Memoirs of Skapto 2 Fridge B eing tucked away in the corner of a common man’s room in a small town of Bulgaria, you would think that I am nothing more than an ordinary being. But what is there that I have yet to see in my lifetime? A man? A woman? A gargoyle opening the door to my soul in the middle of the night, begging for a meaning to fulfi ll hisfamished existence? But really I am a monument. Th e perfect representation of a typical student life. My blend of international tastes and accustomed experiences may seem chaotic, but they are also quite useful in the times of need. A newcomer always hesitates to get to know me. Th ey get disgusted by the sears and the sticky stains that I have kept with me over the years. My cold demeanor throws them off too. Th ey always scruff me from head to toe at the beginning of their journeys, cleaning the dirt that othershad leſt behind. But they soon learn that I am their best companion... Whether it is a six-pack of “Pirinsko“ beer or a jar of the Lyutenica your mother sent from home, I am here to ensure it lasts. 16 Fall 2024 | AUBG Daily So, I stay put and wait for you. Th is epicurean life may be small and quiet but I do not complain. I am happy to record each and every person that has stepped foot in this average room of Skaptopara II. Yours truly, Fridge. - Mariam Melikishvili The Key L ooking through the wet window, the bored boy thoughts were only focused on the water drops racing to the bottom. He was so concentrated on fi nding the winner of his imaginary race that his grandfather startled him: “Hey boy what are you doing looking through the window, something interesting going on out there?” – his grandfather asked “No grandpa I am just quite bored today, there is nothing to do when it’s raining outside!” “Well now, let your grandpa lighten your mood, with a little story!” “Okay grandpa.” “It was a long time ago and I believe I was your age, it was a rainy day like this one, and I as well was bored and trying to fi nd something to do with my free time. My father, seeing me, decided to show me a locked room we had in our house, which I always believed was magical!” “Really? Was it magical like you imagined?” “It was magical alright, but not how I expected it, it was better! I witnessed parts of history which you would never see in a textbook or in a library!” “Wow what was in it so much?” “Well would you like to fi nd out?” – his grandfather asked and pulled out a strange key that the boy had never seen before. “Do we have such room here grandpa?” “Of course! Let me show it to you!” – he said in a soſt voice. Th ey went to the room and when the grandfather opened it, the boy bolted in it. He couldn’t believe what he saw that day and knew he would remember it forever. - Boyan Milenkov
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