CLUB Horoscope Olympics Maybe you were a little obnoxious in your previous life, so you defi nitely found your place in this one. You may not be good at sports, but at least you are trying…to be a referee. A true Paralympic by heart! With you shouting Oooooos, even people who participated in the fi rst Olympic Games in Athens can hear you. the business club The true representatives of hustle culture at AUBG. You have managed to fi nd a way to “shoot” down all the critics as a real cowboy from the Wild West. You and StartUP are like twins that have been separated during birth, but the similarities are evident - always suited up and ready for a great party in “ Billion.” Chalga music and early morning visits of Lelya Krasi are what you are running on, but it seems like you have nailed the formula for success. aUra Talk, talk, talk — safe to say, you love to yap. From music to politics to pop culture, you — and your listeners — know it all. But life on the radio is not always about talking: sometimes, you have got to learn to listen as well. Your (literal) aura will surely glow! the hub A gathering of modern-day knights, armed not with swords and shields, but with keyboards and mice. Together, you represent the future of technology—destined to shape the world at companies like Google, Microsoft, or perhaps even your own groundbreaking startups. But for now, let us admit it: life feels a bit like an old Facebook status update that reads: Current status: In a serious relationship with my laptop. broadway performance club Appropriate and nice, delinquent and fi ne, do not cry, babies, the rehearsals had just begun. “Watch your ass” carefully, take your Listerine, and prepare to sing until sunrise. With music and dance, acting as well, go through the year and see you on stage. start up You are a living example that eating, drinking, and making shady schemes is the right strategy for success in this life. It is inspirational to see how you take all the important decisions in “kruchmi” and “diskoteki,” solidifying the idea that business brilliance does not need a boardroom. It looks like everything is going in the right direction for you, so cheers and keep up the good work protecting the reputation of all business majors. More honors Nobody really knows what kind of people you are, maybe you do not know either. Are you serious? Satirical? Colorful? Scared? Are people scared of you? Maybe an idea for Daily’s next Vox-Pop. Two things are certain. One, people might not even understand what kind of people you are, but at least you are (trying to be) fun, documentary fi lmmakers with a peculiar sense of humor and Donald Trump’s levels of ego. And two, all a person needs sometimes is a roast show from you. the griffins Everyone wants to know the secret of how to juggle with so much going on around you. You embody a true American romcom - hot boys playing football, girls all around your surroundings (maybe some of them want to be even closer to you?- club meetings), and parties, parties, parties. Practice makes perfect, but more practice at football or partying? Sustainability club You may sometimes feel like a plastic straw, but now, you have found your true calling: championing the planet one reusable straw at a time. A true “tree hugger,” you have the determination to keep planting — literal and metaphorical — seeds. With a cause so just, every gust of wind may just be Mother Nature giving you a pat on the back! MEU Ah, MEU, the place where Brussels is more than a city; it is a state of mind. You thrive on EU simulations, heated debates, and the occasional existential crisis over how many acronyms you need to memorize. But beware! While your dreams are draſt ing treaties in Belgium, you are still stuck deciphering bureaucratic jargon for 9 am politics classes at AUBG. You may not be quite there yet but until then, practice your poker face— it is essential for both diplomacy and pretending you have done your readings. 15 Fall 2024 | AUBG Daily Crossword Answers 1. AUBG Spotted, 2. Business Administration, 3.Cry-Baby, 4. Dare to Share, 5. Th e Nutcracker, 6. Student Hub, 7. Joshua, 8. Broadway, 9. Villa 13, 10. Internet, 11. Wild West, 12. MentiFY
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