Wasco County. Seventy-one percent feel there is no affordable and adequate childcare or didn’t know. Emergency shelter is the one housing service indicated as the most needed. Improve public transportation was the one transportation service specified as the most essential. Community collaboration, the people in the community, and positive energy are what Wasco County's community partners consider its greatest strengths. On the other hand, lack of affordable housing, lack of inclusion, not enough combination of resources or communication with community partners are thought to be this county's greatest challenges. Wasco County community partners responding to this survey would like the entire community to focus on root issues, childcare, caregiver services, educating the community about services available, lobby legislation for better resources, affordable housing, and services available for all ages. Implementation of a housing first program in the Gorge, as well as more community outreach and collaboration between community partners would help achieve Community Action goals in this County. Wheeler County Jobs that pay a living wage, caregiver support, and dental care are the top three household needs in the last twelve months for community members in Wheeler County. Finances was listed as the most recent experiences for barriers/challenges for families. Housing services most needed are rent assistance, mortgage assistance, and repair assistance. Improving public transportation and assistance with personal vehicle are the transportation services most needed. One of six respondents said lack of transportation has been a problem in the last twelve months. Three responses included inability to afford gas as a household challenge with transportation in the last twelve months. For those not working for pay two are caring for an elderly family member. The top two problems related to housing, in the last twelve months, include can’t afford needed repairs and moved to another place. Half of the respondents stated their household has skipped or cut the size of a meal because there was not enough food in the last twelve months, while two say they have had to choose between buying food or paying a bill to meet other basic needs. Saving for retirement and saving in general are the top to financial literacy services Wheeler County community members stated they would participate in. Vision healthcare and grief counseling services are indicated as the most difficult to obtain. Community partners indicate Wheeler County’s biggest challenge is limited resources. They add their community needs to be more educated on what resources are available. Counseling individuals to keep them on track with goals and not giving up is one way they feel Community Action goals can be achieved in their communities. CAPECO | Community Needs Assessment Report | 2021 16
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