DECEMBER 27, 2024 ON MY CORNER ASK YOUR VENDOR What's your New Year's resolution? Exercise, sell Groundcover, continue with drumming class, maintain my relationships, improve my health and stay well! —Terri Demar, #322 Making more music, doing more recording and get some Groundcover magnets for my car. — Mike Jones, #113 Keep managing the unmanageable. — Larzell Washington, #128 Work seven days a week — no days off! — Roberto Isla Cabellero, #347 Start a revolution. — Wayne Sparks, #615 To be able to be one level up from where I was last year. — Lynne Bilodeau, #663 Make sure my kids have housing. And me, too. — Felicia Wilbert, #234 Write in every paper about Washtenaw County sports. — David Mitchell, #661 To finish what I started. — Ken Parks, #3490 Carry on PEDRO CAMPOS Groundcover vendor No. 652 Leave the bag, homeless man, But don’t lose it. Orbit it, circle it. You’ve carried the weight already, It’s heavy, I know. Drop it. Just watch it. Hold yourself together without the bag. You weren’t born with the bag. You don’t belong to it. The bag belongs to you. Organize the bag, Shape your thoughts. You can only carry so much. I know you care enough. You don’t need more room. You crave space. Fill your bag with dreams, Rations for the long road. Pack it with courage, For the journey ahead. Measure a man by his bag, But don’t judge him so quickly. Not all bags are chosen. Forget that big old baggage. All that you need is inside your bag. Take your papers, take your time. And from now on, like a Photon, travel light. So everyone can hear There are 48 million hearing-challenged people in the United States. The numbers vary depending on perspective and data approach. The number of serious hearing disabilities is estimated at 11 million. I am in that group. Those over 65 have an estimated 50% serious hearing loss. I was told in junior high school that my hearing was socially marginal; now at the age of 82 I am somewhat below that marker. I am hard of hearing in three languages and have survived by asking people to slow down, especially in Spanish, and please speak towards my good ear. The task before all of us is to become more engaged in our life. We need ideas that work and practical applications that promote communication KEN PARKS Groundcover vendor No. 490 and the completion of projects. I regularly attend meetings where I may hear less than 10% of what is said. The best meetings for me were in Cuba. The sound system was excellent. We sat in rows along long desks that had enough microphones so that everyone GROUNDCOVER NEWS A New Year and New Mind LA SHAWN COURTWRIGHT Groundcover writer I'm so glad to have survived this eventful year of 2024 It's been full of the unforeseen Some of which brought me to tears Some of which made me happy and released some concerns and fears I've also grown wiser Lessons seared in my mind Stored tools for the upcoming year No matter what Through all of the ups and downs I'm grateful for simply still being here To witness the present and futuristic things As I look around and ponder the view of my surroundings and have a better understanding of other things Of me, of you, recognizing there's plenty of room for improvement As long as we all get back to God Almighty's original plan The 10 Commandments are our basic laws Our guidelines are all in the Holy Bible So let's all strive for holiness And this will be the ultimate New Year So welcome 2025 this way And our souls will be eternally alive and holy SAVE THE DATE: FEBRUARY 7, 2025 GROUNDCOVER NEWS HAPPY HOUR @ LIVE, 6:30-9PM with the SOUL PRACTIONERS was near one. If you raised your hand and got the floor, you would quickly have a mic in your hand. Everyone had a headset and a channel selector to pick the language of your choice from the menu. The sound quality was good with adequate volume settings. It is an amazing experience to be heard and to hear everything. We can do this in North America and I will be a coordinating worker to make this possible. I think the technology is available so that small groups as well as large can benefit with this enhanced communication. This is especially important as we age. As the Gray Panthers taught us, youth and age together is a recipe for success. We can learn to communicate, make decisions and carry them out successfully. I will research available systems and report back soon. Please contact me through Groundcover if you want to see this happen, especially if you are experienced in audio systems. Groundcover News is an important center for my life mission of peace with justice. There are many groups and individuals who share this intention. It is time to communicate among ourselves and build the convergence that is a shared vision among many of our species. Vandana Shiva is an important mentor in this convergence as she points out that civilization, corporate agriculture in particular, is a war on the earth. Her work in India is a glowing example of what can be done. 3
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