Life in the Box The latest F&I tips and useable quotes from EFI G.P. Anderson: Just got off the phone with a customer that I helped get credit years ago, trading vehicles and he and his family purchased their first home. He couldn't stop thanking me for teaching him how to get credit. Thinking happy thoughts. Teasha McMillion: I use a dollar bill which is 6 inches long. Fold it in half and show customers that the profile of their tires is 1/2 of a dollar bill and most potholes are closer to 3/4 of dollar bill deep (refold it) . "So, wouldn't it make sense for less than a half a dollar bill $0.50 cents/day to protect your tires and rims?!" Yes I teach this as "The Dollar Bill Close" Steve Cohen: Stop offering multiple columns. Offer one and give them no initial options but one. Get the yes or get the no and find out which products THEY see the value in. When I used this method and learned the transition to a conversation, I never had more “full pop” deals than my entire finance career. Don Scott: I always have a copy of my manufacturer's Warranty Guide booklet in my office. I have highlighted the word DEFECTS like 9 times on the 2 summary pages. (We're a GM store.) I grab this book as I'm saying the part about, "Your factory warranty covers defects due to workmanship or materials of construction." Then I open to that page and ask them which word I just said they thought was most important. Then discuss the fact that manufacturers only cover things that are their own fault. Usage and wear and tear and not usually part of factory warranty. Justin Gasman: When a customer says to me that they can save me a bunch of time because they’re not interested in any of that “stuff”, I simply respond with “No problem. I can totally appreciate that. Let me get you out of here quickly.” And I continue to present value in things that I can get them interested in. Don’t fight the F types. Just move on because the deal after that could be your record gross. Dina Wilson: Customer today is lending manager at local credit union. Came in to purchase new vehicle and used captive due to rebate. Sales felt she wouldn’t buy anything. Do you change your presentation because of where they work?? (Their credit union offers a VSC as well.). Absolutely not! Two products (VSC plus Luxcare!) plus financing! It’s a great day doing that thing we do! Billy Maki: focused! I just witnessed a lady with a clipboard buy a platinum package...stay Tony Dee: See all that black burned stuff??? Can’t maintain any of it. It works, until it melts in the heat and fries the entire dash cluster. And NOPE, they do not have a VSC. Tom Brenholts: Salesperson: "This was a tough one!" Customer comes in my office and halfway through presenting option one she says: "That sounds good, we'll take that." You never know. 10

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