FEBRUARY 9, 2024 MEDIA Could reality as we know it be broken? Throughout the course of my life the observable world has undergone many changes brought about by the discovery, creation and advancement of technology. When I was a kid I used to envy people with satellite TVs with seemingly endless channels and content to watch. We can certainly say that those days are long past and now all one needs to pay for is the internet and whatever specific streaming service. These days I often find myself watching anything I find interesting on YouTube. There's always something to watch on YouTube. Calling the content I stumbled across interesting would be an understatement – content that at times has had me question the nature of reality in my observable world. There is some weird stuff out there with countless theories and beliefs. Even though the majority of claims and corresponding videos are elaborate hoaxes, the sheer scale of these paranormal submissions begs that there is some amount of truth. I wanted to point out some theories I've come across that I found very interesting as well as difficult to dismiss — and it’s also just something downright fun to write about and speculate on. Thanks to modern technology many in developed countries possess smartphones with the means of taking pictures and videos. This obvious fact has been very impactful in documenting the realm of the unknown. I believe that paranormal JAMES MANNING Groundcover vendor No. 16 shown up in various philosophies throughout history. I struggle to really believe I'm living in a complex computer simulation, because it would render my existence pointless if I were just some random nonplayer character. However there is no way to know if that is really the case. And again, there are plenty of creepy glitch videos online. Now what interests me is the idea studies have exploded over the last decade and a half due to such access. I also believe it plays a part in milestone events such as governments around the world officially acknowledging the existence of UFOs and U.A.Ps (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena). These things just cannot be covered up as easily as they were decades ago. Of course it can always be argued that video evidence has been doctored with computer graphics and the like. However, that doesn't explain away the sheer number of submitted videos that are out there. Also not just anybody can utilize graphics alteration software, which definitely requires specific technical skills. Another interesting theory that has come along over the years and made popular thanks to the Matrix franchise concerns simulated reality and parallel universes. Note I mentioned “made popular.” These ideas are nothing new. These beliefs have of parallel and or multiple universes and the accompanying Mandela Effect associated with multiple-universe theory. The Mandela Effect is a memory you have that you would swear by that does not match up with reality. For example, remembering the Monopoly board game man wearing a monocle. A good one for me was remembering "The Berenstein Bears" but it's spelled Berenstain. This theory involves a belief that somewhere along the way the universes we reside in somehow got swapped out. There's even a belief that experiments involving particle accelerators such as those done at CERN in Switzerland to blame for screwing around with space and time. But whatever the case is, there's no shortage of content available through modern media, just YouTube alone has hundreds of thousands of channels and top 10 or 20 lists covering every topic you can think of, with a continuous inflow of content from the uploads of anyone carrying a smartphone. So when you're talking literally millions of daily uploads, damn near everything out of the ordinary is documented. Many incidents end up having multiple submissions from witnesses so now we have UFO sightings and other phenomenon with videos from different angles due to multiple people recording them. With all this material it is not all difficult to put together a show and the result is endless content to watch on television and online. Now with Smart TVs being so common I just see no point in having a basic cable, if that even exists anymore. I’m not sure. It certainly is obsolete in my opinion when I can just get on YouTube and look up what I feel like watching and always find something. So coming back to the paranormal angle — and that government organizations no longer flatly deny such things. There isn’t much out there that gets missed. So we’re living in a very different time from just a handful of decades prior. And things have to be viewed and approached differently by global governments. And they have made attempts to be more open, more transparent as a result of modern technology itself. The point I think I’m making here being is that the ease to document and share information has broad implications. Mostly I’m glad that it's been a while since I was able to complain that there is nothing to watch on TV and have that be true. GROUNDCOVER NEWS 11  MR. LOVER from last page They looked at each other, then Keisha said, “Yeah we should get him back on Valentine’s Day. The nerve of that man, thinking he can get away with dating all of us.” “He probably even has other women too,” said Simone. Kelly said, “Hey, I’ll pretend that I’m going over to his place for a booty call, then we can get him. All three of us on Valentine’s Day.” They all laughed. Keisha returned to work the next day — the day before Valentine’s Day. She accepted her gift with a big smile. He never knew that she was aware of his playboy moves. She was eager to get off work and call the other ladies and make the plan to get back at him. Kelly made a date with him, pretending that they were going to have a wild date for Valentine’s Day. Alonzo was knocking at Kelly’s door at 8 p.m. with the same gift he had given Simone and Keisha. Kelly answered the door, dressed in a black sexy outfit, with a whip and handcuffs in her hand. Alonzo was shocked, but he was so turned on. Kelly grabbed him by his collar, gently yanking him into the house. When Alonzo attempted to speak, she put her hand over his mouth. Kelly said to him, “You must be quiet. I’m the boss here.” She directed him towards the chair she had planned for him. Alonzo smiled and complied, sitting in the chair. Kelly handcuffed and blindfolded Alonzo. Keisha and Simone entered the room. Simone started pouring syrup all over him. Keisha poured honey all over him. Kelly cut her pillow open and put feathers all over him. Alonzo was shocked. All three women were in the same room with him. Alonzo’s heart dropped and he got scared. All three women were shouting at him, “You think you slick! Oh, you a playboy!” Keisha said to him, “We are going to put this picture of you on Facebook.” The ladies laughed at him while he pleaded to be released. “The next time you want to play games you need to go to Toys ‘R’ Us warehouse! They have over 1,000 toys and games you can play with! Wouldn’t you rather be a Toys ‘R’ Us kid than a tarred and feathered one!" The ladies laughed and snapped a picture and uploaded it to the Internet. Happy Valentine’s Day, Mr. Lover Lover. Thank you Groundcover readers. I appreciate all the love, support and your patience. Happy New Year and Happy Valentine’s Day! Currently, I am working a job in Alabama struggling to keep a home. I would appreciate if all my Truth or Lies Mystery Lane fans please subscribe to Groundcover News under Felicia Wilbert vendor No. 234. Once again, thank you for your support and love. Stay blessed. — Felicia Wilbert

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