Joan Brady Emerald - $1000 Ruby - $2500 Alex Kling & family Verna Anderson Gail Bomar Diamond - $5000 Monday from 1:00 to 2:00 (Katherine) Tuesday from 9:30 to 10:30 (Jeanne) Thursday from 9:00 to 9:45 (Katherine) Friday from 9:30 to 1:30 (Jeanne) State Certified Instructors Jeanne MacConnell Ann Holmberg Katherine Hanna This program developed by Jan Mittleider, Terry Ann Gibson and Michelle Arnett is focused on senior health. Distinct areas of our physical lives that require attention such as balance, core strength, mobility, flexibility and balance are taught in a fun and safe atmosphere. Each student is required to participate at their own level. Progress is measured every 10 weeks. It is amazing how you can have so much fun and improve your health in a safe friendly environment. TRAVELING NOTARY PUBLIC STEPHANIE SATERFIEL (208-772-6981) stephnotary19@gmail.com LEGAL DOCUMENTS Last Will and Testament Living Will Power of attorney Rental Agreement Health Care Directive Quitclaim Many more documents available 9 10 JUANITA’S RECIPE’S Corn beef and Cabbage Ingredients 1 corned beef brisket (about 4 pounds) with spice packet 2 tablespoons brown sugar 2 bay leaves 8 medium carrots, halved crosswise HORSERADISH SAUCE: 3 tablespoons butter 1 tablespoon sugar 1/4 cup horseradish Directions 1. Place brisket, contents of seasoning packet, brown sugar and bay leaves in a large Dutch oven or stockpot; cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, 2 hours. 2. Add potatoes and carrots; return to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, just until beef and vegetables are tender, 30-40 minutes. (If pot is full, remove potatoes and carrots before adding cabbage; reheat before serving.) 3. Add cabbage to pot; return to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, until cabbage is tender, about 15 minutes. Remove vegetables and corned beef; keep warm. 4. For horseradish sauce, strain and reserve 1-1/2 cups cooking juices; skim fat from reserved juices. Discard remaining juices. In a small saucepan, melt butter over medium heat; stir in flour until smooth. Gradually whisk in 1 cup reserved juices. Stir in sugar, vinegar and horseradish; bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Cook and stir until thickened. If desired, thin with additional juices and season to taste with additional sugar, vinegar or horseradish. 5. Cut beef across the grain into slices. Serve with vegetables and sauce. 1 medium head cabbage, cut into wedges 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 3-1/2 pounds small potatoes (10-15), peeled 11 12

Would you like to learn 16 simple exercises to boost your brain functioning? Brain Gym activities which can be done sitting or standing enhance coordination physically and mentally, as well as boost memory, enhance breathing and focusing skills, and relax one’s central nervous system. They also improve posture and improve one’s energy levels, vison & hearing. This 4 week class will be taught at the Hayden Senior Center by Jill Mikael (a retired special education teacher of 44 years and a daily practioner of brain gym) beginning February 5th the Friday at 3 p.m. Class fee is twenty five dollars for the session. FEATURED LOCAL ARTIST Artist’s Biography Julie Rae Clark Brain gym exercises are a series of simple exercises that boost brain function. Though they were initially designed for kids, these exercises have proven to be effective for adults as well. Studies show that regular physical exercise reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and respiratory disease and acts as an antidepressant. The idea behind Brain Gym is to use physical movement to access different parts of the brain movements that are the repetition of specific bilateral, contralateral, and other activities to promote efficient communication among the many nerve cells and functional centers located throughout the brain and sensory motor system. These movements are designed to integrate your body and mind in order to improve coordination and functioning. Jill Mikael “Flow with Grace” Jill Mikael, Certified Instructor YOGA FOR ALL Yoga - Monday CHAIR Yoga 3:00 to 3:45 $10/month If paid by week, $3.00 per class HATHA Yoga -Levels One and Two Class 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. $20/per month If paid by the week, $6.50 per class -Mixed Levels Class 5:15 to 6:30 pm (contact Jill for various price options for the 5:15 class) Friday HATHA Yoga - BONE HEALTH Yoga 4:00 to 5:15 (contact Jill for various price options for the class) Friday Brain Gym from 3:00 to 3:45 ($25 for 4 week session) New session begins February 5th. Call Jill Mikael to register 208-772-6240 Friday Brain Gym from 3:00 to 3:45 BONE HEALTH Yoga 4:00 to 5:15 13 Julie Rae is a painter specializing in tropical and nature-inspired imagery. She takes her beholders on a whimsical journey of vibrant seascapes and birds. Fascinated by the mixture of color, Julie creates textured backgrounds topped with bold designs and fun, flowing lines. She works with acrylics on canvas, bringing to life vibrant paintings in a tropically infused style! A Northwest native of Spokane, WA. Julie Rae lived in Hawaii for 20 years and spent one year in Nagoya, Japan. She is a graduate of UH Hilo, also attended Nanzan University and earned her BA in Japanese Culture & Language. This fusion of cultural experiences can be seen in many of her lively paintings. Currently living in Coeur d’Alene, ID, Julie Rae aspires to have her work shown & enjoyed locally, in Hawaii, and in Japan. Her bright and expressive detail is bound to bring a spot of cheerfulness to any space that it is displayed. Julie Rae Artist Statement For me painting is a combination of my study of texture & contrast, and in my belief that art must take its own path. I prefer not to completely plan my pieces, and instead appreciate the point when they begin to speak to me and I start taking instruction. I believe that each piece will take me by the hand to lead me where I didn’t know I would go. This to me is pure joy. My desire for color & texture variation is very strong when it comes to painting. I love to put glossy paint next to flat, circles next to lines and use colors that don’t normally match. My job is then to reconcile them into something harmonious, one of my favorite things to do. I want the onlooker to delight in the abnormalities of something that doesn’t look quite real and yet feels completely balanced. When people see my paintings I’d like them to feel happy and to take a moment to enjoy the details & intricacies I’ve put in them. I also look at my pieces as a viewer once finished and have to remind myself it was my hands that designed them. I’ve always been a positive person and I like to create pieces that convey feelings of happiness & joy. My ultimate hope is that my body of work will stand long after I’m gone and that others will find it interesting, delightful & unique! 14 Editor’s Note I want to thank all of our businesses that have Purchased ads in the Newsletter, without their support This would not have been affordable for the center to provide. Please frequent these businesses as their support is vital to HSC. We want to give special recognition to our local philanthropic organizations, local businesses, and individual community members that have supported the center throughout this difficult year. Avista Foundation Innovia Foundation United Way of North Idaho Cancer & Community Charities Idaho Community Foundation Area Agency on Aging John L. Scott Real Estate Kootenai County Commissioners Mountain View Veterinary Clinic Costco Mountain West Bank Washington Trust Bank Post Falls Food Bank Greene Idaho Foundation Carenet Kootenai Electric Trust Premier Mortgage Resources Zips Drive-In City of Hayden Hayden Lake Marathon Steve Halliday Bank CDA Community Action Partnership The Father's Market VOLUNTEER/STAFF OF THE QUARTER Nancy Andrews Choosing a volunteer of the quarter is always tough because all of our volunteers are such a critical piece of our center. After much struggle, I would like to give a special shout out to Nancy Andrews. She has been with the center for several years and while she is willing to jump in wherever she is needed, her specialty is helping to run our Bingo activity. I can always count on her bubbly, energetic personality to bring everyone together for an afternoon of fun. She went above and beyond when I asked her to take on a technology project that was way beyond my skill level. Needless to say, she got right on it and we have been able to really streamline the sales piece of our Bingo activity which everyone appreciates. Thank you so much for all that you do for our center Nancy. Lisa Martin 15 Donna Conway, Roy & Bonnie Cook, Deanna Wertz, Ben Palanuik 2021 Membership fees are due We are no longer tiering the fees, all members pay $35 per year! Please put that check in the mail or drop off at the center. We Thank you for your continued support. 16 We are having a Membership Drive!!! This is how it works; ask your friends, neighbors, adult children or whoever you can think of to join the Hayden Senior Center. When they join and pay their membership fee declaring that you sent them, your name will then be placed in a drawing for some fun gifts. The more people who give your name the more chances you have to win. The drawing will be once a month beginning in January. We will draw a name on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the monthly Board meeting. Let’s make our center the best in Kootenai County. Any questions please contact myself Stephanie at stephnotary19@gmail.com or Lisa at the center 208-762-7052. Thank you in advance Dearest Members ~ We hope this Newsletter finds you all healthy and doing well. We have had some administrative changes since the last Newsletter and I would like to update our members. We, as a Board, are very excited to announce Lisa Martin has been chosen as our Executive Director! We will begin the hiring process soon for a Marketing and Fundraising Coordinator. We are very enthusiastic for the future of our center and all of our treasured members! Bingo and Burgers was such a great success and the response from the patron’s was; lets do this every month. I think our volunteers would rebel if we did this monthly so we have decided to have it quarterly. Mark your calendars ~ BINGO & BURGERS WILL BE THE THIRD SATURDAY IN FEBRUARY, APRIL, AUGUST, AND NOVEMBER. (February 20th from 11:00 to 2:00 & 3:00 to 6:00) Tickets are $15 per person, and must be purchased in advance. BLUE JEAN BOOGIE ~ SEPTEMBER,25th CHRISTMAS BAZAAR ~ NOVEMBER 27TH These times may change ~ so follow us on Facebook to keep updated. HSC is also making a cookbook to sell, we are in need of your favorite recipes, you can email , mail, or drop your recipes off at the center. Please submit your recipes or any questions you have regarding the above events to Lisa at 9428 N. Government Way, Hayden Idaho 83835, or email lisa@haydenseniorcenter.org Greetings to all from our little Center, This year has been extraordinarily challenging and I think, as human beings, it’s very easy to gravitate toward the negative elements and frustrations of these types of situations. It is on my heart to reflect and share the amazing things that I have seen happen this year. I have witnessed countless people throughout this community, as well as within our center, come together during this time. This has enabled us to not only continue to fulfill our mission but expand on it in every area of the services we provide. We have been able to meet the practical needs of our seniors on a much larger scale, as well as being able to bring a little added joy and companionship through new and creative endeavors. The man power it has taken to accomplish these things is enormous, especially for such a small facility. No matter what the task at hand has been, all I have had to do is pick up the phone and in no time people are on site ready to contribute in any way they can. In closing, we love our seniors. I am incredibly humbled and thankful to see the ongoing efforts of so many volunteers, community members, and organizations, rally around our vision to continue to be there in a positive way for them. We will all be able to be together again very soon. Lisa Martin, Executive Director Clovis & Associates, LLC Certified Public Accountants And Business Advisors Jessi C. Webb CPA JCW@CACPA.PRO (208)666-1065 | Fax (208)667-4930 302 E. Linden Ave., Suite 101 | Coeur d'Alene , ID 83814 WWW.CACPA.PRO Payroll Tax Planning & Preparation Compilation & Sage Training\Support Bookkeeping Business Consulting <§)” The CPA, Never Underestimate The Value 17 18

STAY HEALTHY Wash your hands often with soap and water COVID-19 cases and deaths are rising across the United States. We all must remain vigilant. The changes we have had to make to routines and daily life are extremely hard, but these changes are even more important now and in the future. We must stop the spread of this new and dangerous virus. The more steps you and your family can take to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the safer you will be.Use hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. How to Protect Yourself When Going Out Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth to help protect yourself and others. Stay 6 feet apart from others who don’t live with you. Avoid crowds. Avoid poorly ventilated indoor spaces. A SMILE costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those ho give.It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give. Author Unknown 19 20 Christmas Baskets In October we were contacted by Amber Caruth from John L. Scott Realty saying that they would like to provide 25 Christmas baskets to the Hayden Senior Center. We were incredibly pleased by their offer and began to discuss how we could expand that number to include all members and regular attendees at the Center. After a little discussion it was clear it was a project we really wanted to be part of. The resource development committee got together and formulated a plan to get the word out to the whole community. The City of Hayden employees, Kootenai County Commissioners, Kootenai Electric, Northern Lakes Fire District, Accent Flooring, Scout troop .The Firefighters Union, Costco, Chris Murphy, Colette Gersten & Humana the Kling family and many anonymous donors all began to purchase items to fill our little baskets to the brim. WORD SEARCH Photo’s courtesy of Claudia Wadsworth G T S A I N T P A T R I C K D E T Z E R M T B N C W S M C U G C A R K P W K V Z M W Z L J Z T O E U X N V E G A B B A C D N A F E E B N R O C L L O A N I N X V R M D P V P O L S T V P C X X A T P D G L O W O M A Q W O V L E P R E C H A U N I U O R N D C H T R Q D F K C I R E M I L L B H C F K E A K X I T C K I J Z T S X R N V Y S I Z M N O E D S M B N H H S I R I L A T U K D L S Z C M U N D Z R E V O L C F A E L R U O F U G Q P M N D B L N O F N S S K Q V W Y J Y E C U M J W F Y B E O M L Z I J F B C P U W U N K Y O F V U F T P E G L J I L C K V A O Z E Z Y G I J W D B H U E R F T X Q B H I M D G R V S D V B F R L P Y H Y C O T X K U Z T K R N P M M Z L U X K L F S T P Z T B K O D M G O T I D I A T G O Z V O A M N Y P O N C T T I L O I Q L X P H E D G R S A U E E N P Y Q A P S N R R L X T O E S D T X Z B P E N O V P M T V C J B E I P S X O K U G E I O R T R E U U T O Y H Z Y L R H E D G N Y Y E B N B N A B K P F P G I Z N A F C C Z E I X I S C H D E L U X M R B O E P N N C R J C L O V E R D C M V B Z X G A M L F K O D T K C U A A J G B U M M E S R A I N B O W G D B U O W L J M L Q S W L O S Z P R E T N E C R O I N E S N E D Y A H Q E SAINT PATRICKS DAY SHAMROCK MISCHIEF FOUR LEAF CLOVER Photo courtesy of the CDA Press. BILL BULEY DONNYBROOK SEVENTEENTH LIMERICK POTATO 21 FORTUNE COINS LUCK DUBLIN 22 GOLD CELTIC HAYDEN SENIOR CENTER GREEN BEER IRISH CLOVER POT OF GOLD RAINBOW MARCH JIG BLARNEY IRELAND BAGPIPE LEPRECHAUN CORN BEEF AND CABBAGE Spending time with senior citizens can be fun, fascinating, and very educational. Many seniors have interesting stories from which you can learn many life lessons and gain insightful historical information about decades past. Draw a line to connect the correct President and Vice President 1. John Adams So this issues “IN THE SPOTLIGHT” is Dawn Doran-Towle “Pink” I was a military brat (i.e. phones were to used for business only), no pajama parties. We did not see television until we returned to the States in 1954. Corporal Punishment was applied when we were children; it was do as I say or else. I think the pendulum has sung too far in the other direction. How old do you think I am? As a matter of fact my grandmother had a home (still in the family) that was connected to electricity in 1900, and still has a pull chain toilet in the back. Growing up I competed in softball, I competed in many sports you could call me a female jock. My whole family is very sports orientated and my grandson plays in the NFL for the Miami Dolphins. I think WWll necessitated women in filling in jobs that were formerly held by men, for example my mother was one of the 1st group of women to be hired as Toll Taxers on the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge. It had to be the right shift and they had to wear uniforms, billed hat, white shirt and tie. With black trousers and jacket. In my own situation I was the 1st female to be assigned Field Inspector for the City-County of Denver and the only female inspector assigned to the building od DIA. I went to Armstrong Business College in Berkley, then went to Oakland Junior College before moving to Wyoming with my husband who was on a basketball scholarship. I majored in Spanish and P.E.. I think modern technology has its pros and cons, as I walked through Walmart the other day, I saw a family of four entering with all of then with heads down and each with a cell phone in hand. I think we have forgotten to smell the roses. I have eight children, two who are deceased. I’ve lived is Colorado, Utah, California, Nevada, Wyoming, and Idaho. I have fifteen grandchildren to keep up with. I had many jobs over the years from working at Sears candy counter in the Base Exchange in Navy boot camp. Overseas I worked for tips only at the base commissary and vendor for several products. I have also spent the last 17 years before retirement as an Inspector for the City and County of Denver as liaison between Vice and Narcotics of the Police Department. They influenced joint inspections court appearances. This was my favorite. St. Patrick’s Day is my favorite holiday. I still have family in Ireland and when I would visit them they would spoil me to death. As a military brat, I have been is schools up and down the California Coast, in Hawaii when it was still a territory and not a state, My favorite school was the American school in Manila. That was all private college prep/school. We had to cross at Manila Bay on AVR’s daily that served as the Liberty Boat for the sailors on the base. My hobbies are genealogy and military research specific to the Pacific. I moved to Idaho where one of my sons family lives. The first thing I did when I moved here was to register to vote and obtain a library card. I also checked out the Hayden Senior Center, I am very independent. I began participating at the Center with some of the activities provided by the Center. I attend the lunches, exercise groups and the Mexican Train folks. It has been my pleasure to meet so many folks here, both the administrative and the volunteers, I consider them to be my extended family. I truly don’t know what I’d do without them. I don’t know what I would do without Lisa. She makes the Hayden Senior Center click. 23 2. John Adams 3. Thomas Jefferson 4. George Clinton 5. James Madison 6. John Quincy Adams 7. James Monroe 8. Andrew Jackson 9. Andrew Jackson 10. Martin Van Buren 11. William Henry Harrison 12. John Tyler 13. James K Polk 14. Zachary Taylor 15. Millard Fillmore 16. Franklin Pierce 17. James Buchanan 18. Abraham Lincoln 19. Andrew Johnson 20. Ulysses S Grant 21. Rutherford Birchard Hayes 22. James Garfield 23. Chester A Arthur 24. Grover Cleveland 25. Benjamin Harris 26. Grover Cleveland A. Richard M Johnson B. Thomas A Hendricks C. Millard Fillmore D. John C Calhoun E. Office vacant F. Martin Van Buren G. William R King H. Schuyler Colfax I. Office Vacant J. George Washington K. Hannibal Hamlin L. John C Calhoun M. George Clinton N. Office Vacant O. Daniel D Tompkins P. William A Wheeler Q. John Tyler R. Thomas Jefferson S. George M Dallas T. Levi P Morton U. Aaron Burr V. Thomas Jefferson W. John C Breckinridge X. Office Vacant Y. Chester A Arthur Z. Adlai E Stevenson 24


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