The F&I Prophet-George Angus-has something to say “…and remove all doubt” Growing up in Western Michigan in the 60’s, teachers sometimes attempted to plant some wisdom in our hollow minds by having us memorize quotes from great leaders and thinkers. One quote that I have tried to remember is one that is said to be from Abraham Lincoln (although the Book of Solomon has a similar saying). “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt”. Online rudeness. I have been reading Automotive News for over 40 years. And this year, for the first time ever, I noticed they have attached a notice to the comment section of their online articles: “ATTENTION COMMENTERS: Over the last few months, Automotive News has monitored a significant increase in the number of personal attacks and abusive comments on our site. We encourage our readers to voice their opinions and argue their points. We expect disagreement. We do not expect our readers to turn on each other. We will be aggressively deleting all comments that personally attack another poster, or an article author, even if the comment is otherwise a well-argued observation. If we see repeated behavior, we will ban the commenter. Please help us maintain a civil level of discourse”. Automotive News was founded over 90 years ago. Why hasn’t this disclaimer been necessary until now? 12

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