Page 8 THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 20, 2023 Mike Serino seeks to keep selectman seat ~ Political Announcement ~ Dear Neighbors and Voters I am honored to announce my re-election candidacy to the Board of Selectmen. I am a graduate of Saugus High School and the University of Massachusetts. My first involvement in our community was at the age of 22, when I was fi rst elected as a Town Meeting Member from Precinct 10. I am currently fi nishing up my 14th year on the Board of Selectmen. I also served as the former Chairman of the Board of Assessors and the Saugus Conservation Commission. Moreover, I was a member of the Town Meeting Charter Commission, serving as Vice-Chairman. As you can tell, I love Saugus! Financially, Saugus is in great shape. The Town continues to have yearly balanced budgets, with 20 million dollars in our reserve accounts. Saugus’s bond rating is AA+, the highest in Saugus’s history. We continue to make investments in our schools, parks and playgrounds, roads, water and sewer systems. Over-Development is a challenging issue facing Saugus. In 2015, Town Meeting passed a mixed-use zoning overlay dis~ ESTATE SALE ~ 64 LINDEN AVE, MALDEN Sat., October 28 & Sun., October 29 - 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM - 5 rooms of furniture, bedroom sets, dining room set, formal living room set, kitchen wares, vintage clothing, china, serving pieces, Kick-Knacks, vinyl records, Capodimonte collectibles, also included in the garage are vintage tools, ladders, garden tools and masonry supplies. trict on Rt. 1. After the development of Avalon Bay and Essex Landing, I became concerned with the loss of our commercial tax base, the excessive number of apartments, and the impact on traffi c, public safety and our school system. Therefore, I authored several zoning changes that would increase our commercial tax base and signifi cantly reduce the number of apartments. Town Meeting supported my changes (35-5). There has to be a balance between quality growth and protecting the quality of life in our Town. The revitalization of Cliftondale square is a top priority of mine. Some believe that changing our zoning to allow apartment buildings in Cliftondale will revitalize the area. DEBRA PANETTA | FROM PAGE 6 development that balances growth with protection of our neighborhoods and local infrastructure, and • continued public discussions regarding the offline schools. “I am honored to have In two separate surveys, Saugus residents opposed the construction of apartments. It is important that we respect our residents and protect their neighborhoods. I successfully led the opposition to the rezoning. Under the leadership of the Town Manager, Board of Selectmen and Town Meeting Members, two properties were recently purchased for parking in the square. Moreover, the manager recently secured a 2.3 million dollar grant to help revitalize Cliftondale. I do support the Urban Land Institute’s Cliftondale Square Revitalization Report that recommended: Improvements to the roadway, new sidewalks, specialty lighting and adding open space. According to the report, the improvements would inserved as your Selectman for the past 12 years. I believe I have conducted myself with dignity, integrity, and professionalism with the office you have entrusted me with. I would like to work towards the continued progress our town has made for the betterment of residents Michael J. Serino (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) crease pedestrian safety and help create a neighborhood identity. In closing, I am honored to have served our Town with professionalism and integrity. I would appreciate one of your fi ve votes on election day. I am number #5 on the ballot. and business owners,” Panetta states. Please cast one of your votes for Debra on Tuesday, November 7th. She is #1 on the ballot. Contact information: (781233-9720), debracpanetta@ gmail.com, Facebook: Debra Panetta for Saugus Selectmen SABATINO INSURANCE AGENCY 519 BROADWAY EVERETT, MA 02149 Auto * Home * Boat * Renter * Condo * Life * Multi-Policy Discounts * Commercial 10% Discounts * Registry Service Also Available Sabatino Insurance is proud to welcome the loyal customers of PHONE: (617) 387-7466 FAX: (617) 381-9186 Visit us online at: WWW.SABATINO-INS.COM

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