JULY 28, 2023 LOVE BY LOVE Love by Love: "Saving the Lost" At what point does a homeless person become completely disconnected? So disconnected that other people are only a temporary access to their necessary functionalities. They've become NUMB! Numb to dumb the blues of pain and sorrow. The glazed over look with no emotional energy, the air of surrender and for every action, it feels as if to go on is to draw energy from the very marrow of the bones holding them together — the feeling that one more confusion could break them. The view ahead may become dim and short-sighted … so much so that the near-sightedness is, “if it ain't within my grasp, then it's of no concern to me.” The will to push on is fading out of sight. Many assuredly would say I'm being far reaching on where I presume them to be — I could reply, "Have you been there?” I have been there, briefly, but enough to understand what I'm witnessing. I was one lucky SHB (special human being, pronounced “sheb”), in a cast that felt as if it was the size of a lotto draw, when an Angelic Light shined a new way for me. In the end, it was just luck that pulled me out … that a savior was there to help me: right place, right time. How do land brokers put it? Location, location, location. Then, how do the majority of 'the Lost and the Lonely' get back when they've apparently checked out? LOVE!!! We first talked about our SHBs in the article “What the Streets Took,” then continued the conversation in “Kona's Right Light” and finally started reaching deeper into questions for solutions in “Back in the Crack.” Meanwhile, the beat-down continues to disconnect the Lost. By beat-down, I refer to the summation of our previous discussions in my articles (and references), while the housing crisis and inflation are getting worse, stacking more on our SHBs. Who does or doesn't get the lucky paths? The same paths don't go the same way for everyone. Making the right choice is sometimes the wrong choice. Nobody can ever know what awaits us down that road. We are all One, the same with the exception of choices, or detours that lead us down alternate paths. Once the Lost are completely disconnected, they will start the spiral down the ‘rabbit hole.' Some never return to reality. So, the first step is to reach in and pull them out … that is all about Love and patience. They may then be able to reconnect through social services, BUT unless MARKONA LOVE Groundcover contributor the system adjusts to find a way to keep from losing them again, most of them will fall back out. Are you able to not take offense from their brash response? Can you be of no judgment, regardless of you not being able to understand their choices? Are you fully sincere? Let me forewarn you. This is a daunting and possibly dangerous task. Living on the street, you better be ready to defend yourself. The Lost are bound to be about nothing but defense. More or less, in a constant state of PTSD (fight or flight). Can you be there to support them in their new awareness? This would be a good follow-up question to how far you can go with them — this isn't just giving a peddler a dollar on the corner. This is a commitment. This is a sacrifice that Loves you back. Questions to oneself should be posed in advance of an approach of that manner. A hasty approach could merely scare somebody off and make them even more reluctant to connect. Sensitivity and patience must be the virtues when attempting to bond with someone who may feel completely broken, also probably justifiably guarded (not paranoid, necessarily). They may feel the need to feel you out, test your resolve a little, to know you’re for real. Don't take it personally. Just because you might not see light in their eyes, be assured, it's hiding in them, burning the fire to fight on. They only need a brave, compassionate hand to reach in and pull them out. That's a lot, though everything is measured in relativity. There have been many more anonymous, selfless, gifted humanitarians through history that lived and died in obscurity, than the few raised high. Real, compassionate human beings are what's needed to save our SHBs. The point being made is that, stop looking to anyone else other than you to take a pause in life to help start someone else's back up. "If you can't change the World, change yourself." [Matt Johnson] A column on compassion At what point after the 1960s did corporate America start regulating Love distribution, and when did the hippies stop giving Love — stopped saving LOVE? Oh, that's right, capitalism … "Love for Sale." Americans are programmed consumers looking to the billboards for a dictation on how they should look, feel and express themselves, followed by the rest of American society. "Conform or be cast out." Everybody is more concerned about how they appear to others than what they do to and for others. I wanna call out to our Disconnected, our Lost, but they can't hear us. They are not listening anymore. This is why I'm speaking out loud to my readers. Please my 'Loving Concerned' (what I call the ones following my message of Love and Acceptance) open your hearts and feel someone else's pain. That is Empathy. Feeling someone else's pain takes some of that person's burden. Real Love is sacrifice. Love is not used to sacrifice, it is created from within the act. This final call to action is to the ones that already live in the world of the Lost, our active SHBs can help others, help the Lost, by sharing knowledge of street and the Lost. Nobody knows more about how the Lost got lost than the homeless that are a step behind them — but hopefully getting a step forward. SHBs have already learned how to be humble, empathetic, compassionate and understanding and know better than to judge. Come on SHBs let’s bring the others back, they may end up being the one to have a hand for you when life turns. Anybody remember when there was some authenticating still to the statement “Love Thy Neighbor?” By this time in human history we shouldn't need that statement to be a Commandment — we should be in a place in our humanity where we would consider nothing less, than to know we all deserve that Love. Human beings want Love, to give Love. Giving Love is receiving Love. When you Love others, you Love yourself … So, Love the way in which you desire to be Loved. "Without a noise, without my pride, I reach out from the inside." [Peter Gabriel] This is the call to action: How do we urgently connect with these Lost/disparaged individuals that the system is aware of, but can't connect to using conventional protocol? The system's most recent solution, the Deja Vu nightmare ... "put 'em' in a Sanitarium." All the Grace to Our Lost, may they find their way back to us, more assuredly with our compassionate reach. We all should be so blessed. Sincerely, MarKona Love (with Kona) Author's Note: Kona opened my eyes on how to Love (choosing sacrifice) and how to truly witness and experience Life at its fullest, regardless of determent. She will always be the light that shines upon my path through this Cosmic Journey … and keeps me connected. I sincerely wish everyone to be so fortunate. For comments or suggestions for upcoming topics, please email me at konagod.love5@gmail.com GROUNDCOVER NEWS 11 DIG-IT from page 5 to a fake website. Thankfully, there are some ways they are from a legitimate service, like Netflix or Amazon. These emails, known as phishing emails, try to trick you into entering your login information on a fake version of the website that they claim to be from. A common phishing tactic is to tell you that your account has been canceled and that you need to login to reactivate it. If you receive an email like this, don’t click on the link in the email. Instead, use your web browser to navigate to the website in question just like you usually do. That will allow you to check if there are really any problems with your account, without being redirected that you can avoid receiving scam and spam emails in the first place. The best way to limit unwanted emails is to be really careful about where you enter your email address online. Only enter your email address on websites you totally trust. If you don't have to, try not to enter your email address at all. You can also set up a separate email account just to use when a website or service asks you for your email. Using a separate email to sign up for online accounts can help ensure that your primary email account will only receive legitimate correspondence.
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