ORION. I WATCHED C-BEAMS GLITTER IN THE DARK NEAR THE TANNHÄUSER GATE. ALL THOSE MOMENTS WILL BE LOST IN TIME, LIKE TEARS IN RAIN … TIME TO DIE.” WHAT DOES THIS QUOTE MEAN TO YOU AS AN ARTIST? AND HOW HAS THE FILM AS A WHOLE IMPACTED YOU? Oh man, yeah this quote resonates heavily to me. To me, it expresses the beauty in everything, the best memories and the chapters of your life. The perseverance of being human, and in the end, truth. Blade Runner is definitely my favorite movie. The film encompasses this aesthetic that captures this neo-noir post-apocalyptic world. The visuals, story and music really does it for me. So I’ve integrated those elements throughout my designs. The name Lost In Time has a deeper meaning for me. You need to be lost to find where you belong. Meaning you never stop being curious about who you are and what your meaning is. It takes courage in a place you have never felt familiar with, if you keep going you understand where you belong. WHAT’S IT LIKE LIVING AND WORKING IN ALBUQUERQUE, NM VERSUS LOS ANGELES, CA? The difference living here in Albuquerque, New Mexico is that it’s a lot dryer climate and traffic doesn’t exist. Oh, and a lot less people! I lived in Southern California most of my life, so I miss the weather and that ocean air, but it was time for the next adventure. WE REALLY APPRECIATE THE DIVERSITY IN YOUR COLLAGE WORK — SPANNING FROM THE FUN LIGHTHEARTED POP CULTURE REFERENCES TO HOW YOU SPEAK TO ORWELL’S 1984 AND THE NAKED CORRUPTION WE CAN ALL PLAINLY SEE TODAY. THESE DAYS IT TAKES COURAGE TO BE AN ARTIST WHO SPEAKS TRUTH TO POWER IN OUR CURRENT TIME WHERE VIOLENCE IS THREATENED TO KEEP PEOPLE IN THE DARK, AND SHADOWBANNING IS USED TO LEVERAGE CONFORMITY AND CONTROL IN THE DIGITAL WORLD. YOU’VE BEEN DEALING WITH THE LATTER ON SOCIAL MEDIA THIS YEAR, DESCRIBING YOURSELF AS A “NONCONFORMIST — NEEDING TO BE A LION IN A WORLD OF SHEEP” DURING THIS DAY AND AGE AS A DIGITAL ARTIST. CAN YOU EXPAND ON THIS EXPERIENCE AND HOW YOU’RE NAVIGATING THROUGH IT ALL? Yes, I love to push the boundaries and to make people think. There is a wider deeper context surrounding the message I’m trying to convey. Since an early age I have always felt like something didn’t connect or add up. I notice things I don’t think most others do. Pattern recognition has a lot to do with it, I see things differently and question things that don’t add up. It’s a slippery slope, lol … conveying a design that is politically driven can strike some nerves … well … good! That means I did what it was meant to do. I’m not a democrat or a republican, I’m Dave Danzara and I believe to be human. I’m very self-aware, spiritually conscious and a deep thinker. Most people accepted the work, eat, entertainment, sleep, cycle as life but I have a desire for a deeper understanding of our purpose in this universe. I’m expressing and showing exactly what I feel about where we are currently. It is very clear to me that we were born into fear, indoctrinated into propaganda brainwashed zombies, questioning nothing, only to obey. The most frightening part about waking up is finding out most people around you don’t care … you’re either awake by now or you just weren’t meant to be. I’ve become more attracted to authenticity and less attracted to illusion. Deception follows a script, like the saying goes, “all the world’s a stage.” Believe the truth or their truth, that is your mission. YOU CAREFULLY CURATE YOUR ART ON INSTAGRAM AND ELSEWHERE WITH THOUGHTFULLY CHOSEN TUNES, ALL OF WHICH ARE INCREDIBLY DIVERSE SPANNING FROM BANGERS TO DEEP CUTS, BRINGING FURTHER LIFE TO YOUR 11 COME PLAY WITH US JOE STRUMMER

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