Toastmaster Bob’s helpful hints for your wedding Toasts Traditionally the Father of the Bride toasts the Bride & Bridegroom and the Bridegroom toasts the Bridesmaids. The Best Man may also toast the newlyweds if he chooses. It may also be appropriate for the Bridegroom or Father of the Bride to raise a toast during his speech to ‘absent friends’. Which side Remember that the Bridegroom is the Bride's 'right hand man'. In other words, for the ceremony, photos and seating on the top table, the Bridegroom is on the right hand side of his Bride. When walking down the aisle, Dad is on his daughter’s left side. Best remembered by saying ‘the Bride has Buttonholes It may be helpful to appoint someone to make sure each principal guest is wearing their button hole or corsage and they may require help to pin them on. A good florist who is in attendance should help with this but your toastmaster will also be on hand to assist. A man's buttonhole should be worn on the outside of the buttonhole of the left lapel. Corsages are worn just below the lady's right shoulder with the stem pointing up. Menu choices If your guests have a choice menu, it may be helpful to have their choice printed on the reverse of their place name card. If they turn the card over once they are seated it will also assist the waiting staff in serving the correct choice. Guest book Seating The Bride's family should be seated on the left and Bridegroom's on the right (facing the front) & Ushers should remember to leave enough seats on the Bride's side for the Father of the Bride and Bridesmaids to be seated. The seating of family at the top table can often be awkward if parents have divorced and remarried, so do ask your toastmaster for advice on this matter. You can arrange the seating plan however you wish but a conventional top table arrangement, when viewed from the front is: Chief B'maid/BG father /B's mother/B'groom/Bride/B's father/BG's mother/Best Man
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