THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 20, 2023 Page 7 ~ Political Announcement ~ Sacco seeks Precinct 3 TM seat M ark Victor Sacco announces his candidacy for Precinct 3 Town Meeting Member. Mark resides at 16 Westford Street with his wife Christina and his 1 year old daughter Charlee. He is a homeowner and taxpayer. Mark is a lifelong Saugus 3rd generation resident. He graduated in 2009 from Saugus High School. He holds a BA Degree in Construction Management from Wentworth Institute and is employed as a project superintendent. Marks states he is interested in running to represent precinct three especially after noticing the poor attendance of precinct 3 town meeting members. “Upon checking the Town Clerk’s website and looking at the attendance record for Precinct 3’s Town Meeting Members it was appalling to see that three of the five incumbents missed half of the meetings. Precinct 3 has worst attendance record in comparison to the rest of the precincts during this past term,” Mark said. Your vote can make a big difference this November, but what does it mean? Voting YES means... Mark Victor Sacco (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) Of note, last year Mark was instrumental in organizing opposition to adding more apartments, taller buildings, and more traffic in Cliftondale Square. “It is my hope that Saugus can remain a town with quality services and amenities for not only my family but for all the families of Precinct 3,” he said. Mark believes it would be an honor to represent his hometown in precinct 3 and having one of your five votes is appreciated. He pledges to show up to the meetings, be accessible and vote your interest. Gerow seeks to keep her School Committee seat M y husband Chris and my now 9 year daughter Lilly moved to Saugus from Somerville in 2015. I graduated from Somerville High School where I was the sixth generation in my family to be raised there. I immediately went to Northeastern University where I obtained my Bachelor of Science Degree in American Sign Language/English Interpreting. Chris has been a member of the Teamsters Union with UPS for 26 years. I have been a combination Freelance/Contact Interpreter for 23 years and currently spend the majority of my work hours on the Interpreting team at Boston University. Lilly, a Belmonte STEAM Academy 4th grader, also has a very full schedule. Currently, I’m an Assistant Cheer Coach to the U10 Saugus Youth Football and Cheer team. We have been very busy this Fall and it’s been an honor to work alongside some amazing Parent and Guardian Volunteers. In addition my time is spent as a Girl Scout Leader where I’m able to help our girls focus on becoming better citizens and help give back to our Voting YES will help establish a Charter Commission of elected residents who will review the town charter and make recommendations on how ti make Saugus even better Voting YES gives you an opportunity to look at other communities and see if there is a better way to run Town Hall. Voting YES creates a new opportunity to engage the entire community in a process that can result in better services provided efficiently and effectively. Voting YES acknowledges that a town charter drafted decades ago, before cell phones and the Internet, should maybe get reviewed to ensure that our hometown isn’t getting left behind. Voting NO means there is nothing that should even be considered to make Saugus Town Hall better, more accountable and transparent. Voting NO means... Voting NO means there will be no Charter Commission. Voting NO means the status quo is good enough. Moving SAUGUS Forward VOTE YES Accountability Community Transparency Leigh Gerow (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) community. In 2022, I was honored to be asked to take over a place on the current Board. This experience has been a great learning experience. It has allowed me to meet so many of you and to hear and focus on what really matters: our Students. As a Mom and a woman, I’ve been able to use these perspectives to see the issues of our children through a valuable and unique lens. Your votes matter. Your voice matters. I’d be honored to receive one of them on November 7th. School Committee Member Leigh Gerow GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! GO TO REVERESELFSTORAGE.COM TO RESERVE ONLINE OR SCAN QR CODE • 100% Climate Controlled Facility • Newly Constructed Facility • 5000 Lb. Oversized Elevator • Secure Units–Various Sizes • State-Of-The-Art Surveillance Cameras • Secure Units–Various Sizes

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