AUGUST 23, 2024 ON MY CORNER ASK YOUR VENDOR What's your favorite outdoor activity? I'm not a big outdoor person ... but if I had to pick I would say fishing and swimming. — Tabitha Almond, #360 Hiding under the blankets. — Sean Almond, #561 When I was little, it was climbing trees. It's been awhile since I've done that ... In my old age, my favorite thing is lying on the ground under a tree looking at the sky. — Ken Parks, #490 Horseback riding. — Cindy Gere, #279 Working. — Roberto Isla Caballero, #347 Watching Detroit Tigers baseball, or playing baseball and football! — Tony Schohl, #9 Playing softball. — Wayne Sparks, #615 Giving people useful information. — LaShawn Courtwright, #56 Barbecuing. — Stephanie Dent, #84 I love swimming and camping. I like serenity. — Terri Demar, #322 Go to a BBQ. — Denise Shearer, #485 Cycling. — James Manning, #16 Football and barbecuing. — Joe Woods, #103 Long walks in the park. — Mike Jones, #113 Are you listening? A new day is arising and it’s sending chills down through my body. It can’t be stopped, no way! I look around me and I know you feel it too. I walk the streets every day. I see it in your faces just like you see it in mine. Is it a glimmer of hope I see? Well, I hope you see it in me. I want a world where putting people down is not so funny. A new day is coming and I want to be part of it. The message is clear: reject the hate, stop blaming each other, let's just fix this mess. I have ideas, I hope you do too. Let's figure out what to do, yes me and you. Aren’t you tired of listening to the self-serving? Yes, you and I, that’s right, us, what a novel idea — we can actually think for ourselves! We know what’s wrong, we don’t need someone to tell us. We need someone who knows how to fix it. The answers are all around us if we just listen to each other. A new day is coming, I tell you louder. Are the birds singing a little? I hope so! I hope it’s not just me because that WAYNE S. Groundcover vendor No. 615 means they feel it too. We need all the help we can get! There’s something going on. I can feel my ancestors looking down, and I’m trying to interpret their meaning. So far all I’m getting from them is to stop listening to clowns. It’s all about timing, they tell me. Do yours tell you the same thing? Don’t you think we should be listening? The time is now! Opportunities are opening! Let’s walk through them, I say. And not look back. Let’s not be afraid of the future and reject those who think we can’t ourselves. Either we resolve our differences and walk hand in hand and meet the think for future together: man woman and child, black-skinned white-skinned, brown and yellow-skinned too. Let’s take the word hate out of the English language. Let’s just have one race, the human race. Haven’t we had enough! What has the blame gotten us? What has picking sides gotten us? It’s the 21st century, folks, wow I never thought I’d make it but here I am just like the rest of you! The window is open and our chance is here. Let’s keep pushing on it. Let’s see what happens, let’s find the truth, we can’t go on like we have. It just won’t work — let’s bring in our future fearless and brave together as one. We can do it my friends, I know we can remember. I see it every day! Let’s take this opportunity — what I call a pause. If we reject this fear that engulfs us, we will find out that we now have the opportunity to reject hate, reject fear. And it’s time for us to govern ourselves too! Put this fear mongering in its place by going forward with love. Take the hate and destroy it! POWER TO THE PEOPLE! GROUNDCOVER NEWS 3 Enough is enough! DEZZ CLARK Groundcover vendor No. 643 When the world says enough is enough, when the world says stop killing me, when politicians are killing the people’s dreams, stop; when trash in the sea is killing the fish, stop; when trees are being burnt up, stop — when the wildlife stop reproducing wildlife, stop; when the people of this world keep killing each other in the name of who, God? God didn’t say kill in my name, he said be fruitful, replenish the earth, keep your eyes on me, and all will be well. Stop the hunger, stop the hurt. ‘Cause if you keep on the earth will turn — on you, when she says stop, that hurt me. (‘Cause enough is enough!) We all have to play our part in this world. We have to do our part to come together as a people to live as a people ‘cause happiness is the way of life for our future children who have no idea what this world has for them! But that is our job as a people: to make sure we take care of our children ‘cause they are our future! Enough is enough!!!!! Buy the paper, read the paper! Discover more about the passage of life and the summary of life. There is nothing as objective as reading Groundcover. It’s like happiness in perfect conditions and positive thoughts. Let us analyze the conditions of the world, future, past, and present. Every time you read, you’re inspired to think — both positive and negative things. If you buy the paper, read the paper. Don’t put the paper in the trash! If you throw the paper out on the street, someone without a Groundcover badge might pick up the paper Descubra más sobre el repaso de la vida y el resúmen de la vida. No hay nada más objetivo que leer Groundcover. Es como la felicidad en condiRAMON ROBERTO ISLA CABALLERO Groundcover vendor No. 347 and try to sell it, and get themselves and me in trouble. ciones perfectas y los pensamientos positivos. Analicemos las condiciones del mundo, el futuro, el pasado, y el presente. Cada vez que lees, te inspiras a pensar — tanto en cosas positivas como negativas. Si compras el periódico, léelo. ¡No lo tires a la basura! Si tiras el periódico, alguien sin la credencial de Groundcover puede cogerlo e intentar venderlo. Eso puede meterlo en problemas, y también a mí.

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