THE SAUGUS ADVOCATE – FriDAy, OCTObEr 13, 2023 Page 13 The Sounds of Saugus By Mark E. Vogler Good morning, Saugus! Tomorrow (Saturday, Oct. 14) should be a great day to welcome newcomers to Saugus, as well as to provide a refresher orientation course to native Saugonians and longtime residents. The Saugus Middle-High School Complex, at 1 Pearce Memorial Dr., will be hosting the second annual Saugus 4-11, from 9 a.m. through noon. Selectman Corinne Riley, who spearheaded the event last year as a way to fill a great void in a town that lacks a Chamber of Commerce, said this year’s event has expanded substantially. “We have received 30 requests for non-profit groups and committees to be a part of this wonderful event welcoming new families, and inviting all Saugus residents whether they have lived here for 1 year or 60 years to learn about what Saugus has to offer as well as questions anyone may have concerning our town and the school district along with these non-profit groups including youth sports, houses of worship, clubs, police/fire, veteran groups, seniors, library information, and so much more! “This year, there are three added features to get people interested in their organization. The Saugus Theater Company will perform a sample from their upcoming production of ‘Little Shop of Horrors,’ the Lions will have their Eye mobile testing sight and hearing, and the Saugus Garden Club will have a demonstration as well. Everyone who has been involved in supporting and organizing this event, hope many new as well as all Saugonians stop in to see what our town has to offer!” Tours of the complex will be available. For further information or questions, please email Saugus411@gmail.com “The Pumpkin Patch” needs your help tomorrow If you feel like enjoying a nice autumn day outdoors, here’s a morning event you might like down at Saugus Center. Another “Pumpkin Truck” will arrive at First Congregational Church this Saturday, October 14 at 9 a.m. Volunteers are needed to help unload the truck. If you are willing to help, please arrive at the church by 9 a.m. The Annual Pumpkin Patch will run through Halloween, Oct. 31. Pumpkins of all sizes are displayed on the church lawn and will be available for purchase every day from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Volunteers are also needed to help staff the various shifts for the selling of pumpkins. If interested please contact Carl Spencer at 781-233-9196 or just stop by and sign up. The Pumpkin Patch offers a great way to get in the fall spirit. Trivia Night at Kowloon’s The Saugus Business Education Collaborative is having a Trivia Night at Kowloon’s on Route 1 North next Thursday (Oct. 19), starting at 6 p.m. This event is to raise funds for the Collaborative to reinvest programs that benefit the Saugus school system. Teams of five will compete for the honor of being the year’s Trivia champs. This was last held about four years ago. About 15 or more teams will compete for the championship. The teams will have a buffet dinner served by Kowloon before the start of the event. Spectators are welcome. The cost for a spectator is $20 and will also include the buffet dinner. The doors will open at 6 p.m. and the event will start at 7 p.m. Raffle tickets for great prizes will be available for $10.00 each or three for $20.00. Tickets to sporting events will be among the prizes. Prizes have been donated by town businesses, including WIN Waste Innovations. Food Pantry notes The Saugus United Parish Food Pantry is open today (Friday, Oct. 13) from 9:30-11 a.m. Legion Breakfast today There’s a good breakfast deal for Saugus veterans and other folks who enjoy a hearty breakfast on Friday mornings. The American Legion Post 210 at 44 Taylor St. in Saugus offers Friday morning breakfasts for the 2023-24 season. Doors open at 7:30, with breakfast served from 8-9:00 a.m. for an $8 donation. Veterans who cannot afford the donation may be served for free. Special “Shout Outs” Laura Eisener, who writes the “Saugus Gardens” column for The Saugus Advocate, shared some great news she heard from the Topsfield Fair: “Lori Burke, who lives in Saugus, was crowned Mrs. Essex County on Sunday at the Topsfield Fair. Her mother Phyllis Berrett has volunteered at the fair for over 30 years and was planning to retire after this year so it is nice to have the climax of this year’s fair be her daughter’s award.” The Saugus Fire Honor Guard members were in the spotlight on Wednesday (Oct. 11) night at TD Garden in Boston as they presented the Colors at the Boston Bruins Centennial Season opener. (Courtesy photo to The Saugus Advocate) Joanie Allbee, AKA “The Sketch Artist”: “A shout out for Jack Klecker upon hearing from the Editor of Jack’s phone-in entry. For his sense of humor and support of the Sketch artist column! Jack called in a silly name, but sure enough when entered he was the winner chosen from the editor’s Red Sox hat. Enjoy your $10.00 gift certificate prize from Hammersmith you guessed right yes the sketch was of Jack Klecker.” Want to “Shout Out” a fellow Saugonian? This is an opportunity for our paper’s readers to single out – in a brief mention – remarkable acts or achievements by Saugus residents or an act of kindness or a nice gesture. Just send an email (mvoge@ comcast.net) with a mention in the subject line of “An Extra Shout Out.” No more than a paragraph; anything longer might lend itself to a story and/ or a photo. We have a winner! More than a dozen people emailed or called in with the correct answer to last Friday’s “Sketch of the Week.” But it was John Farrington Flywheel’s name that got picked from the hat. As it turns out, that was a fictitious name left by the actual subject of the sketch. Here’s the response by the Saugus resident who goes by the name of “The Sketch Artist”: “The answer to last week’s sketch is Jack Klecker. Jack is a U. S. Navy Veteran and our new 2023 Saugus Man of the Year! Jack is often found quietly working behind the scenes at Saugus Historical Society where he is a Board member. “Jack is often assisting with tasks and volunteering using his truck too to transport and lift vital equipment for Fairs and events. Jack has received many awards, a few he received recently are two awards from Daughters of the American Revolution (“God Home and Country”) at a D.A.R. rewards Ceremony meeting. And he also received an award from Saugus American Legion Post #210. “At the Saugus Historical Society is a glass encased scale model of Saugus Iron Works, that Jack built often at times using tweezers. There is a plaque on the wall beside the case with a little of Jack’s biography. He has been featured in many articles in Saugus. In The Saugus Advocate Sept. 15 issue, Jack is on the front cover displaying his ‘Man of the Year’ 2023 award sitting beside Gail Cassarino, our Woman of the Year 2023. Under their photo is the cutline For the Betterment of Saugus - Honored by the Town. Thanks Jack. Keep on shining your light out there for all to see. “Yours truly, “The Sketch Artist” A pet parade at Breakheart Breakheart Reservation will host its First Annual Pet Parade on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Christopher Dunne Visitor Center, 177 Forest St., Saugus. A $10 cash only donation is requested to enter the contest. Prizes will be awarded for Best Costume and Best Personality to the animals that parade around in front of the center. Raffle prizes will be open to all who donate. Proceeds will be used by the Friends of Breakheart Reservation for park activities and future events. The event is being sponsored by the Friends and Peter A. Rossetti Insurance. Writers/Illustrators Meet & Greet – Oct.16 Are you looking to meet other creative minds north of Boston? Join us for The Room to Write’s next quarterly Writers and Illustrators Meet & Greet, which will be held Monday (Oct. 16) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 647 Broadway, Saugus. Adult writers and illustrators of all genres and levels are invited to meet up and share ideas, ask questions and support each other. We will have a few snacks available to munch on and attendees can purchase their favorite fall drink. See you there! This Meet & Greet is sponsored by The Room to Write and located in space being generously provided by Panera Bread in Saugus. Contact Colleen Getty at colleen@ theroomtowrite.org or 781621-3274 with questions. Visit www.theroomtowrite.org to learn about The Room to Write’s other programs and events. THE SOUNDS | SEE PAGE 14

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