Focus Group Community members, partners, staff and CAPECO Board of Directors were all given an opportunity to access and respond to the Focus Group questions. The overall observation of the focus group responses throughout CAPECO’s service area show individual’s opinions vary widely and vary widely even within the counties. When asked about the root causes of poverty, in all counties combined, cycle of Poverty was selected the most, indicated nine times, followed by finances/income/wages, safe and affordable housing, economy and government/bureaucracy. Of the things being done to address poverty, in specific domains within communities, the following were given the greatest attention as to what the respondents feel is helping the most. Domain Response Employment Finances Education Job creation Financial assistance services Resource education Community Outreach Direct contact Advocacy Healthcare/Medicaid preservation Health / Healthcare Mental health services Housing / Homeless Crime / Safety Rental assistance Collaboration Food Assistance Mental health training for law enforcement officers Community alliances Food pantries Given the opportunity to address poverty in their local community, with all barriers removed (political, financial…), safe and affordable housing had the highest number of selections by respondents. Staff Staff feel the greatest strength of working within their community is the connection to the community and they feel privileged to be able to help people in need. Challenges include clients not providing, or not being able to provide, required documentation, scarce resources, connecting with marginalized communities and dealing with the expectation that CAPECO must/will meet all the community’s needs. Staff also say that it would be good for CAPECO to improve its community outreach to promote, inform, and educate community members and partners of services offered as well as teach on topics such as self-sufficiency. In addition, the community can share their needs and community partners can build stronger relationships. Increasing the number of staff to help with current programs and services is something else staff feel is important. They state that more staff and more cross-trained staff would be beneficial. Offering more help around utilities or more availability to use funds for occasional needs like clothing, family care, etc. were also included in staff comments as to what would be helpful. Staff feel additional services from CAPECO should include transportation, or dial-a-ride services in Wasco County. And, for CAPECO’s entire service area, financial counseling, more rental assistance, medical care assistance (for prescriptions or dental services), incentives for landlords to house clients, mortgage assistance, companion programs for lonely seniors, assistance with personal transportation like stipends for gas and repairs, LIHEAP assistance for individuals who are mid-income, and employment assistance were also indicated as additional services, or services that could use improvements. CAPECO | Community Needs Assessment Report | 2021 17

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