Don’t Wish Time Away T By G.P. Anderson ick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock goes the clock. You know, we often hear people say ‘I wonder where all the time goes?”. And as the saying goes ‘The older you get the faster time flies’, yet when you’re young it seems time creeps along. As the youngest, you wish you were the oldest child. Your sixteenth birthday has you wishing you were eighteen and twenty one is right around the corner. Then one day you turn 75 and start wondering where all the time went. Sobering, isn’t it? You see, time has both advantages and disadvantages. In your environment, decisions you make and how you were raised all play a part in how you view life. So, consider this-we all draw the same salary of time. We all get 24 hours of time every day and 168 hours a week. We’ve often heard folk refer to, "Times like these". And like the current pandemic, every generation has had its various fears. These include the tumultuous ‘60s when assassinations and the Viet Nam war dominated headlines. The seventies brought about recession fears with record oil prices, double-digit unemployment and interest rates. The 2000s further stoked the fires of financial doubt with the dot com bubble burst and major banks cooking their books to prop up bad investments. The list of concerns is endless and unfortunately, will continue. So, can you control time? It sounds like a ridiculous question because we know we can’t slow down nor speed up the clock. Yet if you ask prison inmates who have relinquished time for their crime, they’ll tell you they’re able to hurry it along busying themselves with projects. But like those inmates, the question should probably be “What can I do with my time to become more productive?” Hence the saying, "Use time wisely." Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock goes the clock. Are you empowered, challenged, independent, and flexible with support structures that help you manage those twenty-four hours? Understanding your current situation and goals with responsiveness and clarity are vital else the ticking will cause you to miss an opportunity. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock goes the clock. Consider this: over the next quarter-century, some $70 trillion in assets is expected to pass from one generation to the next - the largest wealth transfer in U.S. history! Often referred to as The Greatest Generation, baby-boomers officially began retiring around 2012 with many still working today. Most started out in the mid-1940s earning around 40¢ an hour. And it’s mind-boggling that having begun with such paltry pay and virtually no wealth handed down to them that they can now pass along such huge numbers to their heirs. How can this be? Having been taught about the Great Depression, they learned how to balance their work lives with family thus creating proper environments for their offspring. In the process, they saved and invested seeking a better life for their children. This happened because they carefully managed their time to max proficiency. The Greatest Generation built massive things after the war and was part of a financial renaissance perhaps only eclipsed by the times we now live in with technology that seemingly makes millionaires overnight. From Galileo & Albert Einstein to Elon Musk & Mark Zuckerburg, all great visionaries get 24 hours a day the same as we. You may call their success luck and perfect timing, but I disagree. These industry leaders all realize how precious time is and used it to their advantage often leveraging the talents and skill of others to accomplish much more than a single person could alone. My question to you is, ‘What are you doing with your time?’ Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock goes the clock. Are you slumming in a recliner on your day off while your family is at the park? Are you spending valuable time at work on social media, online shopping, or texting friends instead of handling down-time customer service issues between deals? Listen, this article isn’t about how to improve your PVR with some catchy new closing technique or word track. There’s plenty of that on Youtube. I’m talking about the deep things in our worlds which can drag us down and waste away time if we’re not cognizant. Learn how to compress your time by moving fast and adopting smart time-saving actions unfettered by the one-size-fits-all work habit. Tailor your solutions to meet your needs. Attend training workshops and conferences going forward. Start committing to surrounding yourself with new ideas. Own your tomorrow. Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock……………….. 11 GP Anderson is the Finance Manager at Thielen Motors in Park Rapids, Minnesota

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